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A bad workman blames his tools.
Make hay while the sun shines.
Many hands make light work.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Early to bed and early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy and wise.
The devil makes work for idle hands.
The early bird catches the worm.
If a job is worth doing its worth doing well.
- the donkey work= the most difficult work that nobody wants to do
- make light work of=to finish something easily
- make short work of=to finish something quickly
- work like a beaver=work fast and with enthusiasm
- work like a dog=work hard , very much
- work wonders=csodakat tesz
- work like magic
- be all worked up=excited
- work off steam=to release tension
- work ones fingers to the bone=work very hard

1. to get down to doing something

2. to keep up with someone
3. to take something down
4. to fall behind
5. to hand something in
6. to put something off
7. to get through something
8. to scrape through something
9. to catch up with something
10. to go through something
a. to be behind with something, not at the level expected
b. to start work on something
c. to postpone, to decide to do something at a later date
d. to pass an exam or a test
e. to check that something is correct, to examine something
f. to reach the same standard or position as someone else
g. to give something to someone in a position of authority

h. to remain at the same standard or position as someone else

i. to record in writing what someone is saying
j. to pass an exam but with a very low grade
to have difficulty IN (doing) something
to have problems WITH (doing) something
to concentrate ON (doing) something
to be good/quite good
not good/bad

AT (doing) something

1. Which of the qualities in the list are necessary for these jobs?
patient, physically strong, emotionally strong, intelligent, caring, calm, honest, punctual,
decisive, hardworking, persuasive, courageous, cheerful, persistent, alert, quick-thinking
2. Choose a word from the list to complete the sentences below!
wage, salary, pay, savings, pension, interest, cash, pocket-money
1. He earns a lot of . on the money he has invested.
2. How much . Does she give the children?
3. Both parents need to be.. earnesr nowadays.
4. What I really want ot know ia what will be in my .. packet every month.
5. Will you pay in or by credit card?
6. Most of my monthly .goes on paying the bills.
7. In my country both men and women get theirat 60.
8. Paying for the car to be repaired has really eaten into his. .
3. Match the phrases.
1. I really cant afford
2. You shouldnt have
spent so much
3. It really isnt worth
4. You must have paid
5. They must have bought
6. I bet it cost
7. It really was a waste
8. We were overcharged

9. She makes a living

10. They made a lot of money
a. of time and money.
b. you an absolute fortune.
c. by selling the pictures that she paints.
d. to go out again this week.
e. using up our savings.
f. when they sold their house.
g. on the holiday.
h. it with the money they inherited.
i. for it on credit card.
j. for the taxi fare.
1. There is nothing in our bank account. Weve run out of money.
2. Johns been putting money by for his holiday all year; hes saved over 500 pounds.
3. I had to take out a loan to buy my new car. Ill pay back the money I borrowed over
three years.
4. Doing this course is really eating into my savings! Every week I have to pay over 50
5. If you leave your job, what are we going to live on?
6. Were spending too much money every week! Well have to cut down on luxuries.

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