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Fort Pilar Shrine

Description: Fort Pilar is an important part of the history of the city of Zamboanga.
The Fort was built as a defense against the raiders sent by the Sultans of Mindanao and Jolo way
back in 1635. The construction was supervised by Father Melchor de Vera, a Jesuit priest-
engineer. It was originally named "Real Fuerza de San Jose", then "Real Fuerza de Nuestra
Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza" in 1719, and finally "Fort Pilar" after its capture by the American
forces in November, 1899. Nowadays, the main attraction in this fort is the Shrine of the Nuestra
Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza.

Location: Fort pilar found in zamboanga city.




Bislig Surigao Del Sur Tinuy-An Fall

Description: Bislig Surigao Del Sur Tinuy-An Falls

The waves of Luzano Bay are ideal for top performance surfing. The kissing islets of San
Agustin are a unique natural formation. The multi-tiered Tinuy-an Falls located in Bislig are
among the spectacular in the country. The soothing Malinawa Cool Spring in Cantilan also
attracts tourists.

Location: Surigao Del sur.


Transportation: Accommodation:

A church inside the Callao Caves

Description: The major tourist attraction of Cagayan Province is caves, in particular, the famous
seven chambered Callao Caves, which contain a chapel for those who wish to meditate on these
wonders of nature. Other popular caves among the more than 300 that are around the region include
Jackpot Cave, San Carlos Cave, Sierra Cave, and the Odessa-Tumbali Cave System.

Cagayan is also the gamefishing capital of the Philippines, with San Vicente, Sta. Anna and Palaui Island
important destinations for sport fishing enthusiasts; the beautiful sailfish being the prize catch. Palaui
also features the Spanish built Palaui Lighthouse.

Location: Cagayan De Oro.




Magellan’s Cruz

Description: Magellan’s Cross - This mark the spot where the first Catholic mass and baptism in the
Philippines took place.

Location: Cebu city.



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