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Blood formation

The blood comes from yunani that is hemo hemato dan hima that means the
blood. Blood is a liquid that is present on all living things ( except plants), High
level functional sending substances and oxygen needed by the bodys tissues,
trasporthing materials chemistry results metabolism and also fungtion as a
defense of the body against viruses and bacteria.
function of blood in the body that is, as a carrier substance, transporting oxygen,
keeping the immune system, raised the carbon dioxide from the tissues to
remove it through the lungs, spreading heat throughout the body.
Hemoglobin (Hb) is a protein complex containing iron pigment.,Hemoglobin
carries O2, CO2 par

Hematocrit (Ht) is a number that indicates the percentage of solids in the blood
against the blood fluid.
Platelets are the smallest part of the cellular elements of the bone marrow and a
very important role in hemostasis and coagulation.
Leukocyte-containing blood cell nucleus, also called white blood cells.
Five types of white blood cells that have been identified in peripheral blood are:
* Neutrophils (50% - 75% of the total SDP)
* Eosinophils (1% - 2%)
* Basophils (0.5% - 1%)
* Monocytes (6%)
* Lymphocytes (25% - 33%)
kinds of circulatory system diseases
1. Anemia
deficiency anemia is a disease caused by red blood cells
2. hemofilia
hemophilia blood disease caused by hard freezes and the disease is usually
3. leukomia
leukemia is a disease caused by the overproduction of white blood cells

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