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College of Teacher Education

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Filipino
Guidance and Counseling
Counselor: Lanielyn D. Godoy
Counelees: Sherleen Mae Villanueva
Judy Ann C atapia
Instructor: Sir Samuel Comia
My Counselees are Ms. Sherleen Mae Villanueva and Ms. Judy Ann Catapia.
Ms. Sherleen Mae or simply Kakay, was nice and pleasant. I didn't find it hard to talk to her
or to get the informations that I wanted to know.
She opens her life to me as if we have been together for so long. According to her, she was a
product of a broken family. Her father left her when she was in grade 5. She was the eldest among
her two siblings. Her mother is the one who takes care of them and the one that provides their
daily needs.
Her mother was a manicurist, she says that sometimes she felt so hard to ask money in her
mother because she knows that it wasn't easy for her mother to earn the money that she was
asking. She's determinated to accomplished her study and be successful. She has a lot of
scholarship but still not that enough for all the expenses. She looks like someone who doesn't
mind anything or any problem in life, but just like me, she's with a lot of problems that she must
not think at her early age.
As she narrates her life to me, she opens her experienced with her father. She says that even if
it wasn't good to say that she hates her father so much, she really does. According to her, her father
hurts them physically and emotionally. It's harder for her whenever she saw her father hurting her
mother thats why she thought that it's much better if they would live seperately with their father.
Education isn't her first choice but she's now loving it already. She wants to major either
English or Science. She's not good in ball games according to her. Even if she's tall and there are
people who says that she's good in ball games, she refuses because she fears to fail to hit the ball
or to be hit by the ball. Singing and dancing hates her as she said so that she's just enjoying it since
it's a part of their concert that would be presentend this coming October 19.
She says that she's kind and humble. She's jolly but sometimes other people are being
offended at her. When those times happen, she never hesitate to say sorry. She says that she dont
want others to hate her and she doesn't hate anybody but there are those that even if she dosn't
know talks about her whenever they saw her.
Kakay is good. She always want to gain good grades for her mother because for her, that's the

one that would ease the pain that her mother felt and the hardship that she was now suffering. Her
mother have epilepsy and asthma. It's hard for her to see her mother suffering from those illness.
Someday, she wants to take care of her mother as how her mother takes care of her and her
siblings. She wants to be successful for her family.

My second counselee is Ms. Judy Ann Catapia. I wasn't able to meet her because she's busy
with their concert. I made my counceling to her through text. I met her when I borrowed her
project. She's a little bit shy at me.
I texted her and it's good that she's responsing. She's the third among her 4 siblings. They
three who are studying. Her father is a laborer while her mother is a housekeeper. One of the
problem that she's facing was the finacial problem. She has her scholarship at PSWDO, were I am
a scholar too. Those scholarship programs really gives the opportunity to those like as to have our
education and to get a degree.
Since, I didn't able to meet her I just ask her the things that I wanted to know through text. It
wasn't easy at all. I am not able to ask more questions because I might offend her or either.
Education wasn't her first choice too. She wants to be a chef or to take the course HRM or Hotel,
Restaurant Management but it's getting good to her now. She wants to take either Science or
Filipino as a major.
Even if I didn't have much time with her I can see that she is good and has her love and
strong commitment to her family. Also, education as her course fits her personality.
Lastly, this counseling is not only a recquirement to be passed but a also a opportunity for me
to discover one's personality and to know that despite all those smiles and happy faces are
problems that are hidden for a better purpose. I also see my them as the reflection of my own. It is
like asking my own and discovering my own personality.

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