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Nosotros tenemos agua por una semana

We have water for a week

Mis padres me prestan el dinero para el carro
My parents lend me the money for the car
Ella cocina por su hijo
She cooks for her son
l est haciendo este ejercicio para entender la clase
He is doing this exercise to understand the class
Yo tengo que conseguir mucho dinero
I have to get much money
Yo tengo que ganar el premio
I have to win the prize
Ellos tienen que cocinar vegetales
They have to cook vegetables
Would ----Z tomara siempre para Ia

Would you like a banana or am Apple

Yes I would / no I wouldnt
Gloves = guantes
Coat = abrigo
Tie = corbata
Shirt= camisa
Short= pantalones cortos
Belt = cinturn
Ring = anillo
Suit = TERNO
Sweater = chompa
Brasiere = brasier
Boots =
Skirt = falda
Sniker = zapatilla
Pantiees = ropa interior

Trouser = pantalones
This is for carlos its his
That Is not my sisters car. Hers is red
Puedes prestarme un lapicero olvide el mio

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