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East London Consortium NHS Dictionary of Contracts Terminology

The below table is split into three columns. The first column lists the Oracle Terminology, the second column lists a
brief description of the Function or Process and the third column lists the corresponding ELC Terminology.
The dictionary is intended to bridge the gap between Oracle Speak and ELC Speak and assist in UAT & the roll
out of Oracle Contracts Procurement at the East London Consortium.
Oracle Terminology
Contract Terms


ELC Contracts

Description of the Function / Process

ELC Terminology
Oracle Contracts functionality for creating and managing
clauses and contract templates, including deliverables.
Contract terms Library is the central library of all preapproved clauses and contract templates that can be used
to create contracts across the enterprise. Typically the
following elements are part of the library functionality:
A clause is the text that describes the legal or business
language used to author a contract. Clauses are drafted
based on both business and statutory requirements. Clauses
can be Protected to prevent modification to the clause text
in documents. Clauses can be Global to make the clause
available to all organizations. Clause can have Instructions
on how and when to use the clause in a contract template
or business document. Clauses can have alternate and
incompatible clauses. You can use alternate clauses as a
substitute for the main clause on a contract. Incompatible
clauses cannot be used on the same contract.

ELC Dictionary

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Rajani Mohanraju

Oracle Terminology
Auto adoption of global

Contract Template
Global Template

Layout Templates

ELC Contracts

Description of the Function / Process

ELC Terminology
This feature provides automatic adoption of global clauses
to operating units that do not require a manual review and
approval process. For example, a company with more than
one operating unit can define global clauses and make them
available to all operating units. During the workflow
approval for a global clause, when the clause is approved,
the system verifies the operating units that are set to adopt
clauses automatically. The system automatically adopts the
global clause for these operating units with no manual
Used to easily default contract terms for contracts authored
by your organization. You can create templates that include
both clauses and deliverables.
The global templates feature is different from the global
clauses. Unlike a global clause, the system does not track
adoption of global templates. It is up to the local
organizations to determine if they want to duplicate a global
template. The system allows a local organization to
duplicate the global template subject to the following
If the global template has clauses that are not global, these
clauses are not copied over during copy; If a local
organization has adopted clauses manually, only those
clauses that have been adopted and approved in the local
organization will be copied over; If the local organization
has localized clauses, the global clauses will be replaced by
approved localized clauses during copy.
To format and publish PDF versions of contract documents,
Oracle Procurement Contracts uses specific layout
templates in Oracle XML Publisher, an application in the
Oracle E-Business Suite.
ELC Dictionary

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Rajani Mohanraju

Oracle Terminology


Numbering Schemes

Repository Contracts

Description of the Function / Process

Used to organize clauses for easy retrieval
Variables are used to capture information dynamically from
a purchasing or sourcing document. System provides the
following types.
System Variable
User-defined Variable
Deliverable Variable
Sections are headings under which you organize contract
clauses. The headings provide structure and organization to
a printed contract document. You can define sections that
can be used in authoring templates and contracts.
When creating contract templates, you can apply a
numbering scheme to the sections and clauses structure.
This numbering scheme is applied to business documents in
which the contract template is used.
Used for miscellaneous contracts that are outside the
normal Purchasing flows, for which full execution
capabilities are not required.
A single view of all enterprise contracts for management of
contract activities, and for reporting and analysis of
outstanding supplier commitments. Oracle Contracts
provides a centralized Contracts Workbench that gives you
access and visibility to all contractual agreements in the

ELC Terminology

Contracts Workbench allows contract administrators to see

which contracts require attention, provides extensive search
ELC Contracts

Attachments contain additional descriptive information

about the contract.
Deliverables are contractual commitments and obligations
ELC Dictionary

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Rajani Mohanraju

Oracle Terminology

Description of the Function / Process

that can be associated to a contract template.

ELC Terminology

If a contract template, with all types of deliverables

attached to it, is applied to a sourcing document, all the
deliverables are copied to the sourcing document. However,
only Negotiation type of deliverables can be acted upon
during the sourcing event. Applying the same contract
template to a purchasing document will not copy the
Negotiation type deliverables.
Expert Rules

Contract Deviations

Supplier Authored

ELC Contracts

Contract Expert is a rule-based contract creation tool that

assists purchasing professionals in authoring complex
contracts. Using Contract Expert, organizations can define
their business policy rules that govern the contract clauses
to be included in a purchasing or sourcing document..
Deviations are changes to contract terms in a business
document that make them different from the standards
Remember, not every change to the business document is
reported as
a deviation. For instance, if the section name has been
modified or the clauses reordered within the document,
these are not deviations.
At times you may receive contract documents authored by a
supplier or an external party. For example, you purchase a
software program and sign a software license agreement
with a software vendor. The software vendor authors the
contract, documenting the service level agreements that
both parties have consented to.

ELC Dictionary

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Rajani Mohanraju

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