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"Mam, mam! Mira: mariposas!", I should have known better than to call my mother for
such a trifle, a fact that was emphasized by her response: "Ahora no Juana". Mot
her never had time for such common things as butterflies; instead her time was f
illed by meetings with dignitaries, politicians, military leaders and the like.
As head of the Kingdom of Castille her power was only rivaled by one other, Fern
ando of Aragn, her husband and my father.
Ever since I could remember Mother and Father had been too busy for us unimporta
nt children. When I was five fanciful notions of butterflies were dismissed with
a serious "Not now Juana", when I was ten dreams of fancy dresses were treated
the same and as far back as I could recall, that was my mothers answer.
------------------------------Well, here's my first story, the idea came to me after my dad talked about Juana
on a looooong road trip through Spain. I've always found the story fascinating
and now even more so. I hope you enjoy it and it helps to give people a bit of p
erspective on Spanish history, also though I won't be directly translating most
of the time (Their speech will mostly be in Castilian Spanish, though not that
of the time since I dont speak it) if its important Ill try to explain it in the st
ory. Enjoy and please comment, constructive criticism is welcome!

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