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What I learnt was learning theories : structuralism,rationalism,

constructivism, descriptive(describes how language is used)-prescriptive
(how should a languge be used) languages ,parole-langue, competence-
performance and finally the impact of psychology on language,
communicative competence(linguistic- socio-linguistic –strategic –
discourse competence ).

What I had difficulty in figuring out was nothing. I was anxious about not
understanding some parts because they include too theoretical
information last week. However , everything you teach is becoming more
and more clear day by day.

I suppose I need to focus more on coming the class after revising what I
learned last week, otherwise I can’t remember when you ask 

I believe I may use what I’ve learned eclectism in my teaching.I mean, I

should make a decision on what is suitable for my teaching, I should pick
up different techniques for my box from now on. Moreover,I should take
“Every teacher and student is unique” into consideration.

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