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Stranger is Lurking by CMPS

Tyres screech, glass smashes and a taxi driver runs. A

little girl picks up a stuffed toy rabbit that has been
rolling down the hill. The mum walks over and fails to
see the flashing red eyes. Five seconds later. Neither
were still alive. The stranger that is lurking in the
shadows is deadly!
Meanwhile, at the petrol station where the father works,
the stranger turns up in his Holden. The fathers
muscles tighten as he sees an old enemy from a past
he would rather forget. He is wearing a long black coat.
They eyeball each other and as the father stares deeply
into this strangers eyes he realises his family is gone.
It takes all his strength to stay composed and show no
emotion to this monster who stands before him.
It had been so many years ago since the incident had
happened. He had not meant to do any harm to this
stranger. It had been an unfortunate accident, yet this
man could not let it go. The father had thought after all
these years that he had finally escaped the perils of
this evil character.
Eventually the stranger breaks the stare and speaks, he
asks no more than to order a Slurpee from this service
station. Is he for real, is all the father can think? But,
here, he will hatch his plan. As though nothing, he
walks to the machine and does as he is asked. The
stranger walks out of the servo with his unpaid Slurpee.
At the end of his shift, the father drives home and as he
turned the key in the lock and opened the door, to his
horror he saw the stranger in the room slumped over a
chair. The half-drunk Slurpee marked on his face, the
father was very pleased. He smiled as he realised that
his idea of poisoning the Slurpee had worked!

It took all his strength to pick up his life again, but, at

least he knew the stranger was gone forever!

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