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pwd: lists present working directory

2. ls: directory listing
3. cd <dir-name>: changes current active directory
4. mkdir: makes new directory
5. touch <filename.ext>: creates a new file with name <filename.ext>
6. git init: intialises git repo inside a folder/ directory
7. git status: tells you the status of our working directory
8. git add <filename.ext>: adds a certain file to be tracked
9. git commit -m 'MESSAGE': commits a change to the git repo
10. git log: shows us all the commits that were made
(-- oneline: shows all commits previously made in onelin
e and their unique hash ids)
11. git
g area
12. git
13. git
user is

diff: shows us what has changed between out working directory and stagin

branch <branch-name>: displays which branch user is currently accessing

by default)
checkout <branch-name>: changes active branch from the branch which the
currently accessing to branch-name
<commit-id>: switches to <commit-id>
14. git merge <branch-name>: merges branch-name and current branch together (act
ually shifts pointer to current branch to branch-name (e.g. from master to featu
15. git revert --no-edit <commit-id>: reverses <commit-id> commit in current fil
e in current branch
16. git reset --hard: rebuilds the file based on all previous commits.
(add --> status --> commit 'message')
master --> points to the latest commit on the branch (e.g. 1st commit then 2nd,
then 3rd, etc.)
Branches --> parallel universes where we can work on differenct things in isolat

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