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Democracy is not always the best form of Government

Theme Statement
Democracy is the best form of government of the people, by the people,
for the people but it is up to the people what they make out of it
Opening Statement:
How do you feel when in a group you are not given an opportunity to
express your opinions? Just think how would it feel if a person or a group,
are trying to veto all your major life decisions? Wouldnt it make you feel
like a puppet? Here lies the essence of democracy.
1- It is often synonymous with the principles of freedom, equality,
dignity, transparency, accountability and to promote human rights.
2- 16 out of top 20 countries in terms of per capita income are
democracies, that shows a correlation between democracy and
economic development. 44 out of top 47 countries in terms of
Human Development Index are democracies.
3- For a nation like India, a nation of enormous social and cultural
diversity, democracy has been a boon for ensuring unity in diversity.
The constitution has vested strong democratic powers in the hands
of the people, who have ousted any government which has
performed below par.
Of course, democracy is not a panacea to all problems of governance, but
it is the best of all available forms. It may come in different size, shape
and forms, but with the common goals of growth, equality and prosperity.
I would like to end quoting Barack Obama The strongest democracies
flourish from frequent and lively debate, but they endure when people of
every background and belief find a way to set aside smaller differences in
service of a greater purpose

Ansuman Mishra


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