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The Place

Casablanca bistro sea side magic everywhere, gentle breeze

fanning my face enjoying the splendid view, in a country not my
own, far from home. Then like a feather in the wind she drifted my
way uninvited into my space, she knew I was a traveller enjoying
the change. She started a conversation, asked me where I am from
where I stay. I could see through her eyes the heart of a gentle dove
and a beauty untouched, a woman who knew her place. Karaoke
love songs playing in the background, the sun setting in the west,
the mood, a love filled place. Bodies touching close by, electricity
was every where in the place. I invited her to stay, so we talked the
night away, she did not want to leave, she knew she had found the
company of a man who appreciates a womans way. As the night
passed she moved into my space, her breath so close to my ears,
her hair blowing in my face, her palms upright, giving me the
signal it was time to leave the place. We left holding hands, we
kissed, we hugged, we said good night and the next day we left our
separate ways not knowing if we will ever meet again.
Meredith Meredith 2015

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