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Portfolio Item


Title of item

Practicum Proposal


Andrea Dillard

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Description of item content

This is a culmination of the goals I set

for the practicum for Fall 2015
semester. The goals center around the
concept of utilizing mindfulness within
a classroom context.
The rationale for my practicum is
where I created and decided on which
goals were worthy of study,
implementation, and product creation.

How this item informs your goals.

Significance in your
Practicum/Internship experience.

Acquisition Challenge Level

(considering time, effort, money, etc.
on scale of easy = 1 to difficult = 5)

This would receive a '3' since I was

having a hard time coming up with
some precise goals for this practicum. I
knew I was interested in the topic, but
wasn't sure how to implement that into
a practical and meaningful experience.
Because of feedback from my sponsor,
Dr. Whitaker, and Dr. Hines, this came

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