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Menopause Treatment

Symptoms and signs of menopause experienced by a woman is very

individual. For a robust woman, they will not be too much to feel symptoms
when entering menopause, otherwise a rather 'sensitive' complaints will feel
great both physically and mentally. Some of the signs and symptoms include:

Bleeding here is bleeding from the vagina. Unlike the arrival of regular
menstrual, bleeding that occurs in menopausal women is irregular. These
symptoms appeared mainly at the start of menopause. Bleeding will appear
several times in the span of several months and then stopped altogether. Since
the emergence of early menopause, these symptoms often referred to as
transitional phenomena.

The heat and sweat the night

Burning sensation often experienced women who entered menopause. This
feeling is often perceived from the face of spreading throughout the body.
Heat is often accompanied by redness of the skin and sweating. This feeling is
often the case for 30 seconds up to several minutes. Although the explanation
of this phenomenon is not known with certainty but is thought to occur
because of the hormones estrogen fluctuations. As is known, at the time of
menopause, estrogen hormone levels in the blood will drop sharply and
therefore contributes to some body functions controlled by these hormones.
Until now has not found a method to estimate at what age this phenomenon
will appear and when it will end. This burning sensation has occurred even
before a woman enters menopause. These symptoms will disappear within 5
years at around 80% of women, the rest will continue to experience up to 10

Unfortunately, in addition to feeling hot and flushed, suffering menopausal

women who were also supplemented with sweating at night. These symptoms
will certainly disturb the sleep that causes women who experience it will
always lack of sleep. 1
Vaginal symptoms
Symptoms of the vagina arising from changes in the vaginal lining. The
vagina becomes dry and less elastic due to the decrease in estrogen levels. In
addition came the itching of the vagina and the more severe is the pain during
intercourse. Changes in the vaginal area also resulted in menopausal women
prone to vaginal infections.

Symptoms urination
Changes that occur in the lining of the vagina also occur in the urethra tract.
Urethra is the channel that channel urine from the bladder to the outside of the
body. The channel will also dry up the urethra, thinning and reduced
keelastisannya result of decreased estrogen levels. This change will cause
menopausal women prone to urinary tract infections, always wanted to pee
and wetting.

Emotional and cognitive symptoms

Women who will be entering menopause often experience emotional and
cognitive symptoms are varied. These symptoms include, mental fatigue,
memory problems, irritability, and mood changes that take place quickly.
Very difficult to know which symptoms are influenced by hormonal changes.
These emotional changes are sometimes not recognized by the woman who
was the menopause, so need a special approach to this problem. This approach
is to convince the woman to what was suffered. Cold sweat that appears also
to suggest the physical exhaustion resulting from lack of sleep.

Other physical changes

Other physical changes include changes in body fat distribution in menopausal
women where the fat deposits on the hips and abdomen. Changes in skin
texture, skin wrinkles, and sometimes accompanied by acne.
After all this time discussing the human body fresh, fresh, not what it once
Khan discusses elderly. We can not close my eyes, we soon will.

Women who experience menopause symptoms of menopause (menopausal

symptoms) in developed countries who use hormone replacement therapy
has been switched to therapy with the use of natural herbal vitamins
menopause. Here are some vitamins that need to be consumed by the
menopausal age women. 2
Vitamin B complex
Contained in nuts, grains, and salmon. Consumption of vitamin B complex
can reduce fear, anxiety, without any obvious stimulus.

Vitamin C
There are the fruit fresh.

Vitamin D
Found in foods such as oily fish, salmon, sardines and tuna. but there is
also the skin when exposed to sunlight in the morning.

Vitamin E
Found in nuts and vegetable oils.

Found in milk, fortified soy products, grains. Calcium can help strengthen

Found in meat, fruits, dried fruits, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach.

Magnesium can reduce stress. Found in nuts and dark green vegetables.

Found in oysters and pumpkin seeds. Very good for the bones and sex
organs. 3

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