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COD 40111188

In the video we can see how the singer shows his soul and harmony by means of
their body, by her spontaneous movements and harmonious vocals, and the vocal
technique that is taut and firm, all these elements characterize and define the Soul
because this type of music shows the pure essence of the Afro-descendant
We can listen the sound of the palms or some kind of musical harmony similar to
the sound of palms in the video, this feature also represents the Soul and is a part
or an essential component of this type of music.
Also in regard to musical part we can perceive a touch of R & B and soul by rising
musical notes from one moment to another (passing of acute or mild to severe

For the thematic part and the content of the video, this shows different periods but
theses have the same features and the same fundamental theme, every woman
Afro descent regardless the prejudices of the society yearns have a man whose
physical and cultural features are completely different, such a skin color, the way of
thinking and act, among others also each women shows her soul, generate that
essence to demonstrate her love and interest for the another men.
In conclusion, seeing the video details is important to note that there are many
prejudices in the society and much criticism and this is where the music is very
important, because it tries to counter such effects which do not allow generating
culture in being human. Also this type of prejuices also prevents the development
of the culture of every human being not to allow each person to open up
emotionally, socially, mentally etc.

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