COMMONLY FOUND Idioms in Students

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COMMONLY FOUND idioms in students' writing:

Double Edge Sword
- something or a situation that is both good & bad
e.g.: This house is a double edge sword. This house is a beautiful house, but
very expensive.
1. A Piece Of Cake - something that is very easy
e.g: The English test was a piece of cake.
2. Beat It - leave (someone) alone; to stop leave & go somewhere else
e.g.: The man in the library told us, if we are not quiet, then we must beat it.
3. Bookworm - someone that likes to read many books; someone that is always
e.g.: My sister is a bookworm. My sister is always at the library reading and
4. Brainstrom - to generate many ideas quickly
* Before we began writing, our teacher asked us to brainstorm topics for our
5. Break the Ice - to get things started, particularly by the means of social
introduction or conversation
* It can be difficult to break the ice at formal events.
6. Copycat to copy from someone; to so the same thing as someone else
e.g..: My brother is a copycat. He does everything I do
Couch Potato
Dead Wood
Drop The Ball
Far Cry From
Flunk Out

Give Green Light

Give My Word
Get The Axe
Hard Head
Head Over Heels
Hit The Roof
Keep An Eye
Kill Time
Potluck Dinner
Rain on (Someone's) Parade - to spoil someone's happy feeling
* I'm in a great mood, so don't rain on my parade!
Stick To The Program
Spill The Beans
Stubborn As A Mule
Stick With
Take (something) by storm - to overwhelm someone or something, often by
becoming famous quickly or by spreading rapidly.
* Siti Nurhaliza took Malaysia by storm in the 1990s
The Early Bird Catches The Worm
Train Wreck

Made My Day

Miss The Boat

Mix Up
Many hands make light work
This idiom means that when everyone gets involved in something, the work gets done

Under The Weather

Raining Cats & Dogs
When it is raining cats and dogs, it is raining very heavily.

Where there is a will, there is a way di mana ada kemahuan, di situ ada jalan

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