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Mock Memo Assn.

Date: Sept. 4th, 2015

To: Professor Intawiwat
From: Cameron Johannesen
Subject: Introduction To Tech. Comm: CHP 1 EX 1
I visited the website of Chevron, which is an energy business geared towards cleanlier and more
natural ways of producing energy for the world. I have compiled a summary on the different
types of writing that I have found throughout the Chevron website.
The first type of writing I discovered was technical, energy/engineering jargon. This type of
jargon was difficult for me to understand and would probably be difficult for anyone else to
understand who does not have that type of knowledge and background. An example of this
writing was found under their Global Issues tab, as it read, Mitigation of GHG emissions,
adaptation to climate change and continuation of scientific and technological research should all
be considered. This sentence was difficult for me to understand and had me having to do my
own research.
The second type of writing I found was a more business, and formal type of writing that was
easy and welcoming for visitors of their site to read. This type of language seemed to be more
popular on their home page and their positions in the company tab. An example of this was found
under their Board of Directors tab which read, to maintain integrity, Chevron holds its
workforce to the highest standards of business honesty and integrity and encourages employees
to report questionable conduct.
The writing on this website was difficult at times but was definitely able to grab the readers
attention as the word usage was engaging and appropriate, for the company. I think this company
has a very mobile website that is user friendly and has a great deal of useful information.

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