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Oceanic Airlines

456 South Blvd. Airway

Bermuda Triangle, FL
Sept. 9th, 2015
Oceanic Co.

Sally Smith,
As the board members of Oceanic Co. Airlines, we are deeply apologetic and are
filled with sorrow from the loss of our passengers on the Oceanic Flight 723. Our staff
has made changes to our safety and security on all of our airlines, which will be
implemented immediately. We as a company would like to offer you your $3 million
dollar settlement by the end of the week. As well as giving you your settlement, we
would also like to offer you a golden ticket to any airline company in America, for one
free round trip to the country of your choice! We will also be offering a complimentary
stay at any resort or hotel of your choice, in the country you choose (under terms and
Again, we are saddened by the loss of our passengers on Flight 723, but we can
assure you that we are willing to accommodate you with any further concerns you may
have, as we hope this aids you and your loss.
Thank you,
Cameron E. Johannesen
Cameron E. Johannesen
Oceanic Airlines Co. Board Of Directors

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