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Abstract - apstraktno

His paintings are really abstract. All of the random lines and colours make no sense
to me.
Acclaimed - uvaen
Mary is an acclaimed member of our society. Everyone admires her.
Appeal - apel
We made an appeal to the city council to have a park made in our neighbourhood.
Applaud - aplauzirati
We applauded the actors at the end of a great play.
Arty type - ljubitelj umjetnosti
Mark in an arty type. He always visits art exhibitions and goes to plays.
Associate - asocirati
An image of a skull is always associated with death.
Attracted to - privuen
Tourists have been attracted to these mountains for hundreds of years.
Audition - audicija
We held an audition for a supporting role in our new play. We had over fifty people
sign up for the audition.
Backstage - prostor iza bine
All of the actors gathered backstage before the beginning of the play.
Balletomane - ljubitelj baleta
He goes to every ballet that is available to watch. He is a real balletomane.
Ballroom dancer - dvoranski plesa
He was the best ballroom dancer in the city. He could do waltz, two-step and tango.
Bear in mind - imati na umu
Bear in mind that he is a very important person, so be on your best behaviour.
Benefit - korist

The benefit of building a park is that children will go outside more.

Blow somebody away - jako impresionirati, "oduvati"
We were blow away by the number of people that came to see the play, it was
Box office - tand za prodaju karata
We went to the box office to buy our tickets.
Capoeira - capoeira
When you learn capoeira you can defend yourself and look cool while doing it!
Cast - glumci ( group of actors who were chosen to act in a certain movie, play etc.)
The cast of this movie was great! The actors went really well with each other and
interacted perfectly.
Choreographer/choreography - koreograf/koreografija
The choreographer of this musical should be awarded. All of the sequences and
moves were perfectly planned.
Circulation - cirkulacija
There is a constant circulation of blood that the heart pumps in our bodies.
Clumsy - nespretan
He is really clumsy. He keeps tripping and knocking things over.
Comic - komian, smijean
The play we saw was really comic. We were laughing the whole two hours.
Committed - odan
He is committed to winning the tournament. He won't give up.
Composer - skladatelj
The composer of this piece was Mozart. It is a classic.
Concert - koncert
We went to Shakira's concert. The crowd was huge and we loved the music.
Conductor - dirigent

I was amazed by how gracefully the conductor led the orchestra with his hand
Confession: make a confession - priznanje: priznati
When they were about to part he finally confessed that he loved her.
Congratulate - estitati
Everyone congratulated them for winning the football match.
Courteous - ljubazan, uljudan
She was very courteous. She welcomed us and immediately offered us a drink.
Craze - pomama
Taking selfies everywhere has been a craze for years now.
Culture vulture - ljubitelj kulture
He often goes to plays, art galleries, concerts. He is a real culture vulture
Delight in - uivati u
He took delight in watering his plants every day.
Depressing - depresivno
It is depressing seeing young people becoing drug addicts.
Disturbing - uznemirujue
I can't watch war movies. They are too disturbing for me.
Drag - vui
He dragged his bag across the pavement as he unwillingly approached the school.
Drama - drama
Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's best dramas.
Dramatic - dramatino
His son is very dramatic, and makes any little problem seem like a major crisis.
Drawing - crte
This drawing looks like it was drawn by an 8 year old! Can you draw nothing other
than stick figures?

Dress rehearsal - generalna proba

The dress rehearsal didn't go very well and we thought the play would be a flop, but
thankfully everything went well in the end.
Dressing room - svlaionica
Sally always takes forever to get out of the dressing room, they always spend an
hour doing her make up!
Definitive - definitivno, konano
When someone gives me some more definitive info on her, I'll tell you.
Duet - duet
The duet was the best part of last night's performance, you could see the passion
between the 2 dancers.
Embarrassment - osramoenje
I turned red with embarrassment when a girl kissed me.
Energetic - energian
He is a very energetic person, he rarely gets tired and is always doing something.
Engaging - privlano, interesantno
The movie was really engaging, I was interested in the story from beginning to end.
Eternal - vjeno
They say the human soul is eternal, that it cannot die.
Exhilarating - uzbubuujue
The roller coaster ride was quite exhilarating, it really got my blood pumping.
Far-fetched - teko vjerovatno (something unlikely to happen)
The story of your dog eating your homework is very far-fetched, Thomas.
Fiery - vatreno
His personality is very fiery, he gets angry in an instant.
Flamenco - flamenko
Flamenco is a perfect dance to release stress and express yourself.

Flop - neuspjeh
The play was a flop. The actors didn't know what they were doing and just stood
awkwardly on the stage.
Force - sila
He was reminded of the force of gravity when he hit the ground.
Formality - formalnost
He hated the formality that came with social events, it was all too serious for him.
Fusion - fuzija, spajanje
Nuclear fusion is a nuclear reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei come very
close and then collide at a very high speed and join to form a new nucleus.
Glorious - slavno
The rays of the setting sun were a glorious sight to witness.
Graceful - graciozno
I was amazed by the graceful moves of the ballet dancer.
Gypsy - rom
She went to a gypsy fortune teller to see her future.
Haiku - haiku (Japanese poetry with no rhymes)
Even though it doesn't have rhymes, haiku poetry is beautiful in its own ways.
Hypnotic - hipnotino
Her hypnotic gaze is more addicting than any drug.
Inhibition - inhibicija, koenje
My inhibition is shyness that prevents me from meeting new people.
Insist - insistirati
He insisted that we go see a film even though we wanted to see a play.
Instinct - instinkt
Humans have evolved and rely less and less on their instincts.
Intoxicating - opijajue

The view of the seaside was quite intoxicating, I couldn't get enough of it
Intriguing - intrigantno
This book was really intriguing, I couldn't stop reading it until the end.
Irish jig - irska iga ( form of lively folk dance)
Jacob is a master of the Irish jig, he won awards at various dance competitions.
Journal - urnal
She kept a journal when she was on a trip to India, it was a very interesting read.

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