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To: Roger Munger, Professor and Associate Chair of English Department

From: Colette Fellom
Subject: Recommendation Report for Proposal to Study Career Preparedness of Technical
Communications Graduates
Date: October 19, 2015

This recommendation memo provides an analysis and evaluation of the current Technical
Communications program curriculum and whether it adequately prepares students for a career.
Methods of analysis include evaluating the Boise State University course catalog for program
required learning, interviewing of current professors as to the content of the current courses
with emphasis on software and specific tools learned, and researching desired skills employers
are seeking in job applicants. Analysis was also conducted on how new skills would be
incorporated into the current curriculum if a change was recommended.
The research draws attention to the current curriculum with emphasis less on core
requirements and more on courses designed for Communications and specifically Technical
Communications. The results show diverse learning outcomes with much emphasis on verbal,
written, and visual communication. The results also show that several business courses are
required to give students background in working in a corporate environment. Emphasis is also
shown in interpersonal skills and team work. There are several different software programs
used in the courses at BSU, but more emphasis is on learning the basic concepts so students
can build on those skills with company specific software.
As compared to the employer research, there are no gaps in what is desired and the skills and
tools that are required for graduation. The current curriculum at BSU is targeted towards
career preparedness. Graduates are being taught the skills necessary to gain the attention of
employers. The recommendation at this time is that no further action is needed, but that the
curriculum be evaluated on a regular basis to ensure continued efficacy.

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