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ALEX is running on a path covered in leaves. Next to him are
large green areas. The grass is sparkling from the previous
evenings rain. The colours never cease to amazed ALEX. The
browns... they yellows... the reds. Each and every one is
beautiful, but never perfect. But if you look closely, and I
mean closely, you can see how different each is. With a
fleck of black here, and a hint of gold there... some have
holes in. The ones with holes in are ALEXS favourite. In
every leaf with a hole you can see straight through it simple. Every human has holes in, there is no perfect human.
The most damaged humans, the ones with the largest holes in,
cant see right from wrong, and left from right.
ALEX decides to turn left that day. He never turns left, but
today he wanted to see what was down this path and what he
had been missing ever since he turned right. He takes a long
breath in and an even longer breath out. ALEX closes his
eyes. The ground was slippery and loud with leaves beneath
his feet and the trees did not help with dampening the
sound. His feet give way to the slimy leaves and ALEX trips
up. ALEXs eyes open in shock. He had never noticed how
vibrantly red the leaves were until he was face to face with
them. That and some black killer heels.

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