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Mountain Dew = Glow Stick

I love drinking Mountain Dew. Many of my friends often say

that it is radio active because it can be turned into a glow
stick by adding a few household items. So
Can you really turn Mountain Dew into a glow stick by simply
adding baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dish soap?

No. I do not believe that my beloved
drink can be turned into a glow stick by
adding a few simple household items.

Items Needed

Dish Soap, Baking Soda,

Hydrogen Peroxide, and
Mt Dew!...of course!

Pour out or drink all but a small volume

of the soft drink (~1/4 inch). If your

bottle is empty, add a little water.
Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid.
Add 1-3 capfuls of hydrogen peroxide.
Add a pinch of baking soda and
immediately seal the bottle.
Turn out the lights (if you haven't
already) and vigorously shake the bottle.

The Results Are In!!

It did not GLOW!!

However unhealthy Mountain Dew
may be for other obvious reasons, it
is not toxic and cannot be
turned into a glow stick as predicted.

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