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UTP RUN 2012 Logistic Department

UTP RUN 2012

Post Mortem Report
Logistic Department
Head of Dept


Assistant Head of Dept : Thasaratha Rao A/L Supramaniam

Committee Members:
1. Lingeshgugan A/L Sanmugan
2. Vinod A/L N.Rajandran
3. Tan Chee Huat
4. Ong Kai Sheng
5. Carthikraja

UTP RUN 2012 Logistic Department


This document is about the arising issues which had been discussed during
the Post-Mortem meeting of UTP RUN 2012. This document contains improvements
that can be done in the future. This document also provides guidelines for the future
UTP RUN Logistic Department.


The purpose of this document is to inform the future UTP RUN Logistic
Department about their job scopes and the mistakes of previous Logistic
Department. We hope in the future, these mistakes can be overcome and hence
improving UTP RUN in a more effective manner.


During the post-mortem meeting, the Board and Logistic have highlighted
several problems and mistakes occurred during UTP RUN 2012 period.

Problems encountered:
1. The first problem would be the difficulties in carrying the items from one
place to another; every member from Logistic have no cars. The problem is
settled by requesting help from other department in order to get a transport
to send the item
2. The second problem is encountered on the event day. The Green Room and
VIP Suite used by previous group from other event didnt clean the rooms
well. The rooms are dirty and full of rubbish with unwashed plates.

5 Recommendations
Here are only a few recommendations for the next Logistic Department in hoping
that it will help the future UTP RUN even better.
1. The HICOMs to hire the members which equipped with car into the Logistic
2. The HICOMs try to hire female member into Logistic Department for the
purpose of communication. It will be more effective when dealing with ITMS
and Maintenance Department.
3. Ensure the venue cleanliness before the event day.


The problems and mistakes faced by the Logistic Department in this UTP RUN 2012
could have been overcome and avoided. I hope the future Logistic Department
would overcome the previous mistakes and be aware an alert thought the whole
process towards UTP RUN day and during the day itself.

UTP RUN 2012 Logistic Department

Prepared by,


Head of Logistic Department
UTP RUN 2012

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