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Joseph Parker

Common Application
Personal Essay
August 2015

The concept of faith has managed to grasp millions of civilizations over the
course of history. What makes this faith so enticing and how has it managed to
manipulate the minds of so many? There are many different answers to these questions.
One common argument suggests that faith brings emotional aid and comfort to those who
fear death. Naturally, in response to this fear, faith becomes an outlet of relief. It would
only make sense for us as humans to gravitate towards something as appealing as eternal
life. If this is true, then, why do so many believe so strongly? Faith has been fought over
and died for. It has been the cause of wars and people have been persecuted for it. Still,
after all that, faith has remained prominent. Though hard to comprehend, the clearest
explanation comes from a reality that cannot be grasped. There must be something more.
Something greater beyond the human race that has, does, and will always govern our
world and the worlds unknown. Scientists have attempted to disprove this belief by
giving countless lectures on the creation of the universe and by teaching various theorems
that prove nothing existed before time. Once again, a compelling counter-argument can
be given. How can science disprove the existence of something that exists outside of a
physical, testable realm? The answer is simple. It cant. Whether a God or higher being
exists or not will have to be a question that is answered on our own. For now, it remains
one of the most intriguing mysteries of life that we face everyday.

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