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English vocabulary

Worth: The value equivalent to that of someone or something under

consideration; the level at which someone or something deserves to be
valued or rated. Example: They had to listen to every piece of gossip
and judge its worth.

Chore: A routine task, especially a household one. Example: Girls as

young as four and five are expected to help with household chores and
caring their younger siblings.

Household: A house and its occupants regarded as a unit.

Example: The whole household was asleep.

Arrangement: Plans or preparations for a future event. Example: All

the arrangements for the wedding were made.

Guilty: Culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.

Example: The police will soon discover who the guilty party is.
Proceeds: Money obtained from an event or activity. Example:
Proceeds will help purchase new equipment.
Alongside: Close to the side of; next to. Example: She was sitting
alongside him.
Remarkable: Worthy of attention; striking. Example: That is a
remarkable coincidence.
Gap: A break or hole in an object or between two objects. Example:
He came through the gap in the hedge.
Wealth: An abundance of valuable possessions or money. Example:
He used his wealth to bribe officials.
Convince: Cause (someone) to believe firmly in truth of something.
Example: Robert's expression had obviously convinced her of his

Downgrade: Reduce to a lower grade. Example: Some jobs had

gradually been downgraded from skilled to semiskilled.
Lessen: Make or become less; diminish. Example: The years have
lessened the gap in age between us.
Vow: Solemn promise. Example: Who would have guessed someone
so young could make such a solemn vow and keep it for over fifty
Skeptics: A person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.
Example: How does he gain by fortressing himself and his
administration away from critics, skeptics, and questioners?
Soar: Fly or rise high in the air. Example: The bird spread its wings
and soared into the air.
Togetherness: The state of being close to another person or other
people. Example: The sense of family togetherness was strong and
excluded neighbors.
Uplifting: Morally or spiritually elevating; inspiring happiness or hope.
Example: An uplifting tune.
Noteworthy: Interesting, significant, or unusual. Example: It is
noteworthy that no one at the bank has accepted responsibility for the
Raise: Lift or move to a higher position or level. Example: She raised
both arms above her head.

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