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Making A Poster : Apple Tree Counting

Teacher Name: Ms. Munoz

Student Name:


4- Terrific!

Use of Class

3- Good Job

2- OK Job

1- Needs Work

Used time well

Used time well
during each class during each class
period. Focused on period. Usually
getting the project focused on getting
done. Never
the project done
distracted others. and never
distracted others.

Used some of the

time well during
each class period.
There was some
focus on getting
the project done
but occasionally
distracted others.

Did not use class

time to focus on
the project OR
often distracted


The poster
All but 1 of the
includes all
required elements
required elements. are included on
the poster.

All but 2 of the

3 or more of the
required elements required elements
are included on
were missing.
the poster.


The poster is
attractive in terms
of color, layout,
and neatness.

The poster is
attractive though
it may be a bit

The poster is
attractive in terms
of color, layout
and neatness.

The poster is very

poorly designed
with little or no
effort put into it.

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