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Creating Corridors & Communities:

The Construction & Impact of the Railroad(s)


Homesteaders & the West

A. The Homestead Act (1862)
1. Improvements & Success Rates
Technical Assistance
A. The Morrill Land Grant Act (1862)
Building the Transcontinental Railroad
A. The Central Pacific & Theodore Judah
B. The Big Four
C. The Pacific Railway Acts
1. Subsidies
1. Loans
2. Land Grants
D. The Union Pacific
E. Labor
1. The Irish
2. The Chinese
F. Completion, Celebration & Contributions?
Systems, Symbiosis & Stories
A. The Southern Pacific & Agriculture
1. Settlement & Improvement
2. The Functions of Freight
3. Absolute & Relational Space
4. The Octopus
-The Transcontinental Railroad (Construction: 1862-May 10, 1869)
-The Homestead Act (1862)
-Morrill Act (1862)
Key Terms
-Pacific Railroad Act (1862)
-The Chinese, the Central Pacific & the Sierra Mountains
-The Irish, the Union Pacific & the Rocky Mountains
-Promontory Point, Utah
-The Big Four (Mark Hopkins, Charles Crocker, Collis Huntington & Leland Stanford)
-Morrill Act (1862)
-Improvements, Filing Claims, Fraud & Speculation
-Sod Houses
-Absolute & Relational Space

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