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02 62 d3S GANNWOS sxiBierplt anueen 20 09/18/2018 90 ‘Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Fon Under section 501(}, 527, oF 4947(a(1) ofthe internal Revenue Code (except black lung bonett wust or private foundation ecm tne anny jpen to Public, Momsievcanserce’ | De Tho rganaation may have 1ouse a copy of this retum to satsty state repatng requrements_| inapeoton’~t 7 For the 24a calar yer, or tye ogling oct 1, 2012 and ending 8" 30, 2013 2 gees, [enane oforganaaton © Eimployereiiaion sumber (Cas? | sxrnenie memontan mnerrturs (Sse [Dong Busnes As 314379427 (hat” [romber and see (Pb mara avenue stoves) Ramis] Youphone number (ge | Sos ane. avenue a fevitereren (ier cryctown, or post often, state ana 2P code fg coma ma Cage |_Covomaus," on asa01- 2609 tai ba sgoe aT ere TF Namo and adaress ol pmcpalcice DR. TEFFREY WADSWORAE feratetea? Iyer Gene Eantistetnaor gy neanattaes newer Wea Cle Trace! sans LET seni) LT mn 7a ete Te LTSA] no atacn ait. 60 mtctons) “Website: MW RTESLLE, ond Hi) Group exemption number D> i Fom ol egancatn: Lx] Copoabon [oat [—[ssentan [J mab Tr var oomaton 1925 [Stoop dois 0 {Part Summary | 1 Brey cesta we organatore nanan ermosl opnicant aches GEE MESETON FEATERENT OF E| 2 Gneckiniebox b> L_—Titthe organization discontinued ts operations or disposed of more than 25% of ta net assets § | 2 Number of voting members of he goverang body (Part tne Ya) 3 8 3 | 4 numoer of ncependent voting members of te governing body (Pan Ine 8) “ 3 Z| 5 Teta. number of nous employed im clenar yar 2012 (Pa V, ne 29) ; A | © Totalnumberofvokintersestnatednecessaq) : 6 § | 72 totaunrenis busness even tom Pa Vl cok (toe 12 ra Ne unatas busines laxabeincome om Farm S00, hoe 34 7 Piers Cara | © contains and grants Pa Vin 1) POET RIUB IC RCC 3 | 9 Proram santea revenue Pa Vl hn 2) tia satne| on aes an, 3 | 10 investment Income Part Vl, columa (A), nes 3, 4, and 76) 33,360,780, 33,957, 084, © | +4. ciner reverie Pat Vil, coinn A, ines, 64, 868,10, an 1) 4 034751 14,933.79. 12 Total serve a4 ines trough 11 ust equal Pa Vil coum (ne 12) Taw acon [a iiees oa, {2 Giants and smi amounts pad Pe ohn es 3) e747 02 CTRL 14. Benefits pad too for members Pat, cour Ire 4) 3 a ¢g| 15. satnes, oer conpensaton, employee benets Pat colar (A. ines 5:10) Tania Te] awa. 3) s0a protessonal tncrtong les Pa colin, ne 110) 2 Bs toarunasing expenses Pat cour (ne 25) | °. 17” Omer expenses Part cokma hes 18514, 1428 Tee aT | a, 10 Toil expenses. Add nes 1817 (at equal Pat, colin (ne 28) Ss see sr [4a 07a 19. Revenue nes exenaes Sublat ine 18 rom ine 12 a ais-ine | at 7a6 347 igo GuentYeur [End ot Year 20 Totalassets(PartX, Ine 16) 2, 265,541, 358,] 1,273,610, 817, 21 Total labittes Part x, ine 25) 733, 600,690. 543,701,553, [o> et assets ound balances, Subtract ine tom tne 20 Sai 9e0_aea | 790-379-068. Part [Signature Block Una os of peru acre Tv ed i ra, wg aang OBI an as, no Ua Ty KRU aT a,c. and compl. ican of parr ae tan otic bast on a nmaton ot wich rears hy kwidoe I sin |). Sanmarcrarar FT; Tard fee | 1Hows & sHaRe, Asse. marasunen D tira aa Ee rain eae gi preparers sonature Tate ee Cpe Paid = OR BE on: sihenpees Prepee [FES ie Fiaistp vse ony [rem aasess yp FRESNO, ca Ptone no ‘ane IS cacuss i eu win the prepares shown above? Gee mations) Tes 1Ine ‘nr rs LMA For Paperwork Redition Act Note, sve the separate nav uaona- Fn 980 (2012 ‘BE SCHEDULE 0 FOR ORGAMTDANION MESSTON STATEMENT CONT LHUNTION gv g-1 For 990 2012), BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE si4379427 pate a © J Staternent of Program Service Accomplishments [Check Schedule O contains a response to any question inthis Part Go Briefly describe the organization's mssion: BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE ("BHI") 18 ORGANIZED EXCLUSIVELY FOR GHARITABLE, EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES, INCLUDING THE UEILTGATION OF SCIENCE, THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND RESEARCH FOR THE BENEFIT AND EDUCATION OF HANKIND, ig the organization undertake any sigificant program services Guring the year which were nt lsted on ‘the pnor Form 990 or 99027 Clves Ino t-¥es,* desenbe these new services on Schedule 0, ‘Did the organization cease conducting, or make significant changes in how it conducts, any program services?, Cives xno Ite," desenbe these changes on Schedule O Describe the organzaton's program seruce accompkshments for each of ts three largest program services, as measured by expenses. ‘Secton 501(c(8) and 501(c() crganizatons are required to report the amount of grants and allocations to others, the total expenses, and revenue, any, foreach program seruce reported. (cou ) (ens 8 2,941, 158,306, waxteaguinat® 7 farmer 305, 746 208.) BATTELLE WEVORIAL INSTITUTE ("BMI") AND ITS AFPILIATES OPERATE FIVE NITED STATES DEPARINEN? OF ENERGY ("DOE") NATIONAL LABORATORIES PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY, ORK RIDGE NATIOWAL LABORATORY, TORHO NARIONAL, LABORATORY; BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY AND WNTTONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY LABORATORY, GMI 18 AN INTEGRATED SUBCONTRACTOR ATA ‘SIXTH DOE NATIONAL LABORATORY: LAWRENCE LIVERVORE NATIONAL LABORATORY, {at ADOFTTON, A EMI_AFPILIATE WOLDS THE HAWAGEWENT CONTRACT WITH RESPECT OTHE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY'S NATTONAL ‘BIODEFENGE ANALYSIS AND COUNTERMEASURES CENTER, ANOTHER OMI AFFILIATE WAS PART OF A CONSORSIUM THAT OPERATES THE NATIONAL NUCLEAR LABORATORY FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM'S DEPARTMENT FOR ENEROY AUD CLIMATE CHANGE, ‘THROUGH OPERATION OF THE NATIONAL LABORATORIES, BHI AND 176 AFFILIATES ‘eo V(Gomom § 513,426,067. mevsmgguinalt ery 365, 709,175.) BMI AGO CONDUCTS SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGEANG FOR ‘GENER FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNWEN? AGENCIES AND INDUSTRIAL [SPONSORS, XD TRANSLATES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INTO PRODUCTS, GYSTENS {ND SERVICES FOR 179 SPONSORS, DMT PLACES SPECTAL ENPHASIS_UPOH SEGHATORE AREAS OF ENERGY, ENVTROWMENT AND MATERIAL SCIENCES, WATTONAL SECURITY, AND HEALTH AND LIFE scTENCES, e em ery 3,890,348, wcharagamnart 3,830,346.) (rovenns 7 EACH YEAR, EMT DISTRIDUTES AT UEAST TWENTY PERCENT oF 178 CONSOLTOATED et INCOME TO PUBLIC CHARITIES AND GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, DISTRIBUTIONS. [ARE PRIMARILY FOCUSED UFOU EDUCATION, UMAN SERVICES, ARTS AND ScTENCES, AD ECONGHTC DEVELOPMENT, EMI ACTIVELY SUPPORTS EDUCATIONAL TNETIATIVES IW ONTO AND ACROSS THE HITED STATES THAT MEASURE STUDENT ‘XCHTEVEMENT, ASSIST WITH PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS, AND PROMOTE INQUIRY-BAGED LEARNING, ESPECTALLY IN THE SCTENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AUD WATHEWATICS (STEN) DISCIPLINES. aa a ‘Other program serwces (Describe m Schedule O) coon nding is o8 Larne ) ‘Total program service expenses D> 3,459, 015,579, Form 990 2012) ete SEE SCHEDULE © FOR CONTINUATION‘) Form $90 2012, BATTELLE MEMORIAL IOTTTUTE [ Checklist of Required Schedules 379427 Page 3 1 Is the oxganation described in section 501(c)) or 4947(aK.1) (other than a prvate foundation)? 11 "Yes," complete Schedule A r|x 2. Is the organcation requied to complete Schedule B, Scheduie of Contnbutors? 2 x 2. Oid the exganzation engage in drect or nlrectpoltical campaign actives on behalf of orn opposition to canckdates for pubte office? if "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part 3 x 4 Section 501(c)9) organizations. Did the organization engage in lobbying actntis, or have a section 601(h) election in efect during the tax year? If "Ys," complete Schedule C, Part ale ‘5. Is the organaation a section 501(¢4), 501/48), or $01(cK6) organization that recewes membership dues, assessments, ‘mda amounts as defined 1 Reverue Procedure 98-197 if "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part! 5 x {8 Did the organization maintain any donor advised funds or any smiar funds or accounts for which donors have the ight to proude advice on the distnbuton or nvestment of arounts in such funds or accounts? If "Yes," complete Schedule 0, Part! | 6 x Did the erganzation receve or hold a conservation easement, cluding easements to preserve open space, ‘the envrorment, istonc land areas, or histone structures? I Yes," complete Schedule O, Pat I z x 8 Did the organzation mantan colectons of works of art istoncal treasures, or other amar assets? If "Yes," complete ‘Schedule D, Pat I 8 x 9 Dd the organcation report an amount mn Part X, Ine 21, for escrow or custodlal account liablty: serve as a custodian for amounts not sted in Part X, o provde credit counseing, debt management, credit repar, of debt negohaton serwces? Utes," complete Schedule D, Part 1V ° x 10 Did the erganzaton, dvecty or thraugh a related organizaton, hold assets temporanlyresticted endowments, permanent endowments, or quastendowments? "Yes," complete Schedule O, Part V 11 tthe exganizaton’s answer to any ofthe folowing questions is "Yes, then complete Schedule D, Pants VI Vl MI Or. as appicable ‘2 Did the ergarzation report an amount for land, buldings, and equipment in Part X, ne 107 if Yes," complete Schedule D, Pat Vi sta] Did the organwzation report an amount for nvestments. other secuntes Part X ne 12 that 6% or more of ts total. ‘assets reported in Par X, tne 167 "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Vit sto] x © Did the organzaton report an amount for nvestments- program related n Part X, tne 13 thats 59% of more of ts total assets reported in Part X, ine 16? If Yes," complete Schedule D, Part Vl sre] | x «Did the organzation report an amount for otner assets in Part X, ke 15 that 1 5% or more of its total assets reported in Part X, tne 162 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IX sa|__| x Did the organization report an amount for oer labities m Part X, ine 267 If Yes," complete Schedule D, Part x ae | © 1 Od the organization's separate or consolidated franca statements forthe tax year mclude a footnote that addresses the organaton's tabity for uncertan tax postions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Pat X aw] |x {280d the organization obtan separate, independent audited fnancial statements fr the tax yea? If Yes," complete ‘Schedule, Pats X!and XII sal__| x 'b Was the organzation included mn consolidated, ndependent audited financial statements forthe tax year? 1 "¥es," and. the organization answered "No" fone 12a, then completing Schedule O, Parts and Xi optenal s20| x 18 Is the organaton a school desenbed in secon 170(0\ 1A)? f "Yes," complete Schedule € 49 x “¥4a_Dia me organzaton maintan an office, employees, or agents outside ofthe Unted States? waa] © 'b Did the organzation have aggregate revenues or expenses af more than $10,000 ftom grantmaking, tundratsing, business, revestment, and program gence actives outsde the United States, or aggregate foreign vestments valued at $100,000 ‘or more? I"Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts land IV sa | x 15 _Did the erganzation report on Part IX, columa A), ine 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any organization ‘or enty located outside the Unted States? If"Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts and IV as] x 18 Od the organcation report on Part Ix, column (A), ine 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants r asastance to individuals located outside the United States? if Yes,” complete Schedule F, Parts I and IV 16 x 17 Did the organization report a total of more than $16,000 of expenses for professional fundrasing services on Part IX, ‘column (A), ines 6 and 116? /f"Yes,” complete Schedule G, Part! 7 x 18 01d the organzaton report more than $18,000 total of fundraising event gross come and contributions on Part Vl, nes 1¢.and 8a? i Yes," complete Schedule G, Part! 8 x 19 Did the organizaton report more than $18,000 of grass income from gaming actities on Part Vil ine 832M "¥es,” complete Schedule G, Part it . 19 x 20a Did the organzation operate one or more hospital facies? If "Yes," complete Schedule H zeal [x bit Yes" tone 203, did the organization attach @ copy of ts audited financial statements to this return? 200 ‘Form 990 2012) Fomm 990 (201: BATTELLE MEMORIAL INOTETUTS thar94e7 Page Cheskist of Required Schedules Gorinvea : vere 21 Od the cgancaten pon more than $5000 grants and ter assent any goverment or xanzaton he unde Sates on Par clu (Ane 19 1"¥e, complet Sched Pars and ax Ode crgancaton repo more thn $5000 trans and ier strc ou the Ute States on Pa elu (Aine 27 Yes conplte Sched Pats and it al Did th oranzaton anne Vext Pat VI, Secon Ae 9, or abot competion he rgnzato's urn and tome eter, ratr, ste, ay empyees and hoi conpersted enpoees? "es, compte Senedd nlx 24s tne cgetaton have aaxexempt bond eve wih an oustandg pr ancunt mr than $1000 a lst ay oft year, a was taved ater December 3, 20027 Yo eave ins 240 Ought and compte Scheae KN gota ie 25 oaa| x bd the ogenzaton wes any proceeds of taxexempt bonds bye tempo penod xcepton? a ¢ bidiheogencaton mantan an esc accout oer han a rendng escrow at ny tine dng te year to dtese any tacerept bonds? me| |x 4 Deine egenzaon act a non ena oF ssf bond outstanding a any te urna he year? zeal [x 252 Section 0c) and 8114) organizations Od he rganzaton engage man excess net ansacon wih a drs person nn the year? "05 compte Sched, Pot asa|_| x b Inte canzaton aware that angoge nan excess bent aneacton wi a aquaiied pron ma por yin and tna netansacon ano een epotedon ay ofthe ranaton' pro Fos S50 or 990 27H "Ye, comoete Senet ar) zo| | 28. vias loan ory acent r fxr ficer, deco, set, key employe, hghest compensated enpoyee or squlie person odsandng ash ede te cpancaors ax yer? Ys," compte Shade, Pat ol |x 21 Did te onanaaton proves rant or cfer axon to anc, recto ste ty enployee,sbsata coninetoror employes thera gant selection coment ert, orf 938% conte ent oral member ot anya tes persons? Ys" complete Sede Pat i z|_|x 28 Wasthe cgancana pry ea usnessansacion wth one of ts olowng pate lee Scnede Pat tstctns or appabe ng testo, conaton, and exceptons) 2 Acurant or orer fice, rect, Wists orkey empire? "Yes, Sea, Pat aa] 2 Atamiy manor of acienterfmer oe, ret ste orkey employee? Yes, campite Soave L, atv [zpbT € Anenty of whch core orfomer fice, rector, tase, ray employe fafa mabe here was ane, decir sun o dct or ndect omer "Ye complete Schau, Part 0 29. bad ineeganaatonecave moe han $25.00! noncash carbons? "es, compete Schedule M =f ie 20. Didtneorunaatoneceve conrouon of af, etn easue, or ter rar ast uni cosarabon contnowone? "Yes compete Shea ol |. 21 Did enuncaion kpc, trate, ash and cree opwatons? tes campleteSenedle Fart aw |x 32. Did te onuncaton sel, exchange, dose oor raster mae han 28% fet assets "Ys, compte Schede Pat ol |x 52. Cid the organtzaton own 100% of an enty dregared as separate Hom he rganzaton under Reglatons sectors 2017012 and 01 7701-9 "Ys conplt cheave Prt sls Waste organization rated to any acento eny? "Ye, complet Scheer Ih FM, ad Pat Vine ul 268 Did te cgunaaton have a cored ety wihn he meann of secon 129)? sal x © t-Yer tone 35a, od te eganationeceve sy payment omer engoge many Yaneacon wh a ont ety wih he meaning of secon 61(NT9)# "escape Scheie, Pu, ine 2 sso| x 38. Section 016X3)organzations Dh organaaen mate ay rarer oan exempt on carable ete rpanaaton? ites conplite Sched Pat Vine 2 w|x Soe crgencatoncondit more han SH cits aces hough an ett tat iret ala organaaton snc mats treated ana prea frederal come tx purposes? Yes complete SchacteR, Fat alk 28. 01th ongunaton compete Schedule © and pronde explanation Schedule fr Pat Vines 1b and 197 Note. em $50 ee ae equreg a comple Steve wl x Fem 990 2579 rr Aermar mona, msreeott acura age [Part V1" Statements Regarding Other IAS Flings and Tax Compliance Cet Sane conans areata to my asin nina Pon o 3a Did the organzaton have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more durng the year? Enter te number reported m Box 3 of Form 1096. Enter 0-inot applicable 1a asad Enter the numberof Forms W2G mnchuded in ine 1a, Entr-0-ifnot apphoable tb ‘id the organization comply wth backup wihhalding rues for reportable payments to vendors and reportable gaming (gambing) winnings to prize winners? Enter the number of employees reported on Form W3, Transmital of Wage and Tax Statements, {led forthe calendar year ending with or witun the year covered by ths retum 2a 23764) It atleast one is reported on ine 2a, cd the organation fle al requred federal employment tax reums? Note. tthe sum of ines 1a and 28s greater than 250, you may be requred to -fle (see nstractons) nes," nas fled a Form 980° fr ths year? if "No," provde an explanaton in Schedule O [At any te dunng the calendar year, did the organization have an mterestn, ora sgnature or other athorty over, a Yes] No {ano account foragn county such a a bank account, ecunes acount or oer ment account}? wo |x "Yes enter nename ofthe toreincouiny Pe SEE SCHEDULE © ‘see nstrctons er fngrequremets oF TOF 8022.1, Repo a Farin Bank ana Franca tous Ad Sa as he orgenaton a party toa probed ax shetervaneacton at anytime dung te tx year? Paes © id any taxa pry ty te crannies was ore a party to ponte ox set arsacton? [fx € ¥en ttn ao 5b, ed te eget fe Fon 88677 se 3 Does he rganzabon have anil ross recept tat ar noma greater than $100000 and i he orancton sch any controutons tat were not ax ductoe a anal cntutons? ° el |x b tvear ate cgaizaton acide wn every scetaton an expres satmet hat such contre orgs were nl tox deduetble? » 7 Orsanzation tat may recelve deductible conrbutlons under section 171). [ ain ocanason eons payment m exes STs mae party a contbuton an py rods and secs prod oh gaye? | 7a © 11"¥es the erpancaton not the donor othe vai fhe goods or sercesprowied? % Dade rganzaten sl exchange, or atennee depoce of tangle pessoal propery for whch twas equred totie Form e282? rel |x 4 ves deat te rumba of Forms 8262 fea ag the yar 14 LC «Oc he organzabonecone any Kinds ety rect to pay premums ona personal Denelt cova? nf fi {ote organza, auong ine yar, pay pemwums, dec orndeecy, ona personal benef contact? mt [x 9 tie rgnzatonesoved a conten ef qualia nell pone, cite organzaton fe Fom 800 asrecured? [7 ite organization ecewed a conrouton of cas boats, arplans, or lhe veces, dd the eganzation fea Form 0887 [TR 8° Syeneing ovgnztone maasig dna aban inte nd Det uperng ames] crvncaon ora ovr aveetundmntaneby#sponeng oan, nave ves bames tng aay tne cong bya? [a 2 Sponering organzstions malataning donor adsed unde, {Othe oxganzaton make ay tavable etrbutons under sechon 49667 sa athe organzaton make aderuton toa doer, done acct, oated person? 2 10 Section SOWeK) organizations ener ) 2 Inston es ad capt convene chan Pat he 12 102 © Gross ecepts,neuted on Fam 680 Pat Vine ¥2orpuble use otc aces”. 11 section Soto) organizations rer 2 Gone come tom renbers or sashes ta © Goss nome om che sources (Do not nel amounts ue cr padi ter soucesaganst aru deo receved om tem) 1 128 Section 4947103) non-exempt charitable Wuss ste orgncaton ng Form 200 Seu of Fom 10817 ves ener he amount of tx exempt eres eceved or acoued ng te yer i ] 13 Section $01(¢K29) at nonprofit health insurance issuers. j 4 Is the ogancatonieened sue quate heat plans more han one tte? oy Note. See the stcton fr atonal nforatcn ine eranzation must eprt on SeheuleO b Emertne amount ofresevesthe ogancatonsrequted to manian by he tates nwneh he cxgsnzaton tenses to wsve quale heath plans 1 « Enferthe amount ofreseveson hand i | 142 bide oranzatonrectve any payment fr doo tanning serwcs dung the tax year? waa} [= Yes, nab 2 Form 72010 repr these payee? "No pone an exlnaton Shee © 12 F580 G03) sere sxrtmuue wevontaL, tusrizuTe sicasro4a7___ page ‘Governance, Management, and Disclosure For each "Yes" response fa ines 2 tough 7b below, and fora Wo" response {0 1ine 8, 8b, oF 100 below, descnbe the crcumstances, processes, or changes mn Schedule O. See instructions. ‘Check # Schedule 0 contains a response to any question mn thi Part VL A Section A. Governing Body and Management ® » ° Enter the numberof voting members ofthe governing body atthe end othe tax year 1a Iter are mata aerences in voting ght among members of te governing body, ori the governing ody delegatd broad authonty to an exacutwe comma or sia commits, expla m Schedule O. Enter the numberof voting members included mine 1a, above, who are independent w ia any officer, drctor, rstee, or ey employes havea family relationship ora business relationship with any other officer, crector, trustee, or key employee? id the organczation delegate contol ever management cuties customanly performed by or under the direct supenision of officers, sectors or trustees, or key employees to a management company or other person? ‘id the organcation make any signficant changes to Its goveming documents sce the prior Form 980 was fled? id the erganzation become aware dung the year ofa signicant diversion of the ocganzation’s assets? id the organization have members or stockholders? (id the organization have member, stockholders, or other persons who had the power to lector appoint one or more members of the governing body? cA x ‘Are any governance decisions ofthe organization reserved to (or subject to approval by) member, stockholders, oF persons other than the governing body? Dd the organzaton contemporaneous document the meenngs held r wren actons undertaken dung the yea by the follwing: ‘The goveming body? Each committee wth authonty to act on behalf of the governing body? 5 there any officer, drector, trustee, or key employee iste in Part Vl, Section A, who cannot be reached atthe 108 b organization's mating address? If "Yes," prowde the names and addresses in Schedule 0 2 x ‘Section B. Policies (Ms Secton 6 requests mfarmation about potcies not requred by the nleral Revenue Code) Yes [No id the organization have local chapters, branches, or aftiates? oa x "Ves," did the organation have written potcles and procedures goveming the acwutes of such chapters, atfitates, and branches to ensure ther operations are consistent withthe organcation's exempt purposes? soo] x Has tne organtestion provided a complete copy of his Form 880 to al members af ts governing body before ting the form? [148 10 El oeresu scan Genius eiacin) segeaan U wanea roel e Se ees serene naca cant casmca part terrain SI ® Werafian srr toch eno nets yr acl gc 5 of Sn eng edo ses ee os ces compes carmspens fi na cous soos Orono toe Ae 2 lee rgnenonren svn water pte? Se ea tnleasrgnenennan soe crowes wirenendseancen pe at 1S tute res brome conperesnofe anny panos hava atevetn analy mepende | pore constr od cnerpowens uesu as a Sera o desma | a TmontnanysGE, ears recr a pengere ot x 2 Onercternrhy wero ecrmean . : ive tine sero commen ne pone Seec Oe tet ste Odmeoemnston erin connects erpetebol nome twang wh J taxable entity dunng the year? 46a | X 7 b eerste conten bw a writen py pce maine pan sat ptt Pie Senior oa Sera mca noc aes su amos amet mance J exempt satus with respect to such arrangements? ‘Section C. Disclosure 7 e 0 Lust the states wth wrich a copy ofthis Form 980 is required to be ied SEE SCHEDULE © ‘Section 6106 requires an organization to make ts Forms 1023 (or 1024 f appieable), 080, and 9607 (Section SOT(cs onh) avamabie {or puble inspection. indicate how you made these avatable Check al that apply. ‘own webste — L_J another's webste [J Upon request. (J other expla in Schedule 0) Desenbe Schedule O whether and i s0, how), the organizaton made ts governng documents, conict of terest pokey, and nancial statements avalabl to the public dunng the tax year State the name, physical adgress, and telephone number of the person who possesses the books and records ofthe organization Be DAVID ¢, EVANS - 614-424-4777 505 KINO AVENUE, COLUMBUS, OH €3201-2603 a Ferm 880 (2070) oe Shrreua wewoasxs, masters si-as7i77 page (Beau Conpereaton ‘of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and independent Contractors ‘Check Schedule © contains a response to any question inthis Part Vil oO Section A._ Offers, Drectors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest Compensated Employees ‘Compl ths ter llersonsequred to else, Report compensation forthe calendar yer ondog wth o win he OganaabONs rear # Lstal ofthe caganzaton’s ewrent oftcer,crectos, rusees (whether ndhduas or argancatons), regardless of aout of compensation. enter neaums (9, and fro compensation was pads cammenae : “ Ustat ofthe erganzaton’'s current key employees any. Se mstnactons for detmton of "key employee. ‘Ls organeabon's ve curentighest eampensatd employees otha tan an oie, aco, ses, Key amines who eked eprsbla compesatan (Box of Form 2 andor Box 7 Farm 10884SC) o mare than $10,000 Kem ha organzaon and any elated organaatons * Usta ofthe ceganzaton's former offices, key employees. and highest compensated employees who recelved more than $100,000 of ‘repoabie compensation om the argnizaton anc any elated organzattons. ‘Ls allof the oxganization’s former directors or trustees that recowed, inthe capacty as a former rector or trustee ofthe organization, ‘more than $10,000 of reportable compensation ttm the orgarzation and any related organizations List parsons he folowing order dual sees or deectors:nttutona tes fice: Ke employees; highest compensated employee; and former such persons check ns brs nee the nanzaton no any etd xganaton compersted ay curent tice rect, ste “ ® i) o © ® Name and Tie average | won Sete nanee | Reportable Reponable | Estimates hoursper |SSuininrsenscotsr| compensaton | compensation | amountot week [Semeciscrctnieaen | mm trom estes iher gatary | the erganizatens | compensation rowstor | le eranzaten | qw2rr0seisc) | ~ tom ine vetted [3] 3] | HE | | qwerossmisey exganzaton woancatcns| f eff and estes eow E141. TE EH » corgarzatons we) 13/212 5 [eel Tso ace 300 canta aub DIRECTOR x 116,254 a « Gy _ vicky n, enter T3 rascroR x 107,500, o o Gy FRAN G, DOUSERS w pimscron as OF 07/2012 x 47,500 (A) MICHAEL 3 GASSER Tae prrzcton x 110,000, oJ (S)_uESTER Ly Ome Tae necro x 107,504, oJ o. (6) SEAT CO TEEPE Ta0 pinzcron x 115,006 ° °. sow 8, WeCor 700 DIRECTOR x 126,256 a a. ()_wICmREL ©, wORRTS Ta 1nector x 110,000, o « Gy RUSSELL hy HSE 300 prmscror 70 11/2012 x 102,500, a *. (G0) SEFEREY RADSNORTE 3.00 Paesroeur ¢ cto 7.00] | |x 1,006,098, (ny 4, ARTI TOLTS 33.00 EXECUTIVE VP, C00, zoo} | |x 590,646, 206,904, (12) BAVID ¢. EVNIS 7.00 EXECUTIVE VP,cFO AS OF 03/2013 x o a (3) RONALD B, TOMES 08 EXECUTIVE VP, OUOEAL LAB OFS x 13,976, (2a) RUSSELL F, AUSTIN a SR VP, GEN COUNSEL & SEC x 204,845. a5) soi 3, GROREACHER 08 sevtoR vP x 126,693. ey starhen €, ELLY 8 sut08 ve x 6,023. (17) Meant, ROBE a0 sexton vP x 20,296 992,292, ‘aor ie08 Form 990 (2012) Form 990 (2012) BAPTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE af-4a79627 Pago8, Section A Of, Dectr, Trustees, Key Enployvs and Highs Gompensaed Engloyns Siued : (ay e) c) 0) (e) (Fy Name and we avenge | 4 £2%tion,. | Reportable Reportable | estmated ‘hours per ‘compensation compensation amount of ee ‘en eras, | “one itary | : corcatae | amprian rourstor | egancaton | wanovemisc) | “wom the reared | 3 | cweartoss aso) exgenzation jeromnzatons 2 ; g and related con | ae ee conta wo) [$181 BIE = Tae ae a rai F | of ase, no 65 Semon ve x 10,031 1S (an) mine OOTTT - 7 7 een] of _as230, a EOLA COROT oz Conouen ¢ ast RensinaR roo | x aa moo ina a rool | |x 156,200 of a4, aa ns FRE 36-00 See a to0.s2| ol so4eue ge ra 08 rouon ve 0 #i/3013 A 5,107 oo oe) a rsnsone 20 02/2013 x ns.a| of 102,02. iter Stora Cnn ia ised ea sTeazae 7 en ol seas. ene F Ta of Sasa: ¢ Total from continuation sheets to Part Vil, Section A. > 2,592,771] 2. 4,047,376. a Totus ines and 0), > To.o12 PERL Tt comber tev rogue oes lad sro ecoved mons CODD OT apOTaDE ieonleheepe tena tn Tate 9 iste oganaaton it ary tamara, dct, ore, keyemplyeeorhghes! compenssted employee on [ES ine tet fen compl Senet cuon nde ate 4 For any indmidual listed on line 1a, 1s the sum of reportable compensation and other compensation from the organation an ee ae tndtdted egmanora reearhan S1300007 es conpte Scteau tr uo mea ve 5 _ Did any person listed on ine 1a receive or accrue compensation from any unrelated organization or mdwidual for services |S |G (AN anda ggngai tte compet Sanath ua ais ‘Section 8. Independent Contractors ‘1 Compete this table for you fe highest compensated independant contactors tat recelved more than $100 000 of compensation fromm the oiganzaton. Report compensation forthe calendar year ending with of within the organization's tax year a) (8) oy a omental reoven | camer eet ee, epee so form, rant, Hr Han ee ona ican cine nea Sean oe ance aes ng WATT Wt oT Houoinetamactuntss toner Eo cae ‘SEE PART VII, SECTION A CONTINUATION SHEETS For 990 (2012) Form 990 SRFPELLE MEWORIAL INSTITUTE si-a9aa7 Section A. Oficare, rectors, Trustevs, Key Employees, and Mighesl Compensated Bngloyeeaconinued) a ®) o ©) © a Name and te average | Posten epotble Reporte | Esimates naurs | (eck tat apex) | campenssien | compensaten | amountot er tom ‘tom aed er week t me cnganizatons | compensation stany E] | croanzaten | ewrrosainisc) | “tom ne ‘hours for 3 (W-2/1088-MISC) ‘organization roates EE] | |e tnd ekied Prosnzaton| 2 | I : ‘organzatons woo (EELS LE[ELE THT a EON wa LABORATORY OIRECTOR x 350,969 ol 36.727, (a) SEPFREY WBA wae Darony FoR OFERATrONS x 402,392, a 320,860. a) ave DrEMER Tae Aasoctave tan oiazcrox x 110,020, a] 25.000. ‘Soy Breve AY wae s00c1ARa tA DIRECTOR x 409,069 o| _s2s,644. (Si NONDA BRTTLE Ta CiIEEF_IFORHATTON TECHNOLOGY x 400,066 of 1.392, Ga) a BwORL-coE Tame snUD1 ARABIA PROGRAM MANAGER x 290,153, o| mai Gay ema F. KeCORELL 7.00 FORMER SENIOR VP 0 05/2013 x n1,520] a] 455,096. 1 “otal to Pat Vi, Sacton A ete as, 4,047,396. BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE Foam se 0 [Patil] “statementor Revenue 31-4379¢27 »Page 9 oO |Contributions, Gifts, Grants [Sng Gther Suritar Amounts Check # Schedule O contains a response to any question n ths Pat Vil ry Total evenue mts) otis Peleg cxempttndion | tases | TER revenue revenue eeeaie Federated campaign fa ‘Membership dues fe Fundrasng events fe Related organizations ha Government grants (contnbutons) [6] ¢,016, 875,278 ‘Alottercontnbutons, ots, grants, and ‘mis amounts ot ncuded above |e] __ 27, 862,976, enc contr nda na a Total Add tines ta: > 4,044 7345356] rogarsire [Business Coe OVERNMENT CONTRACTS. 541700 364, 605,698, 564,609,698, SCIENTIFIC_RESEARCH Sai700 135,656,126, 110, 645, 764] 72,610,360, ‘other program senace revenue Total. Add ines 2321 636,205,073, Other Revenue Investment income (nciuing diwdends, teres, and other smlar amounts) Income trom mestment of tax exempt bend proceeds Royalties > > > > 7,504,123, 697,713, 6,816,410, 33,50 ose, ea [Personal Gross ents 206,278, Less rental expenses 077,423, Rental ncome or oss) 323,255, Net rental ncome or oss) > Gross amount trom sales ot [-(]Secuntes | (Other assets other than inventory 80,615,902,| 106,976] Less cost or other base and sales expenses 51,285,223,] 3,109,694] Gain or floss) [Sires [3,082,720 | Net gain or foss) > 26, 47,961, {Gross income trom fundraising events (not inctding $ of ccontrbutons reported on ine te) See Part IV, ine 18 a Less. direct expenses | Net income or (oss) from fundrassng events Gross come from gaming activities. See Part, tne 18 a Less. dect expenses | Net income or oss) rom gaming actwites Gross sales of ventory, less retums and allowances a Less. cost of goods sola | Not income or oss rom sales of aventory > Msoelaneous Revenue [Busness Cosel _ 1 2 SPREE REVENUE 541700 5,016,652, ale emer Bone, 6, vaurune Fas 541700 3,354,719, 7,354,713, Aiotherrevenue Fai700 Total. Ada ines 118116 Total revenue Seo wsvcons. > > CRIED 2751 05.931 | se wes] 73, 90,073] 0,198 TH, Ferm 950 (2012) Ee eeone SAUTELLE MENORIAL INSRETUTE. 314379427 Page 10 [Baa ik Statement oF Functional Expenses sa ‘Section 501()) and 501/24) orancations must complete al Cols. Al cher o”ganahions must complete coun Check Sedu O conta a sponse to any avesion ints Pat osnotinclude amounts reported on ines 6b, Totadeenses | Progaltvermce Funding 7 an To Pa Bpersss Spenas Fat ad aia iacius prams ad +7 = organizations m the United States, See Part IV, bne 21 3,780, 523,] 3,780,523] if Se 2. Gris and te antaee torial > the Unie Sates. Se Pat ine 2 39,423] 39,023, i] 2 Gans end oer apetanee to govemmen =e > ornatons ad ats tee tite Sats See Pat nay ane 18 10,000, 10,000 . 4 Benefits paid to or for members j 5. Comperastoncfcurenofees, eect tustes, ancy employees, sae s.n.035| 6. Conran ma heedo dsmated parors (shined un ton Aad ‘persons described in section 4958(c\3}(B) | Seecmeyens Tea} aa fo aelopsipcnbeyt eee ——h——— CGB 9 Oe mpje ent, Tea Te ——Tae eaE se 1 1s see] 10 Paotanee Ts ase eT aT ae 11 Faro forsemces honenoyee) hens es.sta,s02] _ t09,902 302 FER Tara] one ea nen ¢ oms ae fe «Presson intoog sis eo Po n 7 1 eesnert management ees Tae Ta mr (tm ipomel ens 10% one 28, CmenArmocawate ieoowrnorsard)| _481,556,408| — a74,ane,s00| _ t06,6n9, 500 eee ea Lane] Tara 3 Omecsnnne aise ete | | 44 ometon ancy ee] — ae a e ton Boe arate ar 48 cccperey Tae te] Tor we vet] —— ae | 1 te ee rT foreny leer te eve pute oc 19 Cerfrenera converte rman Ter _ 20 ian oF —— 21 Payments tates 22 Depron, depen sed anrizaton Fl 2 reuwee sHoctee| eno] 4 Oh mes api sesso 1 San re vy | 248 amount exceeds 10% of line 25, column (A) | iroan tl ems Sea) 2 socmnoes aoe are} aT] : ee aa ee (ee Bonne | seer aT | seveaperoeras one sasiase| eer ist ea coc Biase] —enreaee | —— te aee sae Total functional expensen Aad ines Trough Tas, 672,270, ERGAIUEZ 150,656,699, BR Toint oes. Compl ths ine nite organcaton reported i column (8) jst cos om a combed educational eamparg an fundraising shetaton. cucinee > []vnteg scr npc 728 For 990 (2012) sarvetue wevoRTaL_mistrTUTe diana lance Sheet check Schedl O Soias a eapons 1 ay aussbon nha PAA @ ® Bepent yer End year 7 Gash narnnnst beara ai78 Te 79,300 7, 2. Samgsand temporary cash evestnents sen aes 0-307. 80L, 3. Pecyes and gant ecehable net 3 4 Accounts ecole, net Bae Tea 5 Loans and eter recevabes fom cuenta emer fies, crectrs, tues key employees and hes compensated employees Compt Patter Senecio {6 Lean and ater reales rom cer squat persons as Setned under secton S68), persons descrbed econ 49S6@)3N), ans conroateg tiployers and sponsomg argenzabns ct ecton 0) vounany | tiployees’benetary orpaneaton (est) Complete Paro Sch = 8 | 7 Notes and ican recerabe net 7 | tenors for saeoruse Ts ee Tansee © Prepad expenses and detened charges PREECE 667.503. 10a Land, buildings, and equipment’ cost or other ry ‘basis, Complete Part VI of Schedule D. 40a 857, 017, 450,] a ae nas eeemas someone fool as aie] 0,770,869 [ tes 307, 11> vestments publ raed secuntes 764.509.5661 269,150.52, 42 Invesinents er secune, See Part ne 19 Taser wept a a {3 Investments progamvelted See Put ne ‘3 4 itagbie assets i 48. Ohorasete Seo Pat ne 1 Tes a 46 Totaasets. Add nes 1 dough 15 rus! equalie 34 Ts 5a se 8 | 2079000 air. 17 Accounts payable and accrued expenses Tore ae 17315. 18 Grant poyove s 4 Detenesrovense sae ane Tea, 20. Toverempt bond bates a7 sen 356 [ap 17, 820-000; 4 [2 Serovar Conte Pati etched 0 2 © | 22 Loans and other payables to current and former officers, directors, trustees, 1 | key employees, nghest compensated employees, and disqualied persons. . i - ‘Complete Part il of Schedule _ 22 _ — 29. Seciederigages and notes payable toured th partes FEATHER 24 Unsecured nes an oars payable to lated ied pares 28 25. Otner abies (cing federal ncome ta, payables tated hed pares, and chelates notectadedon nes 1728) Compe Pat Xt Seneie asaann.210| a5[ 178,293,048. _| Ta Soa Organizations that follow SFAS 117 (ASW 98) hack Fore ry. 4 | ___ complete tines 27 hough 29, nd tines 8 and 38 a _ 2 | 27 Unrestncted net assets a | 22 Tempore rested tases 78 BY 2 Permanent esicted et assets 2 | organizations that do not follow SFAS 117 (ASC 958), check here Be LE = | andcomplete tines 20 through 94 J [90 Caprtal stock or trust pancspal, or current funds cera | | 22 setanedcamngs, endowment accumulated neome, ore uns siamese Tas = | 33 Totanet assets oF fund balances 531,940, 468.] 33 730,379, 064, 24_Totahabites and net aseand balances Tassel sep La seca Form 990 (2012) Form 980 2012) BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 34379027 age 12 [Bart?Xt] Reconciliation of Net Assets Check Schedule 0 contans a response to any questo nts Pat XI wo 1 Totalrevenue (must equa Part Vil, coun (ne 12) 1 4,751, 85,991, 2 Total expenses (must equalPart IX, colin A), ine 25) 2 4813, 672.778 3 Revenue less expenses. Subtract tne 2 rom ne 1 2 =a 706307, 44 Not asses ox und balances at begmning of year (must equal Part X tne 39, coun (A) 7 San, 940. 468 5 Net urealzed gans fost) on ivestments 3 6 Donated serces and use of aces e 7 tnvestment expenses z {8 Prorpenod adstments @ 135 5, 2 ter crangesin net assets or ind balances (expla a Schedule ) 2 Tis, 335,510, 10 Net assets or und balances at end of year. Combine ines. 3 tvaugh 9 ust equal Pat X, he 92 courn 8) 10 730,378,066. [Part Xil Financial Statements and Reporting Check # Schedule O contains a response to any question inthis Part Xi jon) Yes] Wo 1 Accounting method used to prepare the Form 990: C_]cash [X] Accruat [J other me organizaton changed ts method of accountng from a pro year or checked "Other," expla n Schedule . 2a Were the organizaton's financial statements comple or revewed by an mcependent accountant? 11"¥es," check a box below to indicate whether the tnancal statements forthe year were compiled or reviewed on a arate basis, consoidated bass, or both Separate basis _] Consolidated basis [] Both consolcated and separate bass 'b Were the organzaton's nancial statements audted by an independent accountant? It-¥es," check box below to nchcate whether the feancal statements forthe year were audted on a separate basis, consolidated basis, or both Coseparate basis (X) consotsates basis [1] Botn consolidated and separate basis {© If"Yes"toline 2a or 20, does the organization have a committee thal assumes responsi for oversight ofthe auc, revew, or complain of ts tnancal statements and selection of an independent accountant? Fal 23 2 “ae 3a, es a 5 ae tthe organzaton changed eter ts oversight process or selecton process dung the tax year, explan m Schedule O, zl 3a As aresut ofa federal award, was the organization requrred to undergo an audit or audits as set forth nthe Single Avast — ‘Act and OMB Creular A133? x 'b 11*¥es,* cid the organaation underge the required auctor audits? tthe organization did not undergo the requeed auc or audits, explan why n Schedule O and describe any steps taken to undergo such audits go| x Form 980 (2072), ‘SCHEDULE A 5 ovens ses? {Form 990 oF 990-£2) Public Charity Status and Public Support | 2012 > ‘Complete it the organization isa section 501(c)3) organization or a sectlon Sapam to Tay 4947(0X1) nonexempt charitable trust. ‘Opsti to Pub | nai eves D> Attach to Form 990 or Form 990-EZ. DP See separate instructions. ection Tame ofthe organtaation Employer Identification number BATTELLE MEMORIAL monr7uTE 31-4979427 [Partlz|_ Reason for Public Charity Status (ai organizatons must complete this part) See instructions, ‘The erganzation is not a private foundation because tis (For tnes + UvOugh 11, check only ane box) 1 [J Acturch, convention of churches, or association of churches descned m section 170{0X AM!) 2 C1 Aschool described in section 170(b}(1WANIN. (Attach Schedule E) ‘Anosptal ora cooperate hospital service organcaton described n sectlon 470(6K HAN. ‘A mecieal research organization operated mn congunction with a hosptal described m section I70(OKsKAKI). Enter the hospital's name, cy, and state: [1 Anorganation operated for the benefit ofa colege or unwersity owned or operated by a govemmental unit descnbed in ‘section 170(0) 1KAKIM. (Complete Parl) [1 Atederal, state, or local government or governmental unt desented in section 170(0X NAN). GJ An crgantation that normaly receives a substantial part of ts support fom a governmental unt or rom the general pubile described in a a) a 4 5 6 7 ‘section 170(0)(1HAN). (Complete Part I) ‘Acommunity trust descnbed mn section 170(0)(AXvi). (Complete Part) ‘An organization that normally receives: (1) more than 33 1/39 cf ss support trom contributions, membership fees, and gross recerpts from actwities related to its exempt functions - subject to certain exceptions, and (2) no more than 33 1/9% of ts support trom gross investment ‘come and unrelated busness taxable income (less section 511 tax) from businesses acquired by the organzabon after June 30, 1976. ‘See section 509(0}(2). (Complete Parti!) 10 [J Anorganization organized and operated exctusivey to test for public safety See section S08(a)(4. 11 [1 Anorganization exganed and operated exciusively forthe benefit of, to perform the functions of, or to camry cut the purposes of one or ‘more publicly supported organizations descnbed in section S09{aXt) or section 509(a)2) See section S09(a}(3}. Check the box that i] 39-10% support test 201i organzaton did not check a Box on ine 19.016, and ne 1518.3 179% ox more, check ts box and stop here, The organization qualites a8 a publicly supported organization -O ‘17a 10% -acs-and-lreumstance teat - 2012. he onjanaton didnot checka box on ne 19, 169, 16b, and ine 14 1056 of mor, and the eganaation mets te tals andeacumstance’ tet check hs boxand stp here Essen Pat V Row he eganaton ‘meets the ‘acts and-ercumstances' test, The organtzation quaties as a pubilly supported organization »-O 10% -tacte-ane-crcumstances test 2013, te orancaton di ot checkbox en ke 19, 1a 1b of 172, an ine 15s 10% ot more anf he oganeaton meets the “facts and-cicumstance” tes checks box ang stop hte Exp m Pat Vow te ‘organization meets the “facts-and-crcumstances" test The organization qualiies as a publicly supported organization -O 18 Private foundation, ne rganaaton dd not checks box onine 13, 163, 160, 17,017 check ms bow and eee nsincions =I ‘Schedul ‘A (Form 990 oF 990-EZ) 2012 Schedule A Gorm 900 o¢ 960 €7,2012 jupport Schedule for Organizations Described tn Section SONa2 sages (Complete ony it you chacked the box on ine 9 of Part | orf the organization faled to qualfy under Pat Il the organtaton fats to _qualty under the tests isted below, please complete Part I) Section A. Public Support Calendar year (or acl year begining) >] __(a) 2008 )2008 1e)2030 (zon e)2012 (real 1 Gifts, grants, contnbutions, and membership fees received. (Do not include any “unusual grants *) 2 Gross receipts trom admissions, ‘merchandise sold or services per formed, or faciites tumished any actly that elated tothe ‘Organization's taxexempt purpose 3 Gross recepts from actus that are nat an unrelated trace o bus- ness under section 513 4 Tax revenues leved forthe orga: raabon's benefit and ether pad to erexpended on ts beh ‘5. The value of services or facies furrished by a governmental unt to the organaton without charge © Total. Aa ines 1 through 5 Ta Amounts inctuded on ines 1,2, and S received from dsquaiied persons bb Araunsncon nas 23 reed ‘om abar an snqusad pono oat © Add ines 7a and 7b 2 Publc upper sont aA! Section 8. Total Support Calendar yer (or fiscal yer beginning n)D>[ (0) 2008 2008 je20r0 (azo (azo coTota 9 Amounts rom ine 6 40a Gross ncome tom nt ‘dvdends, payments secuntes loans, rents, royalties {and income fron senfar souroes bb Unrelated business table ncome (iss section 511 taxes) om busmesses cqured afar une 30,1975 ‘© Add nes 10a and 100 11. Netincome from uncetated business actnites not meuded in ine 10D, ‘nether or not the business regulary camed on 42 Other meome, Do not include gain ‘or oss from the sal of captal assets (Expan in Part V) 19, Total support. ews 0. 1.012) 114 ies tv years. Ihe Form 990 s forthe organization's Wat, socond, Uw, fourth, or ith tax year as a ecto 18 801(6)8) organaation, ‘check this box and stop here po ‘Section C. Computation of Public Support Percentage 45 Pubic support percentage for2012 fine 8, column (feivded by no 73, caluma i) 6 % Pubic support percentage om 2011 Schedule A, Pat i ine 15 16 % Section D. Computation of Investment Income Percentage _ 17 Investment ncome percentage for 2012 (Ine 10, column () dded by tne 13, colar fp rd % 18 Investment ncome percentage rom 2011 Schecule A, Pat, ine ¥7 18 % 198.09 9% support tests» 2012. the organization didnot check the Box on ne 14 and ine 168 more than 38 196, andine W7ienat ‘more than 99 1/9%, check this box and stop here. The organcation qualifies as a puble'y supported organization oO 1699 19% support tests ~ 2011. the organzaton da nt check a box anne 14 or ne 199, and ine 161 more than 39 1/0%, and tne 18 rot more than 33 1/3%, check this box and stop here. The organcation quaties as a pully supported ogerizabon >o 20_ Private foundation. the organization did not check a box online 14, 19a, oF 18b, check hss box and see instructions >C) anes wate ‘Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-E2) 2012 SCHEDULE C Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities Cie (Form 9900+ $90-£21] For organizations Exempt From Income Tax Under section 502) and section 627, Deparinart tine ransey | PP Complete i the organization Is described below. P> Attach to Form 990 or Form 880-EZ. | ~. Open to Pubilo inspection, iT the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part, line 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part V line 46 (Poltical Campaign Activities), then «# Section 501(6H3) organizations. Complete Parts |A and 8, Do not complete Part 1C. # section 601(6 (otha tran section 501(c)(3) organizations: Complete Pars VA and C below Do not compte Pat ‘ Section 527 organizations: Compete Part A ony {the organization answered "Yes," to Form 990, Part line 4, or Form 990-EZ, Part VI, line 47 (Lobbying Activites), then ' Section 501(c}) organizations that nave fled Frm 5768 (election under section 501(h) Complete Part ICA. Do not complete Pat I. ‘* Sacton 601(c})organzatons that have NOT fled Form 5768 (election under section 501(h): Complete Part IB, Do not complete Part IA It the organization answered "Yee," to Form 960, Part I, line § (Proxy Tax), oF Form 990-EZ, Part, line ae (Proxy Tax), then +* Section 501(c(), 5), or (6) organzatons: Complete Parti Tame of organization ro Taentieation number BATTELLE MEWORIAL INSTITUTE 314379427 [Part -A]_Complete if the organization is exempt under section 601(c) or is a section 527 organization. 1 Provide a descnption ofthe organaton's direct and indrect poltcal campaign actus in Part IV 2. Poltical expenditures Ld 3 Volunteer hours Part (-B[ Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(¢)(). 7 Entor the amount of any excise tax Incurred by the organization under eection 4955, 7 Bs o 2 Enter the amount of any excise tax ncurred by organzaton managers under secon 4855 ms 2 3 Ifthe organzation ncured a section 4955 tax, i fe Form 4720 for ths year? No ‘4a Was a correction made? Cores Colne bit -Yes."descnbe in Part Iv [PartT-C[_ Complete if the organization 1s exempt under section SOT), except section SOT. 7 Ent the amount avecly expended by te fing organwation fr section $27 exempt function activities ms 2 Enter the amount ofthe ting oxganizabon's funds contributed to other organatons for section $27 exempt function acttles ms 3 Total exempt function expencitures. Ad nes 1 and 2, Enter here and on Form 1120 POL, ine 170 ms 4 Did the fang organization tle Form 1120-POL for ths year? Yes 5 Enter the names, addresses and employer nlentticaton number (IN) ofa ection 527 paltcalorgancatons to which the ting organization ‘made payments, For each organization iste, enter the amount paid fom the ing organization's funds. Also enter the amount of poltical ‘contnbutions recewed that were prompily and dectly detvered toa separate political organization, such as a separate segregated fund or political action committee (PAC) if additional space 1s needed, provide information in Part \V (@)Nane (ey Adaress EN (@)Amount pa tom | (0) Amount of pohical fling organreston's |eontbutons recewed and funds. lt none, enter, | promptly and directly delivered 0 a seperate olticl organization, inane, enter 0. For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990 or 990-62. ‘Schedule G (Form 990 oF 990-EZ) 2072 uw ‘Schedule C Form 900 or 9902] 2012 BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE (election under section 501(h)). 31-4379427__ page? ] Complete ithe organization fs exempt under Section BOTIS]a) and Wed Form S765 1K Check PLT athe ting organization belongs to an afiated group (and ist Part IV each affliated group members name, address, EIN, txpenses and sar of exces ebbing expences creck [1] ne ang omganizan checked pox Aand uted cota rowsions spp mits on Lobbying Expencitures (The term *expencitures" means amounts pald or Incurred) (a)Fiing "| (yattbates group ‘organization's totals Totals ‘a Totallobbyng expendfures to fluence puble opnion (grassroots WbEying) 'b Totalobbyng expenditures to infuence a egslatve body (Sect lobbying) «© Totallobbyng expenditures (add ines 1a and 1b) Other exempt purpose expencitures {© Total exempt purpose expenditures (add ines 1¢ and 16) {Lobbying nontaxable rnount. Enter the ammount from the following table in both columns he amouaton Hine te, column (a) of (0) ‘The iobbying nontaxable amount is: Not over $500,000 2086 ofthe amount on in 4e [Over $500,000 but not over $1,000,000 | $100,000 pls 15% of the excess over $500,000 [Over $1,000,000 but not over $1,500,000 | $175,000 plus 10% of the excess aver $1,000,000 [Over $1,500,000 but not aver $17,000,000 | $225,000 plus 5% ofthe excess over $3,500,000 ‘Over $17,000,000, $1,000,000, {9 Grassroots nontaxable amount (enter 2596 of ine 1), hr Subtract ne 1g ftom ine ta 20°00 less, enter 1 Subtract tne trom tine to. i zero or ess, enter 0 J Ittnere an amount other than zer0 on ether ne Th or ne i, ci the organization fle Form 4720, reporting section 4911 tax for this year? Ch yes_ Eno. “Year Averaging Period Under Section S03(h) {Some organizations that made a section 50%(h) election do not have to complete all of the five ‘columns below. See the Instructions for lines 2a through 2t on page 4) ‘Lobbying Expenditures During & Year Averaging Period penile (a) 2008 (e)2010 (2011 (aoe (6) Total (or fiscal year beginnng n) 2a Lobbying nontaxable amount 'b Lobbying cetng amount (150% of ine 2a, column) ¢ Total tobbyng expencitures Grassroots nontaxable amount Grassroots cesing amount (150% of ine 24, column fe) 1 Grassroots lopbying expenchtures} ‘Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-EZ)2012 ‘Schedule Ccxm 900 960 £7 2012 BATTELLE MENORINL INSTITUTE 314379427 ages ‘Complete if the organization is exempt under section SOT(c)(@) and has NOT filed Form S765 {election under section 501(h)). Foreach "Yes, respanse o nes Ta tvough 1 below, provide n Part IVa detaied descnpton ofthe lobbying actty Yes 71 During the year, did the fling organization attempt to invence foreign, national, state oF x local legsiaton, cluding any attempt to nivence publ opinion on alegistatve matter for rterendum, through the use of Volunteers? Paid staf or management (ncde compensation n expences reported en tnes Ye through 17 x Media advertisements? Matings to members, leisators, or the pubic? Pubicatons, or published or broadcast statements? Grants to other organzations forlobbying purposes? : Deect contact wih legislators, thew staffs, government ofclas, oa legislative body? x 735,470, Ralies, demonstratons, semina's, conventions, speeches, lectures, or any silat means? x Other actives? x 4085, “otal, Add ines Ye through 11 720,364, 2a Did the activities in ine 1 cause the organization to be not descnbed in section 501/63}? x 4 'b I1*¥es," enter the amount of any tax ncured under section 4912 © I1*¥es," enter the amourt of any tax ncured by organation managers under section 4912 it the fling organization incurred a section 4912 tax, did tt fle Form 4720 for this year? i [Par -A] Compiete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c)(4), section S01(c)(@), or section 501(c)(6).. Yes_[ Ne 1 Were substantial all(00% or more) dues receved nondeductibie by mersbers? z 2 01d tne organtation make only inhouse lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? 2 3 _Oid ine organzation agree to cary over lobbying anc pokcal expenditures trom the pror year? 2 [Part Il-B] Complete if the organization is exempt under section 501(c){4), section 501(c)(), or section 501(c)(6) and if either (a) BOTH Part III-A, lines 1 and 2, are answered "No," OR (b) Part Ill-A, answered "Yes." 7 Duss, assessments and sear amounte from members 1 2 Section 162(¢)nondeductile lobbying and poitical expenditures (do not include amounts of political ‘expenses for whieh the section 527(f tax was ald}. 2 Current year ine 3, is 2a | 1 Carryover from lst year : 25 © Total : Ze ‘3. Aggregate amount reported a secon 6033()(/A) notices of mndeductbe section 162(e) dues 3 “4 fnotices were sent and the amount online 2c exceeds the amount on ine 3, what porton ofthe excess does the organization agree to carryover to the reasenabie estimate of nondeduetible lodbyng and poltial expenature next year? 4 5 _Taxable amount of obbying and poitical expenditures (see nstuctions) 3 [PartIV [Supplemental Information. ‘Compete this part to provige the descnptons requred for Pan FA, ine 1; Pant, ine 4, Pan FO, ine 5, Part IVA affaated group hall Pan IVA, ine 2, 4nd Par I18, ine 1. Also, complete this part for any addtional nformaton, PARP II-B, LINE 1, LOBBYING ACTIVITIES. Line 12) onan acravimies ‘THIRTEEN ORGANIZATIONS REPORTED THAT A PORTION OF MEN JERSHIP_DUES_PAID BY BATTELLE WERE USED FOR LOBBYING. INTERNAL LOBBYING EXPENSES TOTALED $916,240 AND EXTERNAL LOBBYING sm ‘Schedule G (Form 990 or 900-EZ)2012 ‘Schedule C (Form $90 or 99067 2012 BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 379427, fea Steen tnton formation (contnved EXPENSES TOTALED $423,222 FOR A TOTAL OF $739,470, ‘THE GENERAL ISSUE AREA FOR LOBBYING IS INCREASED APPROPRIATIONS IN THE EDERAL BUDGET FOR SCTENTIETC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS THROUGH [APPROPRIATIONS AND REFORT LANGUAGE. ‘ME SPECIFIC LOBBYING ISSUES INCLUDE THE HOUSE AND SENATE AUTHORIZATION ‘AND APPROPRIATIONS BILLG FOR ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOPMENT; DEFENSE JRTERIOR, ENVIRONMENT, ND RELATED AGENCIES; LABOR, HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES; TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING AND ORDA DEVELOPMENT, AND RELATED AGENCIES, COMMERCE, JUSTICE, SCIENCE, AND RELATED AGENCIES, INTELLIGENCE, NUD HOMELAND SECURITY, ‘THE HOUSE(S) OF CONGRESS AND FEDERAL AGENCIES CONTACTED INCLUDE: U.o. MOUSE, U.S. SENATE, DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, DEPARINENT OF DEFENSE, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTHENT OP HONELAND GECURITY, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH), U.S, ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS, AND NATIONAL OCENNTC AND ATHOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, IN ADDITION, A MINOR ANOUNT OP LOBBYING 12 CONDUCTED WITH VARIOUS STATE ‘AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS AND/OR AGENCIES, ‘roe ‘Schedule G Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2012 SCHEDULE D Supplemental Financial Statements “On4d- (Ferm 900) > complete it the organization answered "esto Form 260, 2012 Part Native 7,88 10, 110, {Yb 6,14, He, 2a or 12 a Pematesrery De Atiac to Form 990, > See separate instructor oe a Name of te organization Erployer Wentiestion number marrenae MEMORIAL str207E Siearrsea7 [BERIN Organizations Maintaining Donor Advised Funds or Other Sina Funds oF ASCOURTS: Compa The xarieton answered "Ys" o For 99, Pate Te) Donor adused finds Te) Funds and other accounts ‘otal number at end of year ‘Aggregate contibutions to (autng year) ‘Aggregate grants trom (during year) ‘Aggregate value at end of year 1d the organcation inform al donors and donor aduisorsn writing thatthe assets held m donor advised funds ‘are the organization's property, subyect to the organization's excluswve legal control? Clves C1no {© Did the organzation inform all grantees, donors, and conor advisers in wntiig that grant funds can be used only {or chartabe purposes and not forthe bene ofthe donor ar donor advisor, orfor any oer purpose confemng impermssibe pnvate Benet? Tyee To [EERuIIM[ Conservation Easements. Compete tthe organcaton answered To Form $86, Pan W.ine 7. 1 Purpose(s) of conservation easerments held by the organzahon (check al that apply) Preservation of land fo public use (@ 9, recreation or education) Preservation ofan histoncaly important land area Protection of natural habitat Co Preservation ofa certified histone structure reservation of open space 2 Complete tines 2a through 20 ithe organization held a qualified conservation contnibubon in the form of a conservation easement on the last ay ofthe tax year eld atthe End of ie Tox Year “Total numberof conservation easements Total acreage restricted by conservation easements Number of conservation easements on a cerited stone structure included in (a) Number of conservation easements cluded i (c) acquived after 8/17/06, and not on a stone structure sted the Natonal Regster ‘8. Number of conservation easements modtted, transfered, released, extngushed, or termnated by the organation dunng the ax year ‘4 Number of states where property subject to conservation easements located Pe 5 Does the ciganization have a wnten poly regarding the penodic montorns, nepection, handing ot ‘wolations, and enforcement of the conservation easements it holds? Clves (no 6 Stat and volunteer hours devoted to montonng, nspecng, and enforeng conservation easements dung the year 7 Amount of expenses incurred n montring, inspecting, and enforcing conservation easements during the year > $ 8 Does each conservation easement reported online 2(6) above satsty the requrements of section 170%V4NBN) ‘and section 170(n/4N0)? Cves Cine 8 nar Xil, descnibe how the organizaton reports conservation easements ins revenue and exnense statement, and balance sheet, end "nclude, i applicable, the tex of ne footnote tothe organization's fmancial statements that descnbes the organization's accountng for conservation easement f Organizations Maintaining Collections of An, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Asset ———— Complete ithe organation answered "Yes" to Form 990, Pat IV, ne 8 18 Ifthe organiation elected, as permted under SFAS 116 (ASC 858), not to report iad revenue statement and balance sheet works ofa, tstoncal treasures, or oer simiar assets held for pubic exhibition, education, or research i furtherance of pubic sence, provide, In Part Xl ‘the text ofthe footnote tos tnancal statements that descnbes these tems Ifthe organization elected, 2s permitted under SFAS 116 (ASC. 958), to report ins revenue statement and balance sheet works of at, histoncal ‘treasures, or other similar assets held for public exhibtton education, or research m futherance of publ sernce, prove the folowng amounts relating to these tems. a [Peg (0, Reverwes nctded n Form 90, Part Vt, ne 1 : nS (i) Assets included mn Form 990, Part X ms 2 Wine organicaton received or held works of a hstoncal weesures or other santa asses for franca gah, promi the folowing amount required tobe reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) lating o these ers 2 Revenves included For 990, Part Vl ine 1 bs Assets Included in Form 990, Pat x vhs WHA” For Paperwork Reduction Act Natic See the instructions for Form 990, ‘Schedule D (Form 990) 2072 Schedule 0 Form 990) 2012 _BATTELLE MEMORIAL TNSRITUTE, 31-4379427 "Page Organizations Maintaining Collections of Art, Historical Treasures, or Other Similar Assetscontnued) 3 Usng the organzatin’s acquistion, accession, and ether records, check any ofthe folowng that area significant use ofits cotection items (check al that appt 2 C1) Pubic exhtotion ¢ T) Loan or exchange programs b C) scholarly research eo CD otner, ¢ [1 Preservation tor future generations 4 Prowde a descrption ofthe organization's collections and expan how they further the organization's exempt purpose In Pat Xl '5 Dunng the year, dc tho organization sot or recowe donatons of af, histor reaures, oc oher sma assets s3¢ funds rather than to be maintaned as part of the organzation’s collection? (yes 1 No. J] Escrow and Custodial Arrangements. Compete the organzation answered "Yes" to Form 990, Part W, Ine 9, reported an amount on Form 380, Part, ine 21 “a Is the organization an agent, rstee, custodian or other mtermediary for contibutlons or other assets not ncluded ‘on Form 980, Part X? bIf*¥es,*explan the arrangement n Part Xi and complet the folowing table: Cores (ne mount © Beginning balance «Additions dunng the year €Dsstroutions durng the yea | Ending balance ‘2a. Did the organzaton include an amount an Form 990, Pat X, ine 21? bf “Yes,” expla the arrangement in Part XIl_ Check here i the explanation has been provided m Part Xi Cj [BamWAB/Endowment Funds. Complete te organization answered "Yes" to Form 990, Pan IV, ne 10, {s) Curent year | _(b) Prior year | (e) Two years back | (a) Tes yes back | (o) Four years bak No 4 eginng of yar bance Contnovtene Net avestnst eamings, go and oses Grats or scholashios ner expences or facies ana programs 1 parnnatatve expenses a Endot year tance 2 row te extrated percentage ofthe cue yar ra baloce fie Tg cola Faas 2 Board designated or quaslendowment * Permanent endowment > @ Temporany ented endonrant x ‘ne percetages nts 2820, and 2 todd el TO Sa. Ae ter endowment und nt the possession fhe agenizaton ta re eld an acter forthe organzabon y ()_unretated organwzations: (it) related organizations: ies" to aa are he elated cgsnatons ited a equeed on Schedule A? esc n Pa te ntended vs one cxanzatan’sendouen! ns, [BERMA[ Cand, Buildings, and Equipment. see Fo 990, Pan Xie 1 DDescrpton of property (@)Costoratner | (0) Cost orother | (@)Accumulated | (@)Book value basis (rvestment) | bass (othe!) depreciation 7@ Land 15,417,303, as ae 75,417,303, Bulcings : 348,034,915 | 266,403,267. 21, 631,652, © Leasehold improvements Equpment i, 096,300] FECRTURTGH 32,508, 08F 2 Other 42138288, a2 198. 208 ‘Total. Add ines 1a trough te (Column (a) must equal Form 690, Part X, column 3), ine TOC). S 51, 695.267, ‘Schedule D Form 990) 2012 Schedule D (Form 990)2012_BATPELLE_MEWORIAL 1nsT2TUTE 31-4379427 Page 3 Part Vill Investments - Other Securities. See Fom 990, Pan % ine 12 {ay Dessron of secur orcaepory rewargnarwatseaniy) | (6) Book value {) Frrancal dervatives @) Closelyheld equity interests © omer saobt TRUSTS TE) Method of vation: Cost or end otyear marker valve 137, 633,600 | cost 7,209, 971,| — END-OF “YEAR MARKET VALUE m Toul (Oo 0 ust equal Form 950, PartX col ine Tea 303, 6] Part Vill] Investments - Program Related. See Form 900, Pan X, ine 15 {@] Description ofnvestment ype. (@) Book vale (Manoa oF valuation Cost oF end Otyear market val a9 Tota (Golo) must qual Form 990, Par fart NOMS ther Assets. See Forn 990, Part Xt 15 Ta) Desenphion BOOK va Tota 1 fe) must equal Fom 990, Pan X col Bune 15 ‘Other Liabilities. See Form 990, Par X, ine 25 ‘Py Deserpton of iabiry Ty BoaKvae Federal come taxes ‘ow TRAM BENEPIT RELATED LIABILTITES ‘OTHER LONG TERM WIABILITIES LIABILITY FOR POSTRETIREMENT & OTHER 3,184,068, 13,258,772, 759,700, 703, 0 TT ‘Tota, (Gatun (e) must equal Form 990, Par X, col (ina 75) > 178,143,044 | 2. FIN 48 (ASC 740) Footnote. Part XN, provide the text of the footnote 1o the arganaation’s fhancral satements that reports the rganzahon’'s Jablty for uncertah tax postions under EIN 48 (ASC 740), Check her i the text of the footnote has been provised in Part Xi vs ‘Schedule D (Farm 990) 2012 ‘Schedule D Form 990) 2012 _BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE. [Part x1] Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return 71 Totalrevenue, gans, and other suppor por auded financial statements 2 Amounts included on ine 1 but not on Form 990, Part Vl, ine 12: Net unreaized gans on investments Donated sernces and use of facies Recovenes of pnor year grants ‘Other (Describe m Part Xi) ‘Add ines 2a thvough 24 3 Subtract ne 26 fom ine 4 4 Amounts included on Form 990, Part Vil, ine 12, ut rot on ine 4 {Investment expenses not included on Form 980, Part Vil ine 7 Other (Describe n Part Xi) © Add ines 42.and 4b Total revenue. Add ines 3 and de, This must equel Form 990, Prt |, ine 12), 314379477 Page 1 [ate 355,660, 2 2 20 24 Tew, 51,637,455. FW RITRLROM | 2 19,923,730. E791, 805 931, Part Xil | Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return 1+ Total expenses and losses per audited fnancalstaternents| 2. Amounts ncuded on tine 1 but nat on Form 200, Part IX, ine 26: {2 Donated services and use of facies b Pnor year adjustments © Other losses 4. Other (Describe n Pat XI) © Ada ines 2a through 24 9 Subtract Ine 2e tmiine 4 44 Amounts cluded on Form 990, Pat IX, ine 25, but not online + ‘2 Investment expenses not inchided on Form 990, Part Vil, ine 7B 'b Other (Describe m Pat XI) © Ad¢ ines 4a and 4b '5_Total expenses Add ines 3 and de. (Ths must equal Form 990, Part ine 18) 1] 86 703,755, 2 [2 | 2e 28 355207) 20 41,955,207, 3 | 794,706,508. 16,323,730 [s | —aans.e7a ae Part Xill| Supplemental Information Complete ths pat to provide the desenptions required for Pal, hnes 3, ‘and 9; Part I, knes Ya and 4; Part WV, ines tb and 2b; PartV, ine 4; Part X, tne 2, Part XI, ines 26 and 4b, and Part Xl ines 2d and 4b. Also complete ths part to provide any additonal normaton, PART XI, LING 20 - ofWER ADJUSTMENTS: SUBSIDIARIES REVENUE NOT INCLUDED Ii FORM 990 51,637,459, PART XI, LINE 4 - OMWER ADJUSTMENTS. RECLASSIFY INCOME 18, 923,730, PART XYZ, LINE 20 - OTHER ADsUSTWENTS: ‘Schedule D (Form 990) 2012 cule (Fam 990)2012 ___BATTELL WevORTAL aNsTETUTE sanea7 pages [PatRI Supplemental Information connveq SUBSIDIARIES EXPENSE NOT INCLUDED IN FORM 990 41,955,207, PART XIT, LINE 48 - OTHER ADsUST¥ENTS: RECLASSIFY EXPENSE 16,923,739) PART X, LINE 2 - FIN 48(AsC 740) FoOmOTE {IME PROVISIONS OP FIN 48 INCLUDED IN FASB ASC 740 APPLY 70 BATTELLE. NENORIAL INSTITUTE (BMI). A FIN 48 ANALYSIS FOR UNCERTAIN INCOME TAX POSITIONS MAS PERFORMED BY BNI AND REVIEWED BY 175 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS, AS A RESULT OF THE ANALYSTS, NO FIN 48 RESERVES FOR UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS WERE REQUIRED AND NONE WERE RECORDED IN THE FINANCIAL SPATEMENTS, THEREFORE NO SPECIFIC FIN ¢8 FOOTNOTE WAS INCLUDED Mt BMI'S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. saz, ‘Schedule D (Form 990) 2012 SCHEDULE F] — Statement of Activities Outside the United States | ‘We teno_ (Form 990) > Conpleteif the orgaization anawerea"Yes" to Form $9, 2012 - art, tng 150° 18. a coerce tach to Form ou B Se separate nsbuctos [eens ‘ame of te organzaten Employer Wentteation number sxoTsia wmyonaNtrorrTUTe sansa [Parti J General Information on Activities Outside the United States. Complete the organization answered "Ves" to Form 990, Part WV, line 140, + For grantmakers, Does the organreation mantan records to substantiate the amount ofits grants and other asssstance, the grantees’ elgibilty fr the grants or assstance, and the selection criteria used to award the grants orassistance? ves. (1 No 2. For grantmakers, Descnbe n Part V the organaation’s procedures for montonng the use of ts grants and other assistance outside the Unied States, Actes per Regen (The folowrg Pati Stabe can be dupicated f adsitonal space s needed) (a) Region (©) Number of |e) Number of] (d) Actes conducted nregen | (e)Wactwiytstedin(@) | _ (Tota ofices | SBBVEES, | (oy type) (eg. fundrasng. progam | isaproyramservce, | expenditures Intneregion | dependent | serces, vestments, grants to | descnbe specie ype | JO"and, Canister | reopens cated nthe region) ‘of serves) region een EAST ASIA 2D THE screwarere pacrerc 1 8 brockam senvices SESEARCH/ SERVICES 4,311,564, sewnPre peseancn/seavices 10 europe 19 brooran senvrces kanonatony waxacenern | 19,318,513. MI00UE EAST AND TENTTPIC NORTH_AFRICA 6 procnas senvices ESEARCH/ SERVICES 5,370,320. crentiic RUSSIA 2D THE WEMLY {ESEARCH/ SERVICES AND INDEPENDENT STATES 4 65 broonay senvices RATORY wawnceMenr | 9,169,120. EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4 0 huvesraers 14,351,977, 2unorE 4 0 brvesmmenes 15, 606. SOUTH_ASIA 4 o_kivestuewrs 6,002,022. MIpOLE EAST 2D NORTH APRICA 0 frvestuewrs 41,296. ‘3a Subtotal z 3 CREO Total rom contrwaton sheets to Part! d ° °. Totals (add ines Sa 2938) 4 28 69,930,438, THA For Paperwork Reduction Act Noice, see the Instructions for Form 880, F (Form 990) 2012 2102 (066 we) 4 omPeuos = = a « su bo (efo)L05 vonses € popwo:d st fa rdwoxase se pamutooa ‘nuneo ubier0) 24 se penuBooa: ave ye axoge Pais z Hl Fo WeaSmeaE SHTH-O00 OT Wiouoae a0 srvanaad an ‘SRL HE ‘THvaEsoq LNBOHCRGEONT AHS xe Tivegsva ayoaans ay» VISEm (awno Yesrexdde pmraased | corcenenaess meee wes “nvia 000) uonene Bo Powe) ‘yeeouou so junoury (6) p22 W uno (2) po ssodina (6) vosbou (9) vonease60 yo wen (e) ‘ ‘se 10)’51 201 Wee ‘066 UO OF.) Zw ‘papaau st oes yevouppe p paveatdnp 2a Ved Ved "OON'SS WENN stOUL paNGDaL o¥m Wadoa! fausue vonenuebio au» 313109 “Sa¥eNS PaMUN aun aprsino sannug J0 suoNeZIveEAO oF souRsstssy soWo puE sem [THE] HALIIGNE IWORER STTELNG 202 (66 WOT oMPRES Ze (ono wo.) sonpeNes a cage ese — Me) | sounease ysrouou | “ieeoum vwouasingapuces | aweeyseo | sundoos a sourse 0 we 0 od 40 pownan (u) 40 vonduosag (6) so noury 6) go rauueyy (9) 430 yuNoury (p) | 40 sequinty (9) Ld a meee TwRE TeveLey-Ve BOERS STOTT ROOTES T POWERS BO TES TT ou veg 096 unos 159A, povosue vonezuebio 9 eduoD sotes powUN mn pro SeMAMpULOLsovEREEY Jou BUR swe TERA BEOUIESNT NTROREM STRING ZOE WEES omIPSTOS ‘Schedule € Form 990) 2012 _ BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 314379427) Page 4 Foreign Forms ‘Was the organization @ US. transferor of property toa foreign corporation dunng the tax year? if "Ves,* the ‘organization may be requred to fie Form 926, Retum by a US. Transfrar of Property toa Foreign ‘Corporation (see Instructons for Form 926) . Gyes no ‘id the organization have an intrest ina foreign trust uring the tax year? I "Yes," ne organcation ‘may be requred to fle Form 3520, Annual Retum to Report Transactions with Foregn Trusts and Fecepptof Cetan Foreign Gis, andlor Farm 3620-A, Annual information Return of Foreign Trust With US. Owner (ee instructions fr Forms 3520 and 2520-A) Cves Bno a the organization have an ownership interest ina foreign corporation dunng the tax year? If "Ves," the ergamtzaton may be requred to tie Form 5471, Informatian Retum of US. Persons Vith Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations. (see Instructions for Form 5471) (Ives Co Was the organization a iect or incirect shareholder of a passive foreign investment company ora {qualfled electing fund dung the tax year? “Ves, "the organczation may be requved to fle Form 8621, Information Return by a Shareholder ofa Passive Foregn Investment Company or Qualited Electng Fund. {e@ instructions for Form 8621) : Gd ves (Ino id the organzation have an ownership interest na foreign partnership dung the tax year? Yes,” the organtzaton may be required tote Form 8865, Return of US. Persons With Respect To Certan Foreign Partnerships. (see Instructions for Form 8865) Go yes Co ‘ia the erganzation have any operatonsin o elated to any boycotting countnes during the tax year? If Yes, the organzaton may be required to fle Form 5773, ntemavonal Boycott Report fee instructions {for Form 8713) Bre Cro ‘Schedule F (Form 880) 2012 SScneduleF (Form $00) 2012 _PATFELLE MEMORIAL, rw5"27UTE ‘Supplemental information ‘Complete this pat to pronde the formation requred by Pat |, ne 2 mentrng of funds}, Parte 3, column () (accountng method: amounts of nvestments vs, expencitures per region; Pate 1 (aeccunting method}; Parti (accounting method) and Part (6) (estmated numberof ecorents), 8 appicable Algo complete ths part to prove any addtional formation, ‘column SCHEDULE F PART IT ‘BMI PROVIDED A $10,000 GRANT 70 THB FRIENDS OF GEORGIAN BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL FOUNDATION, A NONPROPIT ORGANIZATION FORMED I THE REPUBLIC OF GEORGIA 70 SUPPORT BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL FOR THE YOUTH IN THE LOCAL AREA WHERE BMI ESTABLISHED AU OFFICE. A BATTELLE STAFF MEMBER RESIDING IN THE COUNTRY 15 OM THE ORGANIZATIONS BOARD OF DIRECTORS. PERSUANT 70 {IME GRANT AGREEMENT, THE FOUNDATION PROVIDES EMI WITH PERIODIC REPORTS REGARDING HON THE GRANT FUNDS ARE SPENT. iene ee ‘Schedule F (Form 090)2072 (21.02) (066 w304) | ompouog “066 uog 29} suonanasuy aun 295 ‘2000N joy uoNaNpeY YORIEdeA 104 VHT a < Te < NOTENDGGa NUS wvouand Fo DHOHEDS ONTINEREO “NED re [a conte or “STiva omar AY TUTE 5 00¢ omvar wzaisva go KoasaK 2a “qrusvosnoas aaeivwanad Fo Fosse Ttorteq sosseTe-e8 TOECP WO SARNTOS + asus avoua isva $66 ~ souKnT09 HEINEHO 20 SSO¥O ORE VOTES THOaTOS ONTDMETES TR Fe wee Tcayt04 avatse9-ee 30Ter va ‘winataqvitna - Yoo1s Hist ‘agus iamussio sto - Roweaszu NOTINDGOS WES GuOTaR: Fo Fare THarecd ecoaoes-Fe sory HO "NOM AYHGVOUS RUYOK OL S100HD6 oTtand HON Taoaans onruaaao “TaN ° 005s a ‘zoare vo - svramuns so SOT = sarunno> avrROvTvaay souessse vseov0y | yuei0 useo sownoury(@) | Jo wnowy (p) sounissse 10 soursese yseo: 1ueiB 0 asoning () 10 vorduosag| ‘ue 19)"12 ou 'AI Ue ‘066 WHO 01.89, palonsue LOLEDUEEID at» 1y8UOD SOIENS PAWUN 219 Ul SVONEZTULEIO UE swWoUNEROD oF BoUESISSY JeNO pUE sWweD [TH Heg THTEIS aVU BU SPUAY WORDS Jo BaT Bo BOTOVUOL Oy SAM PHOT E LOTEBVEDTO Bul AVE USAT —e “ont =ALg] _LeouEsiese 20 SUE oun PIEME o} pasn eUoHD Luonoates aun pue ‘2ounsese 10 subi au Jo} Kya .£981U816 aia “29URESSCP 10 SURIB 94 JO NOW 249 aTENLEISGNS O1SpIoDeI UIEIEW LOeZLEEID 245300 _& pus sqwes9 vo uonewow wu | ued THUNTIUSAT “NTWONEH STIBEING kody vonezvetio ay jo wen “066 ui0g oF WaERY "22-0 12 2Un'N1 Weg 056 we Or .604, paLoMsuE UONEZUEBIO ox! aYeFdwOD seins pawn, pu pue “swouser09 “suonequet ISy 49410 Pue SUED kemeoeuipioang (086 wes) imnaaHos (066 w04) | amp aus ‘GOgaGS ORTUNIEGO “TaN lo Foose etayt0q 09L00T0-TS, Wuogdas ONTEWEREO TNE fo Foos er cates NOTEWSRGG aus Baoadad Fe Fare Traian} as0009-¥e — Fe Foose Tate NOTEvoGda KEES Tuoaand Fe [ous oo eravtoq coaceer-Te “TTRSROSHOUS USOT UCD Fo Fosr Ttaited sstit90-20 NOTDOGE WEES auOsaad [ro Foo0"oe e(ayt04 eseezse-ue ‘biodans Suramaaao Tea Fe F ooo os T(ortof treszv0-29 Wornvsoas waZs Gaoaand Fo BE CH avecd_atocers-ve course 10 oussse useo uou| 6:0 18 jo as0dine () ye uonsuaeeq (6) ene (OE Ta freee Tose OTT HERES (66 wo) ompouos ‘aimswosnoas /aasreaanad Fo Poor Fe Foose ecoitog att9es0-2e Fo [oss Tiortoq vacrere-te ions curva Tamed Fo Foo0"0s a Dore Tred Uvscey-te ‘FIRSWOSNOAS aS TOA Fo Foos "ve Tiorto4 sscceT-¥e ‘THSWOSNOaS /aasTVaGRDA Fe Fooo vt Tiaytog Peceoee-te ° Fooe"er Tootod sotecve-ee Tosans onTneaao Waa! Fo Fo00 000" Frortaq perros te Taino esedae "awa 'xe0q) | sourssse aquessse 10 sounsisse yseouou} —“voweryen vweeou0y | yuesB uses | eygeaydde » wowuranet weld jo as0ding (4) jovonai2seg (6) | sopouenu) | sowunowy a) | jownoury(p) | voases ous) na) 10 s80000% zi TOSS WOT TaRRTDE) FOS PovUN Uf SUORETTUEBIO PUE HUDUINIONSD 01 SOUEISTEY TOWIO DUE SED Toba Tevererte SUNSIGSRT TRTWOWEH STISING (ce wo) mpoues: “ERWED WEAGEINN ROOUSENT le Foo0 or (Haier ste000s-ze Thosans onTuweazo Tad fo Foor coor worvooas swoaand FRB wa 986" ro TrviareryTwe0009-25 oneness SFaoan Fo Foor Evaro ‘resorems aTvaKnoK 236 oases onrnnaao Timed Fe Foor Toartof teeseer-0e Tuoaane oninesae Tamed Fo Foo7es TaN “rome Fro Foose TiarT04 eesosv0-2e uetwaoTansa TRON: Fo Foos"s Taner lo fexeoe Tiaito4 estt009-20 ornvasnod Koruvonda 16 291 (ain fesrdce “avid 000) soueyssse 10 Vvorenen ueB uses | ajgeondce » uowwar06 40 voneDUeE.o 1216 0 as0ding (4) povoystn Jo pownew O) ro wnouy(p) | uon2es oui) Nata) 0 Se0ippe pue owen (e) 72a TOs wos) | RONG] SOTEIG Pow Sua SUONETINEBIG PLE SWSUNUIBNOD 04 OOUENSIESY J0URO PUE SWE JO VONET Teper Teveliv- te “BEALTISNT TWIWORDK avisuaa (006 WI: (066 w0)1 2mpauos GHOUIAS ONTUWESEO TORE le fo00"s ab SON Fe Foo0"or Tiaito4 sTtLe-oz “araswosnoaq fe Foooe Teartad ervL009-te Fe Fooe's ony ovata / 4 HOHE ORTUMEEES TTA! lo ooo" etariod wrcvevo-ee fo wee THaerd zee000s-ze RIMM 201SaNIS OF le Foose TKONODE 6a Taoaaes onruwmae Tiare WOUIMUn Boras ad or eT le e(oitoq ceerser-a oaaas oarnvaaao Tamed fo [oco7osr Ecartod s919079-92 (Gauo yesiesdde “avis "Y000) soumrsise 10 sounesse useouoy} —“Uotenten uauuar08 2 wei8 jo asoding (4) yo voaduossa (6) | 10 powiow W) NB fe ssaippe pu Tied TOES Wa aATREST SaIeIS pavvUy SUT UT SUONETUREIO pue SIUDMUIEADD O1 BOUEISTEEY RUIO DUE EWEN IO i063 OE ‘Teter ro TLOUTEGNT “NTWOKER BTISLIVE (OSE WOTTONPOIOS foce wo) ompeues, {HOAaNS ONTLYSO TeHENG! “‘ioadas oxtavaaao Temaad Etat G690c00-ee GHORGDS ONTARIO NA ecaytod oresoet-9 eats Woruvonaa Wais awoadaq etavto9 —ezez0se-v0 BRMIDORE TNOTENSNOA ecortad Loresco-ee eco: oTavo0da REIS eOuam ANNEX 626 -FERSHOGNOGS PASTUOROA etartoq coasoer-ee araswonnoas aasTaand ecartoq 99earer-er ‘oversee 10 ojgeondde » 08398 ou (9) na @ wei6 yo osodines () Tarr Tevecerte Tika (OSS OI RHODRI STS PovUN BUN Ul SUOTETIUEEID HUE SIIBLILOAOD OF OOUBSTESY J9WIO PUE SUED, ELDUIESRT TWINORDN STILE (066 u0)1 empoues, “atnsuosnogs aasTewanag lo ag Tioiteq taveerr-te Tozer HO speRDTOS AERUS ROIK K O9TT Taoaans ourawnas Tamed lo Foose Trortoq seaseT-wT Tiett aN aN Joo zz "ANS do Noravanos HoWvaESY HOR MAN 40 XLISHAATND SEVIS rama Fe Foo0 9 (overt estto0s-te coce or STN wos ascawzoraasa “| va xusante woruvonaa Weis auosaaq iQ ore T5957 WO" HLRORSENOE sms CHODAS O76 ABISUAAINA GUNES BARNES Taodans ORTUNERS TO fo x Eco Tost Ra STARR NVI SSAMNR SCT ERED WAAC ROORSSVE Fo reas THviavecd sorteos-ze govee af “sana omvar XERWIS HEIMO $567 “aTaSuOSRONS PeaSTONORDA Fo Foose ecartod scacost-es RST THORS ONTONSES THE Fo Fooo"ze etovt0f zoorteo-2e “‘Tinswosnoss rassrewcnnd Fo Fooo"e NOTSVGROOS WOH LiEEATa sounsiese souryssse 10 sounssse yseoucu] —“touenten weeovu | wed yes | agemidde y wauwano6 0 uonemueti0 tueib jo as0aing (4) yovoau2seg (6) | yopouiany) | yorunoury(e) | yownowyip) | vonoas out (a) nae 10 ss21ppe pue QUIEN (2) Ties 6s wea] aNBeIRS)SaIRAS PTT oi UF cuoNETUEBIO puR ETUSUITIENOD oF SOUESTEY JMO HUE sWUEID J0 WORENUTUOD ieee Taber TeveLer te Tose WHEAT FETS NOTWVORGa RAIS GuOaan Fo Foo0"o0e Tiaytaq Tecoors-o% sur: Fe Foos"s (Hiavecd_sveo009-e atasuauava xzrnae0g ROTOR FAIS auOeaR Fo Ferre aodans onTuvETas Ta 7 Foes"or Tareq sae0co-e Tuowias onruwaas Tea Fo Fooo oar Tiartod teoatar-te GaoaanS ONTENTS TRG! Fo WuOdtas ONTDNEO TONS re [ooser ecortod wescezo-ce ROGERS ONTLWEEO ONE ° Foao's ecarvad tietp0-e9 aoueyssse ‘soursise 10 eounssse yseo vou vusrouou | weOuseo | — ojgeondde » uo Mus8%08 0 610 eid jo asoding (4) 10 vonducsag (6) sowuneury(a) | jowunowryip) | vonses out) na@ 0 seo1ppe pt e) TiBa oes aI) RTS) BaTRTS PaVUN Ul SUORET|UEEIO PUR FIUTUNIONOD OF SSUESTESY 2WIO Due SIUEID TO UD AOLILERE TENOR aTTaLEKa (056 WOT TMDLS Tang reverent 0 [inves] (066 w0 3) amp9uoS ROTINDOGE WaIS awOsan| Fo Ferre Etoytoq eeuetoc-ee S9ts¥ HO “NOLANG (ame yesdde “And 'y00q) | counsese souerssse 10 Jeounssse yseouou| —“toenen vsesucu | wueOyseo | sjqeondde p uouwan06 40 vogezue.0 ueiB jo asoding (u) yovvondusssa (6) | jepowsmG) | sownowy(a) | jownouyie) | vores oui 0) nae 10 seaippe pue owen (e) Toes Taveler TRG TOSS WUT aRBENSS) IETS PATUN BiH SUORETTUEBIO UR URUTUIONOD 6) SOUETISTY OURO PUE aE jouonenUNUOD [ORE] UNEIESNY “TENOR @TIELIME (OSE wIOSTTONPIUOS a “TETIED JO GIDEDGO WACOWE OF TOWN KINO TY (x22) (056 ws04) mpoues GENGES GVRE FANS ONTIVH OF AOWOUZAY NAO WIGHE GAVE AOE O71 STIGLING-Un GW "DIT SHERIDOSEW GOREIOS NaMVENGOWE “O71 SONUITIV ASuaiG JTIazIva 000 GOSS WiKO GNOTLGRTMLSTO GV Wod TWAGHAAY TWA GVH SHOLDTHTG 20 GHVOR TRA ‘Fit “ROTEDATULSTG Sa JO Ss0guna GAY Za008 GHG GAINES WHE WaULGT GATEOEEGO WoROT © ROIS Of GHOTINGTNNOGO Gi GHG ING “SUAWED WGOUVT WO “ROTEWERCONO INGTIVED (C)(OITOS © RIN AGHE EEE ONIRUTANOS SN AGRE FSET at ONTETSOAG GAY ONINOIS NO WNL GAUWEE UWE NOTANZINVOUO HOVE OF WALLS Saas (IRN) SETTGENT WHOM STILE °C GIT yaaa “T SmngmDS TEETH VOTE TS KOR BOE TOY HOTS WES BUH TWO POATbaT WORT oa BONO VET Sy TERIOR VONPTORA TeRVOUORIITS ATER] Fo Fos E TSEINOD INES WG SROERTGA CTOE fre ROTENSOGE KIRK 9 aoMaI9e - ROTWVWoNOH waHOVAL sorzogo¥ asura Gono pendce any yen | sommatniens | webs | ayodonr sounsere wero wou jo uondiosaa wy | “*aitnenioncasin tl” [eousewnouy | sernounyt2)_| seman () seems 01 094K () popseu 3 soedsUONBDE pele 9a UED mea zz 0U1'N ves069 wos 024, pons Jouenuntio us eIyducg sates pauen aur ulsiempADU crezuERtesy smno pues (FEET robes LEVGLER-TE BUOLIGENI TWIUOKEN STISLIVG Tet0e) (056 uno) SINPSUOS “orm 990) BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 314379827 page? ‘Supplemental Information’ ‘BMI_WAS CREATED PURSUANT TO THE WILL OF GORDON BATTELLE AS AN OHIO NOT-POR-PROPIT CORPORATION, SPECIFICALLY AS AM OHIO INCORPORATED CHARITABLE TRUST, _AS AN INCORPORATED CHARITABLE TRUSP, BHI 18 SUBJECT ‘70 THE GENERAL, SUPERVISION OF THE ONO ATTORNEY GENERAL AND TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ONIO NONPROFIT CORPORATION STATUTES. THE ORIGINAL PURFOSE OF BME WAS TO CONDUCT RESEARCH IM METALLURGY OF COAL, IROW, STEEL AND ZINC AND 70 MAKE DISTRIBUTZONS 70 OTHER CHARITABLE ORGANIZATIONS, PURSUANT TO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ONTO ATTORNEY GENERAL, BMI MAKES AMWUAL DISTRISUTIONS FOR CHARITABLE PURPOSES EQUAL 20 AP LEAST 208 OF ITS FINANCIAL STATEMENT NET INCOME, BUT No LESS ‘THAN ONE MILLION DOLLARS. oN AUGUST 11, 2005 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF BATTELLE ADOPTED A RESOLUTION THAT ESTABLISHED A MINIMUM CHARITABLE. DISTRIBUTION GOAL OF $3,000,000, IN| AUOUST_2005, BMT ESTABLISHED A DONOR ADVISED FUND, THE BATTELLE FOUNDATION FUND (THE FUND), UNDER THE COLUMBUS FOUNDATION, 4 501{C)(3) PUBLIC CHARITY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION THAT IS LEGALLY AND PIKANCTALLY SEPARATE FROM BUI. A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION OF AMI'S CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONS ARE EXPECTED TO SE MADE TO THE FUND, BMI RECOOIENDS DISURIBUTIONS FROM THE FUND TO QUALIFYING RECIPIENTS; HOWEVER, THE (COUUMBUS FOUNDATION MARES PINAL DECISIONS ON THE ACTUAL DISTRISUTIONS. {THE FUNDS TRANSFERRED FROM EMI TO THE FUND HAVE No POSSIBILITY OF REVERSION 70 BME. DISTRIBUTIONS TO THE FUND FULFILL THE OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE WILL OF GORDON BATTELLE AND THE AGREEMENT WITH THE on10 [ITORNEY GENERAL. ee “Sehedule 1 Form 990) SCHEDULE J Compensation Information 08 No 1848-0047 (Form 980) For certain Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, and Highest ‘Compensated Employees D> Complete it the org (lena Revewe Sane __ Attach to Form 990. _P> See separate instructions. ame ofthe organization Employer (dentitcation number DAPTELLE MEWORIAL twotTTUPE si-as79427 Part | Questions Regarding Compensation Yes | Ne. ‘2. Check the appropnate box(es) the organzation proved any ofthe folowing to or fora person ksted n Form $90, Part Vl, Section A ine 1a. Complete Par i to provide any relevant nformation regarding these items, # First.class or charter travel [J Housing atowance or residence for personal use ra ‘Travel or compamons (1 Payments tor business use of personal residence ° ‘Tax indemniticabon and gross-up payments, GC) Heatth or socia chit dues or mination fees Discretionary spending account 2 Personal services (eg., maid, chautteur, chef) * 1b itany ofthe boxes on ine 1a are checked, did the organzation follow a written potcy regarding payment or ‘reimbursement or prowsion of al ofthe expenses described above? If"No,” complete Par Ill to expan we |x 2 Did the organization requre substantiation prior to rembursing or alowng expenses incurred by al officers, rectors, trustees, andthe CEO/Executve Director, regarding the dems checked m line 1a? a\x 8. Indicate which, any of he folowing the fing organization used to estabish the compensation ofthe exganizatio’s ‘CEO/Executve Drector. Check allthat apply Dont check any boxes for methods used by a related organization to ‘establish compensation of the CEO/Executwe Director, but explain n Pat I ‘Compensation commatee D2] wntten employment contract Independent compensation consultant C2] Compensation survey or study Form 990 of other organwzations, G21 Approval by the board or compensation committee 44 Dung the year. ced any person isted n Form 980, Part i, Section A, line 1a, with respect tothe flng ‘organzaton or a elated organization ‘a Receive a severance payment or changeot- contre payment? ao : faaf x | 1b Particpate in, or recene payment from, a supplemental nonqualiied retirement plan? - . fete © Partcipate in, or receive payment from, an equity based compensation rangement? ae x *Yes* to any of ines da, Ist the persons and provide the appicable amount fr each fem n Part ‘Only section 601(cX9) and SO1(oK4) organizations must complete lines 59, ‘5. Forpersons tsted in Form 90, Part Vl, Section A, ine 1a, cid the organcation pay or acerue any compensation contingent on the revenues of : 8 Theorganzaton? 5a i b Any relates organcation? 2. = "Yes" toline Sa or 5b, describe n Parti 1 {8 Forpersons istedn Form 990, Part Vl, Section A, ne 1a, di the organization pay or acemve any compensation | ‘contingent on the net eamings of } ‘8 The organzaton? b Any related organzaton? : = It-Yes" tone 6a or 6, descnbe in Part ] 7. For persons ksted in Form 890, Part Vil, Section A, ine 19, dd the organization provide any non fixed payments not descrbed i lnes and 6? It "Yes," descnbe m Part I rales 8 Were any amounts reported n Form 980, Pat Vi, pad or accrued pursuant toa contract that was subject tothe inital contract exception described mn Regulations section 53 4958 4(a)(3)?If "Yes," desenbe m Par I 8 x 9 It"Yes" tokne 8, did the organzaton also follow the rebuttable presumpton procedure descnbed in egulations secon 53.4958 6? 2 HA’ For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions for Form 990, ‘Schedule J (Form 090)20%2 22102 (066 w04) 6 MBLs 2 Fes re ners“ RVIWE Wrunswaa issv aT SIYTORNOA ‘9 NATOUIAAD Fess ese 299 a Ros “3 SWORE aA 40) xonay ‘3 wamaaus wanovmassouo “emo _(S) ‘Das ® TESuDdD RIO “aA US Rrusay “a viassox_(9) mawonsaw ameaaae (1) [rco"te m7 vonesudwoo os ‘geuods! vonesvedwoo wu pu ou tv) (066 wo 104d ut vonesvedwoa paar al anu pausjep se pavodai] (ada) sweuea pauayep sno vonesuadiwon (a) [suuryoojoreiox {al} aigexewwon (a) | pue waweney (9) | vowesuadwoo OsIN-6501 10/BUe Zk J0 UMOPYERHG (8) renpmpu reo} siunowe (3) pu (a) UunoD ergeaidde “EL oul y UoRD9G ‘IA Yea ‘O66 UO, Jo 1UNOWE eR) etn Yenbe yu enpIABL POIs (0) mos uo ‘suonorusut au ur poquosep “suoReaUeEi pe1s Woy Ur (HO! Uo LONEDUESLO ayy Woy LoNESLaduIo® Yoda f jNpauDG U povoda! oq Ys UORESLe EabeE Dopeu si eoeds euOMDpED saRoo sieardAp ae7 FOKOTETy pojesusdwOD ISSUE Pu Soaro|dwy Koy SoaIeTUE SHG SHIH [EIT] TeveLer-te BIOUTISNY TONOEN STISLIVE a 20% (056 wos) r ompauos TH0z/s0 on an woras waRuo ‘WYaNKODDK "4 ATWROG THOWVA weHOOH VIEW ASKS RAARES (02) WOIDRTG aT SIVIDOSSY ‘wanvara sags (61) SROLEWEaIO Wor xiDaa0 AIRS "mM xRWAgIC (81) ‘WOLEWIG XOGYONT OSNOWY TEMKVS (LT) oaesuadwes | voyesusdwios oo ‘igeuodss ‘anmuzou | uonesvadiios nu pur owe Sd vonesuaduios | soo iw) sno tw) ea () ee pauajep se payode:] —_(GHile) youd peujap 0.0 Twonesvedwen (4) [swuro>joreoL (3)| _aIReEWON (a)_| puEruoWeNaY (0) | voTEsUEdwoO DSIrr6E0k 10/PUR ZA J0 UNEPERVE (@) enpivpua vei 20 snow (3) pul (a) wuroo xgeDtdde “EL aU “y UONDES IA Wed ‘066 UO JO TUNOWR eo at FEMbe IEMA ENPINPL Por ‘WA Wee "066 UO} (¢) no: uo ‘svonannsur aut pequosap ‘suodenueBIe payers! was} pue ) Mo! UO VONEZUESIO on WOH} UONESUadUO® vod aINpELOS Ul payodes aq Yk UOLESUadwO: aDEaU i woes BUOUPHE j Sados aIPaTaAp Sef "eoeKO|Gurg pareeUBdILOD yeaubig pu 's9aFOVGINg Koy SOOTSNL SOONG SRE abe WeveLer=te LOUTSSRT TWIMOHN ST TLS AOE TOS HORT OPT 22108 (066 w04) p ompeuos. “Hin Diva “066 WOH NO GRIST TWOOTATONT ‘GRIAOTION Si Ox SGM GuaM SURGE HONCIGASS "OVP GANTT TONG "Fina ans TTD0s HEIH SWGSTAO GAERWUND ONE SVEN GUGNE COZ WOU “GORI SHWE OL SATUIATEOY ‘EGNIGOR GHW SONIEEIR SOGNTGOE NOTIN EWE Sand OF NIVIVGE Sana Enid AIDS “Gin B60ND GH SHGAOTENE GATa ROIN GME U1OZ WOs “SUSOD NOTNOOTSY Gite SUONUHOTIN NOTION "SENG NOTEIOE Wou GO-SEOWS WWE W SHGTAGNE THE “SNE Wod Jo S50N W ALM CM GRE AT GGESTT “Evia STGVANOATY GVH WIDTGO GNENIDD GNO COZ WOR “T-A GHE NT NOTINSRTGHOD WRONG 8 STaVIOETY ST GTEONI-NON SV GOTO GON TRAVEL RAV “GASES DRGNIVGESLG GW TEACH SUSSTIIO GIN SUOISTRIG HaIM GHUVIDOSSY SINOETE ‘SONNE TIN GENINOS LIGGY NAUGINT “ROT TOG GRE RUIN GONVOVOOON RE SASNROG TERTEENG GIW THAWED SIVIDNVISENS OF OTUINOGY TAN TTA FANG NO GaNORTE ‘SVAGIATGRI SSORE ONTGDIONT “SaATEADGXa TIN “soNGTOO SUT GHNSTIENE SHOTTOR “WRAL ADEIOU ERENGGUGATEN MULETWM W ALTA XTGROD SHGNAONS TaNWaE “SANE ‘GueodvOD Gy WO TUNE GANGS Ge “puRDTaz0 “SuOISaNIG AA GMT T TG ‘TaeuLb RUOWBES ue 105 ved sua 2191809 os1y 1 Wee 20} pu '® PUR 'L ‘G9 29 ASRS Dp ‘Gp “ep CAL “Et aU | Yee 20} paunbas Suoduasop 20 "voNEUE|dxD "voNBUUO}U aun BRON 03 Wed SA aIACWOD ‘Teneuoyur ewausiaang|mbea] TInETGSAT TTWOWN STTRTNE 2102 SE WOT ess Tae TeveLe- Te 208 (066 wo.) F ompauos Fa OF GW SVIGRION NOTSNGE BAS SRE ‘we 10) ved su srdue> oby 1! 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Aes xe SjuouANbas xe 9pS} ye avons ei insu 0} soinpacoid uauum paUSIgISS UoneZUeE a4 Se ZS @ TUB SRIOOLET TRETRPUN OT SOOT HATTA x TAFT tse poyrgese onezueBIo an HL x SSR DBRSOTT SSO Toe aM —S ETE SS BIS BEA TIE TT BRIETGETS 1 THEY aS KORTERT BUTTE DSP URL TBO BEN a x LET TTS STETTT PTCA ET DTT POO TOT TIM OF oR RNR @ PorenTeoT ORHAN FRITS, oe TeveLer Te TEnTIIeME WINON STTGERE 2102 WSSU Samo ‘SCHEDULE L Transactions With Interested Persons ate (Form 990 or 980-£2) > Compete it the orgatzation answered 2012 "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV tine 252, 255, 26, 27,283, 28, oF 280, Form 990-£2, Part V, ine 38a or 40 Dbedtra pinche > Attach to Form 980 or Form 280-£2. Pe Seo separate instructions spobeaton ee Employer identieation number BATTELLE MEWORINL_INSTYTUTE 31-4979427 PartT] Excess Benefit Transactions (secton 501(c)) and section S0T(@)@) organaatons oni) Complete ithe axganization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, ne 25a ot 250, of Form G90EZ, Par V, tne 40D (@) Relationship between dlsquaitied fa) Gonecteat person and organization io eeceeereneeeey yes | No Tame of the oanizaton * (ayname of asquaiie person '2 Enter he amount of tax ncurred by ihe oanaation managers or diaqualfied persons dunng the year under section 4958, > {3 Enterhe amount of tax, any, on tne 2, above, rembursed by the organization ps [Pa] Loans to andlor From Interested Persons, ‘Complete the crganzaton answered "es" on Form 9907, Pat V, ine 30x Form 990, Part v, ne 26; othe organization reported an amount on Form 990, Pat X Ine 5,6, 022 Name of caer) (e\eupose (tle?) (elOrginal | @eaanceave | tain ToT yon interested person corganzaton | of ey | Prncipal amount aefaur? [2% t0tS Ss | agreement? To [From| Yes | No | Yes | No [ves] No ants or Assistance Benefiting Interested Persons, Complete the organzaton answered "Yes" on Form 990, Pat V, tne 27 (a) Name of mterested person latonshp between | __(€) Amount of (@yype of (eo) Purpose of ° bitin eed assiance Seultance "ssstance the organaton HA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, ee the instructions for Form 890 or 990-E2. (Form 980 or 690-2) 2012 schedule fom 9900 80E7 2012 BAPFELLE wENORIAL_nusTESUTE a [Baa “Basiness Transactions Involving Interested Persons. Complete tne organization answered "Yes" on Form 990, Patt IV, ine 28a, 28b, oF 28c. 12) Name of terested person {@)elatonsnp between merested | (e)Amountof | (@)Oescnpton ot [ SPSTEE ers andthe orantaton Mtaneacten traneacton | "ganar ‘Yes | No iene FRE UD, TG eRDaNORTH A Tae, 36 peore PAE x IeRiGav suEcrRTe FORA jena WoRRIS 18-4 AGL 973, WERTENN x IMBATET ELECTATC FORER ICHAEL WORRTS 9-D 1416, 195 put PATO aa x mer ow HCO TS A DIR 3,096,974, pHI_FAID_AT x GENERAL DYNAMICS gSTER LYLES 18 A D 1,949,203. BMI PAID GE « Seueay Dantes ren Wyues T3-AD 7,516,195 peNERAL OW x anerr,_ ine, Frcuney a._chssee r 377.294, ReiF_iwe, x Pnsctsion Chat FARTS CORO Fasten ovine 1 0 iy9,109,per PATO PR x tee mt waLen 13 A DIR Trai, 056 paes PIO * stant Waa. >RWLLY WENBER OF WE 06,478, PAYROLL x ‘Supplemental information ‘Complete tis pat to prove additonal nfomaton for esponses to questons on Schedul see msinuctons) SoM L, PART IV, BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS EVOLVING INTERESTED PERSONS: (a) wwe oF PERsON: 26018 Pre, LAD. (8) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSO AND OROANZZNTION: (2) DESCRIPPION OF TRANSACTION: 26019 PFE, LBD. PAID ONE FOR RESEARCH senvices (A) soit OF PERSON: AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER (2) REUAPIONSHEP BEIVEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGRETZAPION: (2) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: AMERICAN ELECTREC POWER FAD AME FOR eseancn senvices (9) we oF PERSON: AWERECAN ELECTRIC POWER (2) RELATIONSHTP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGRHZEATION wrcHAEL oRREE 19 DIRECTOR () DEBREPYON OF TRANSACTION: MMI PATD AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER FOR mupormnerey (2) savie of PERSON: Aer a Sched Form 650 or OZ) rr, —™"—_—C nwa paseo [ERR Sippterentar information ‘Complete ths part to provide adcttonal information for responses to questions on Schedule L (see mstructons), (@) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION: oI MCCOY 18 A DIRECTOR (2) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: BMI PAID ATET FOR SERVICES (A) NAME OF PERSON: GENERAL DMAMICS (8) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION: LESTER LYLES 18 A DIRECTOR (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: BMI PAD GENERAL DIWANICS FOR PROTECT seavices (A) awe OF PERSON: GENERAL DYNAMICS (B) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION: LESTER _LYLES 15 A DIRECTOR (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: GENERAL, DHUAMICS PAID BMI FOR RESEARCH (a) same OF PERSON, GRETE, MC, (3) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AWD ORONNTZATION (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: GREIF, INC. PAID BMI FOR RESEARCH (A) AME OF PERSON: PRECISION CAST PARTS CORPORATION (8) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION, LESTER LYLES 18 A DIRECTOR (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: BMI PAID PRECISION CASTPARTS CORPORATION FoR pRogecr SERVICES Fear oon ‘Schedule L (Form 990 or 890-EZ) sobele fam $00 S508) _SAOVELLE wEVORIN TNSRITUTE — {ERIM Supplemental information Complete ths part to prowde addtional nlormation fr responses to questions on Schedule (see instructions). (A) soar oF PERSON: USEC (2) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION; JOH WELCH 18 A DIRECTOR (D) DESCRIPTION OP TRANSACTION: USEC PAID BMI FOR RESEARCH SERVICES (A) Me OF PERSON: BLAKE KLUSE (8) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION: (a) me OF PERSON: BRITTNEY KLUSE (B) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THTERESTED PERGON AND ORGANIZATION; FAMILY MEMBER OF NICHAEL XUUSE (c) awounr oF TRANSACTION § 21,913, (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: PAYROLL (2) SHARING OF ORGANIZATION REVENUES? ~ NO (a) awe oF PERGON DAVID KELLY (3) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERGOW AND ORGANIZATION: FAMILY MEMBER OF STEPHEN KELLY (C) AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 206,908, (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: PAYROLL (E) SHARING OF ORGANIZATION REVENUES? = NO (A) SAME OF PERSON: JOSEPH ARONSON (2) RBLATIONSHIP BETWEEN IWTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION: FAMILY MENDER OF SAMUEL, ARONSON (©) Awounn oF TRANSACTION § 43,208, (D) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: PAYROLL thee sore “Sehodule (Form 990 or 880-£2) ‘Schedule L (Form 990 or 990.22) _ BATTELLE MENORIAL INSTITUTE 314379627 Page 2 ‘Supplemental information _Complote ts part to provide additonal formation for responses to questions on Schedule L (see instructions. (8) SHARIN OF ORGANIZATION REVENUES? = NO (A) MMe OF PERSON: DONALD P, NoCOMVELL (2) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INTERESTED PERSON AND ORGANIZATION. FORMER SENIOR VP OFFICER (c) AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION § 181,528, (B) DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION: BMT PATD DONALD P. MCCORVELL FOR consuunie senvices. (2) SHARING OF ORONWIZATION REVENUES? = NO SCHEDULE u, PART IV BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS WITH LISTED PERSONS FIVE OF BMI DIRECTORS ALSO SIT OM THE BOARDS OF CERTAIN PUBLIC COMPRNTES FROM WICH BMI ACOUIRES COMMMICATIONS AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES OR WHICH CONTRACT WITH BNI FOR RESEARCH SERVICES, THESE BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS IN THE NORMAL COURSE OF AMI's BUSINESS CAUSE ‘THESE FIVE DIRECTORS 70 BE INTERESTED PERSONS THUS NOT CONSIDERED 70 82 INDEPENDENT DIRECTORS FOR FORK 990 PURPOSES. HOWEVER, UNDER ORIO CORPORATE LAW ALL EIGHT DIRECTORS WOULD BE CONSIDERED INDEPENDENT UNDER EXISTING CIRCUMSTANCES. freon oon ‘Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-E2) SCHEDULE O Supplemental Information to Form 990 or 990-EZ aaa (Form 990 or 990-EZ) Complete to provide information for responses to specific questions on 2012 a Form 990 or 90-2 orto provide any addtional information. rts PBI rurmentn ey i Attach to Form $90 ¢¢ 900-22. = Sieanont | ‘Name of the organaton Employer identification number BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE 21-4079427, FORK $90, PART I, LINE 1, DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION MrsstO%: BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE ("BMI") 18 ORGANIZED EXCLUSIVELY FOR (CHARITABLE, EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC PURPOSES, INCLUDING THE UFILIZATION OF SCIENCE, THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND RESEARCH FOR THE BENEFIT AND EDUCATION OF MANKIND. FORM 990, PART IIT, LINE 4A, PROGRAM SERVICE ACCOMPLISHOENTS: [ADDRESS CRITICAL, ELEMENTS OF THE NATION'S SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AGENDA, PERFORM BASIC AND APPLIED SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, CREATE SCIENTIFIC RNOWLEDGE AND TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS IN KEY AREAS OF SCIENCE, INCREASE THE AVAILABILITY OF CLEAN AND ABUNDAWE ENERGY, RESTORE AND PROTECT THE EXVIRORMENT, ENCAGE IM EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES, AND CONTRIBUTE TO ATIONAL, SECURITY, FORK 990, PART V, LINE 48, LIS? OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES: NPR, SOURH KOREA, MALAYSIA, SAUDI ARABIA, ORM 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 11: A DETAILED ANALYSIS OF FORH 990 AND 9907 AND FINAL COPIES OF EACH FORM ARE PROVIDED 70 EVERY MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRIOR TO FILING, THE AUDIT COMMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HOLDS A SPECTAL MEETING To REVIEW AND APPROVE THE FORMS FOR PILING, THE AUDIT COMMITTEE REFORTS 279 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS TO THE RITIRE BOARD FOLLOWING THE COMMITEE MEETING. {A For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the Instructions tor Form 980 o 890-EZ. ‘Schedule 0 (Form 990 or 000-EZ) (2012) ‘Schedule 0 (orm 990 or 99067) 2012) Page 2 Name of the organization ‘Employer identication number BATTELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE. 3124379427 FORK 990, PART VI, SECTION B, LINE 12C: EACH YEAR, BMI USES A DETAILED CONFLICT OF INTEREST CERTIFICATE TO OBTAIN INFORMATION FROM DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND KEY EMPLOYEES, I ADDITION, DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS PERIODICALLY UPDATE LISTS OF THEIR AFFILIATIONS WITH OTHER ENTITIES. BME PERIODICALLY DISTRIBUTES AN ETHICAL CODE OF CONDUCT TRAINING COURSE THAT MUST_BE REVIEWED AND STGNED BY EVERY EMPLOYEE, TRAINING WITH RESPECT 70 SECTION 503(C)(3) COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS, LIMITATIONS AND PRONIBITIONS, INCLUDING IHPROPER PRIVATE BENEFIT AND OTHER CONFLICT OF INTEREST-RELATED YAFTERS 16 INCLUDED IN THE ETHICAL CODE OF CONDUCT TRAINING COURSE THAT MUST BE REVIEWED AND SIGNED BY EVERY EMPLOYEE. BMI MAINTAINS AN ETHICS HOT-LINE FOR 178 STAFY FOR USE WITH RESPECT TO ANY ETHIC2-RELATED MATTER, 301(C)(3) RELATED MATTERS, MAPTERS REPORTED OR CONCERNS RAISED BY CONTACT WITH THE MOT-LINE OR THROUGH THE E-MAIL BOK ARE GIVEN DUE CONSIDERATION AND INVESRIGATED APPROPRIATELY. FORM 990, PART VI, GECTION 8, LINE 15; COMPENSATION PoLCY: BMI_HAS A COMPREHENSIVE TOTAL COMPENSATION POLICY WITCH IT APPLIES 70 ALL EMPLOYEES, BMI'S POLICY 18 TO COMPENSATE EACH EMPLOYEE IN A MANNER HIECH 1S EQUITABLE AND CONSISTENT WITH THE MARKET VALUE OF HIS/HER POSITION, HIS/NER PERFORMANCE, AND COMPENSATION OF HIG/MER ASSOCIATES AND PEERS. THE GOL UNDERLYING BMI'S POLICY IS TO ATTRACT, RETAIW, AND REWARD THE HIGH-QUALITY EMPLOYEES IT NEEDS 70 CONTINUE AND ADVANCE 19S EXSYPT PURPOSES. TX_IMPLEWENTING 175 POLICY, BMI RIGOROUSLY UTILIZES NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND LOCAL COMPENSATION SURVEYS AND BENCHMARKING OF OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 70 ESTABLISH MARKET-COMPARABILITY OF TOTAL COMPENSATION AND TAKES GREAT CARE. 4 2 fe ‘Schedule O (Form 990 or 090-2) (2072) ‘Schedule 0 (Form 990 oF 990£7) (2012) ‘Name ofthe organization RITELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE ‘70 STRUCTURE COMPENSATION PROGRAMS TO COMPLY WITH ALL RELEVANT LEGAL, TAX ‘AND REGULATORY REQUIRENEWTS, WHEW CONSIDERING AND APPROVING KEY EXECUTIVE. COMPENSATION, THE BMT BOARD OF DIRECTOR'S NORKAL PRACTICE 18 10 FOLLOK ‘PROCEDURES WHICH ESTABLISH A REBUTTABLE PRESUMPTION OF REASONABLENESS PURSUANT TO TREASURY REGULAPION SECTYON 53.4958-6, Page2 ‘Employer Identilleation numb 314379427, FORK 990, PART VI, LINE 17, LIST OF STATES RECEIVING COPY OF FORM 990: FORK 990, PART VI, SECTION C, LINE 19: BMI PROVIDES FORM 1023, APPLICATION FOR TAX EXENPTTON, ON REQUEST, FORM 1023 INCLUDES THE ARTICLES OF SNCORPORATION AND THE CODE OF REGULATIONS. THE CODE OF REGULATIONS IN FORM 1023 DOES NOT REFLECT THE RECENT CHANGES MADE ON NOVEMBER 12, 2008, BMI ARES FORNS 990 AND 9907 AVAILABLE 70 THE PUBLIC PROM IS WEB SITE, THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICIES AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE NOT MADE. AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. FORK 990, PART XI, LINE 9, CHANGES IN NET ASSETS: MARKET VAUE ADJUSTMENT OW MARKETABLE SECURITIES 31,523,352, (CURRENCY TRAUSLATYON ADJUSTMENT 02,105, PENSION AND POST RETIREMENT BENEFITS 106, 863,097, LNONCONTROLUING TTEREST -412, 568, prvrpenpe 239,559 TOTAL 70 FORM 990, PART xr, LaNE 9 218,295,518, FORM 990, PARP 1, LINE 7A, TTOTAL GROSS UNRELATED BUSINESS REVENUE FORM 99018 PREPARED ON GAAP FINANCIAL, ACCOUNTING BASIS AND FORK 9907 Ia ‘Schedule 0 (Farm 960 or 290-E2) (2012) ‘Schedule 0 Form 990 or 8067) (2012) ‘Name of the organation BATTELLE MEMORIAL IWSPrTUTE, 18 PREPARED ON AN INCOME TAX ACCOUNTING BASIS, THEREFORE THERE ARE BOOK 70 TAX DIFFERENCES THAT ARE RECONCILED IN THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE FOR Page2 Employer Identiication number 31-4379427, {THE GROSS UNRELATED BUSINESS REVENUE TO FORM 9907, PART I, COLUIM A, wane 13, FORM 990 GROSS UNRELATED BUSINESS REVENUE 23,498,073 DEDUCT INCOME TAX BASIS PARTNERSHIP Loss 23,624 DEDUCT THE COSTS OF Goods soLD 21,390,081, ADD INSURANCE PREMIUMS FROM TAXABLE SUBSIDIARIES 39,702 EQUALS TOTAL ON PORK 8907 PART T, LINE 13 2,146,160 ‘Schedule 0 Form 990 oF 990-€2) (2072) 10 (066 w0.) y amMpsuOS wn ga “066 u04 20} suonanasu ain 295 2aH|ON 19Y UoN‘ONPIY Homsaded 204 x Err TOT entona s71820 TOTINONGE HLS SLOROR: Toeey nO“ snaRDTOS TeTHORER sTTELEK | | | | saraanae SNOT op er od Anu me | Sonne (ons von20sy) smies| _vonaes Bumonues 220g | Aureus orang | op09 1duera @ ® (Kayun09 uB.0) 2021619) oop e827 ° Aye Kea @ ewoxom partes 210020 1a ‘AL Wed ‘056 uo 04.694, pavamsue LoneAUeELO a4 3 2¥}4u109) SON (Geah re ou ‘suncrasny $02 068"€ ena Wuonisenp ose tee |s9e7L¥s vee RRs orton sriaaN aunurasnif 659” 90T lo aaeneTa wunniseny vos ape Peau east aver rerwoax S770 DTT SIOLIESRI SSNGAE0OTa ROTI fawo (Kuno uta, Aanu2 popre60189 50 Buwomweo aug —|siesseseekjopug] awooureio | s0sieis) axouop ebay Ayope Kew (erqeandde 3) 1a pue ‘ss0.0pe ‘oweEN o ° o C7 © {cr oun yea 065 wo 0A, paronsue voneauebio an» atrhuo) sannua pepse628a Jo woneaynNNPL —_THed_ RATS NAWORD STTELINE ogenue6io au yo owen, “suonannisursiendon 095 “16.096 Seve er 8un A ed 066 04 £9, PavOmsue VOREAUED.O au TeFGWOO ae sdiyssaupied peyejeiun pue suoneziuebi9 peleioy ‘065 unos Woeny SROZLYANIINOS Hos 1A gave sas 2102 (056 w04) y ompoues son mune peo Pacey Peso cere we Jas NT 7 epsom faeries [sores woe feat aaa dios wanes pecan prate [ace ce oe ree epee pore por Gioo fant wa ies 3 epee face fo os | Baa Ta TONONTG vaaete dona reenoe77a0H UT aud (VRE) G109¢ sosse em Jeusiouno] atone | ouoou nua aN nemo paws > Jsécueaeg “Yoames | moyjosieus eumonesroarg [weir] Aunoe heuus Nigibue Snspe EN w © ny o @ “aeak wei axa Burp yoru 0 woesodsoo © =e ‘paveas a1ow 40 au peu » 95n€290 He au ‘A! ed ‘086 uO OF .89A, PAIOMEUE LONE DUEOLO aun BijcWuoO) ISNA) 20 UoIREsOMLOD & $e aGEXE, SUOMEZIVEEAO Pode vse we x fore cesce [anes waar aionta] ao Taree wana maid on] as etysioune [ac [ammrmer| seatjopua | swoon fayue vonezvebi0 pare soaiu25He4 Jrouesceno] “yoarus” | reretjoereus SBuyonue9 y=H0 Aura Kes Ng Bue "ssa/ppe owEN, 0 i" © o @ © ei Sunn dusioyed ese paean Suunto Fey payee aus 10 2u0 peu w 28nedea ve BU ‘Al Met ‘086 UO’ 0} ,52A, Paramsue LONE TUebiO en} sircwoO) Asso, 1 suonezIueb19 patelay Jo UONESUALDP| Ewer TeecernTe GUOUTESRT TNIWOKER ETISLING — C10E OOS WOH OMB poorer fo lo a0 TeanaOTaAaa RENE % froo-oot fear ete ee [ose coor 0S saruaoH SRT x froovoor fo Fo wD ORGSH STaTENETD = poorer Prrvsvs er [ecccoee aoa WORGSHH STaTENGID: fooroat [eeresee [varsert iD DeTseaT aaxorard ¥ poorest fo severe Er} wea STaTENEID % poocor fer soe t [tee se aH03 Wowasae STaTINaTO, % pooroor [acs vee _[oocere aH03 SaTaTATIO usa x fooes [reeset Pers'se B00 TOWER STaTENaTO, x poorest fo Fo 200 Toren wowassay 214tuNs199, % poo-oor fo ro Ba00 _ARVEKOD 081 % poovoot fuss eny fro wD Tourisme S1aTENaTS: KOOTORIORE > xa oR a syesse ena.0 eae usiuno| seakiopue | auoow _ | dioa's ‘dio 0) : oyenuebio pares jo RNS feteneasg] “Soewus” | wcnoeeys | Ys ;o0d4) | Sumantooiceng |woucpren] Auge Areuts Ng Pue “ssavppe SwEN we | w © o @ » eo @ © {snu 20 vonesodog & se a1gexe| suOHEZ|Ue8IO Payeiay Jo UOREDYNUepI 10 uoRENUU Tevece-e TEATS TNO STaTENE ——— OBSUOTTAMPTS wa Tema WAL wD TaNaROD wD TaN Fie Ba BaD Eroccoere | x foo-cot fo Fo 305 per ‘siesse ‘aac. 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PART IV, IDENTIFICATION OF RELATED ORGANIZATIONS TAXABLE AS CORP OR TRUST: NAME AND ADDRESS OF RELATED ORGANIZATION: BATTELLE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY MALAYSIA SDM BHD. BLOCK 8, LOT 3288, OFF JALAN AYER ITA RAWASAN INSTIOUSI BANGT, MALAYSIA 43000 ‘TRANSACTIONS WITH RELATED OROANIZATIONS DURING FISCAL YEAR 2013, EMI RELATED ENTITIES PROVIDED CONTRACT SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AND TECHNICAL SERVICES IN THE ORDINARY COURSE OP BUSINESS UNDER ARNS-LENOTH TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND SAUDI_ARABIA, SINGAPORE, AND UNITED KINGDOM AFPILINTES VERE PROVIDED INTER-COMPANY TRANSFER PRICING RULES OF JAPAN, KOREA, INDIA, MALAYSIA, SAUDI_ARABIA, SINGAPORE, UNITED KINGDOM, AND THE UNITED STATES, BMT REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY; THE PROVISION OF CAPITAL, AND, THE FURNISHING OF GOODS, SERVICES OR FACILITIES, THESE TRANSACTIONS WERE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE SECTION 482 AND OTHER APPLICABLE INTER-COMPANY ‘TRANSFER PRICING RULES, THESE TRANSACTIONS HAVE BEEN APPROVED AND DOCUMENTED AND CONDUCTED IN THE ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS, SCHEDULE R, PART V, LINE 1A ‘Schedule R (Form 890) 2012 soreae —_SAPTELLs MEoRuny sNsELRORE {EGAMED Stpptemental information 31-4379427__ages Complete this part to prove aditlonalnformaion for responses to questions on Schedule (see instructions) RECEIPT OP INTEREST, AUUITIES, ROYALTIES, OR RENT FROM CONTROLLED ENTITY QUALIFYING SPECIFIED PAYMENTS AND SPECIFIED PAYMENTS ABLATED TO IRS SECTION 512(8)(13)PERTAINING 70 9907 PAGE 1, PART I, LINE 8 QUALIFYING SPECIFIED PAYMENTS $360,199 SPECIETED PAYHENTS 708,588 rome $1,068,787 SCHEDULE R, PART VE [UNRELATED ORGANIZATION TAXABLE AS A PARTNERSHIP BMx_IS REQUIRED TO CONSOLIDATE THESE ENTITIES FOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING PURPOSES AND ACCORDINGLY, THEIR FINANCIAL NITRIBUTES ARE REFLECTED 111 (THE REVENUES AND EXPENSES AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION IN THIS FORM ‘iD _RELATED SCHEDULES, SCHEDULE R, PART V, LINE 1M AND IN SHARING OF EMPLOYEES AND EQUIPMENT MI SHARES EMPLOYEES, FACILITIES, AND EQUIPMENT WITH BATTELLE VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEES’ BENEPICTARY ASSOCIATION AND BATTELLEED ORG. ‘Schedule R (Form 980) 2012

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