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Kathy Diaz

Prof. Collins
English 113A

Children. Various children running, laughing, walking, talking, playing games.
Everyone wearing bright color clothing with nothing but smiles. But then you see a
small girl sitting in a corner just watching everyone else play. Wondering to herself
why she isnt being excepted by others. A dark cloud following her everywhere she
goes, tears running down her cheeks while three other girls laughing pointing and
all wearing pink with high pony tails. Every child teasing. Making the muslim girl feel
left behind because of what she wears and how she looks.

This image is powerful because it connects to how children are being raised to bully
children and to have hatred towards other ethnicitys. How parents allow children to
believe they are better than other children just because they are making things
worse for society and wont help anything or anyone but themselves. Arguments are
being made because many believe that bullying doesnt happen. This connects to
our progession because throughout the speeches we read it taught how an act of
kindness can make us better.

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