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ALMOST FAMOUS by Cameron Crowe (c) 2000, DreamWorks ALMOST FAMOUS FADE IN A close-shot of a yellow legal tablet. A young hand writes credits in pencil. Dissolves of artifacts from the road -- hotel ashtrays, soap, pencils, hotel pads, phone books, the corner of a plane ticket. And then, the warm crackle of a vinyl record. It's Alvin and the Chipmunks. "Christmas Song." SHOTS OF SAN DIEGO A Southern California Christmas EXT. PACIFIC BEACH SHOPPING STREET - DAY Santa Claus wears shorts and sandals, ringing a bell as he collects for the Salvation Army. The year is displayed on his collection box - 1968. Turning the corner, walking into frame is ELAINE MILLER, 35. She is a tall woman, consumed by the fevered conversation she's having with her pale young son WILLIAM, late pre-teens. She hurries her son through the commercial juggernaut, continuing their lively intellectual conversation. ELAINE You want to be Atticus Finch. 0h, that makes me feel so good. YOUNG WILLIAM I like him. ELAINE (excited) why? YOUNG WILLIAM Well, he’s honest. ELAINE Yes! YOUNG WILLIAM And he stands up for the right thing. ELAINE Yes. YOUNG WILLIAM And he’s a good father. ELAINE Yes.

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