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Mindy Bracken | BOT 2323 |

Culture Etiquette

How to start a business meeting

In turkey the first meeting is more social than business. Turkish people
concentrate getting to know someone before conducting business with
them. You should send someone with positive listening skills and the
ability to show patience. Courtesy is important to the Turkish people.
Avoid using a lot of text because the Turkish like to communicate
visually and orally. Use graphics and diagrams when possible. Avoid
using complicated expression and difficult words because it could make
it hard for them to understand.
Business is taking very seriously in Turkey and any formal protocols
and agendas should be respected. Men should always greet your
Turkish counterpart with a firm handshake, and women are expected to
offer her hand first in the shake.

Scheduling a Meeting
Always make sure you schedule your meetings one or two weeks in
advance to avoid Turkish holiday. The Turkish people are highly
influenced by Islamic belief so schedule the meeting around each of
the five daily prayer times. The prayer times are pre-dawn, midday,
afternoon, sunset, and night. The Turkish also have a Friday prayer that
is different from the prayers on the other six days a week. Never
schedule anything during Ramadan which is the first day of the Islamic
month of Shawwal marking the end of Ramadan, which is a month of
fasting and prayer. Avoid scheduling meetings in July and August, since
these months are the most common annual holiday periods of the
Turkish business.
Send the names, title, and responsibility in advance of the employee
that will be conducting business on behalf of your company. Be
punctual, although the Turkish people are not they expect foreigners to
do so. If for some reason you will arrive late call in advance and have a
legitimate reason. Patience is the key with the Turkish.

Gift Giving
In business relationships gift giving is generally not a practice, but if
you do so then only give the Turkish people a small gift. You can give


them an inexpensive souvenir from your country. If you choose an

expensive gift it may insult them. Weddings, birthdays, and religious
ceremonies gift giving is normal. If you are invited into a Turkish home
gift giving is accepted and the appropriate gift would be a type of
Danish or something for the home. The Turkish religious belief is
Muslim. Do not give them alcohol because it is against the Muslim
belief to drink. If you are aware that the Turkish you are conducting
business with drinks then you may give alcohol.

Importance of Meetings
Business meetings are usually formal. Business is a serious matter to
the Turkish and should be treated that way. It is important not to be to
casual and friendly, despite the personal relationship that has been
developed. With a little contradiction to this you also do not limit the
discussion to only business. Some small talk is appropriate to enter a
conversation before the business is discussed. Presentations should be
short and well pointed and all proposals should be clearly structured
and presented.
A mans dress code should be a suit and tie unless the business is
conducted in the summer months and trousers should be worn but a
tie and jacket is not obligated. A womans dress code should be a pant
suit or a skirt suit. If the woman is conducting business in the summer
months she is not required to wear a jacket, but a nice blouse and skirt
should be worn. A woman should never wear anything to tight or

Business Meals
Never offer to pay for the meal. It is a custom the host should pay for
the meal. The Turkish are not aware of sharing or splitting a check.
When you invite them for the next meal and you are the host then you
will pay for the check. Pick a nice restaurant and tell the employees of
the restaurant that you will be paying the bill. Business can be
discussed during the meal but let the host direct the topic of the
conversation. Turkish tea, or coffee is served at the end of every meal.
Turkish coffee is a national drink, so it is important to try it at least
once. Drinking coffee is a gesture of hospitality so you must always
accept the drink even if you only take a few sips.

Restaurant Etiquette


Always be punctual for dinner. If your invitation is for 8 pm, then arrive
at 8 pm. Do not eat or drink before the oldest person at the head of the
table has started to eat or drink. Chicken, lamb, or fish is always the
main course of the meal in a Turkish cuisine, pork is extremely
forbidden for religious reasons. Smoking is frequent at meals. Do not
be surprised if the Turkish stop for a cigarette break in between
courses. The Turkish expect the guest to finish all the food on his/her
plate and if they dont it may cause offense.

Understanding Turkey Culture

Family is very sacred to the Turkish, so do not disrespect the family.
Turkish people stand close to you in a conversation so dont be
alarmed. Americans take offense if someone is in there interpersonal
space and this is not the case in Turkey. Certain gestures and body
language have different meanings varying from rude, to insulting and
offensive and these should be avoided:

Standing with your hands on your hips or in your pockets

Pointing at someone with your finger (considered rude)
Showing the soles of your feet (the sole of your foot is the lowest
part of your body and considered unclean)
Making the Ok sign with your hand (calling someone
Stroking your chin with your finger (if staring at a woman it is
considered sexual intent)
Snapping your fingers and then slapping the top of a closed fist
(considered vulgar)

Showing a lack of respect for culture values and adopting a patronizing

attitude. Talking about sensitive historical issues, such as the
American issue or the division of Cyprus.
Family is extremely important in the Turkish culture and organizations
are susceptible to their workers family responsibilities. It is not
common for organizations to have formal policies and practices in
place to help their employees balance work and family responsibilities,
but they do honor written obligations. Childcare services are
somewhat more affordable in Turkey than in the rest of the
industrialized world. Many women work as in-home nannies and
helpers for a relatively low cost. Support for childcare is also
frequently provided by members of the extended family, especially
mothers and mothers-in-law.


Turkish men spend far less time doing domestic work than men from
other countries, while Turkish women spend far longer than the
average. Modern Turkish woman tend to be conflicted about working
outside of the home, which is mainly associated with guilt over
responsibilities to their families.

Works Cited


L. Harvey- Egypt
The majority of the people in Egypt are Muslims and you have to
schedule your meetings around the prayer times and the Ramadan
holiday. The first impression is what counts. Dont bring up Egyptian
relationships. Dont add salt to the meal because the Egyptians will
take offense to this. Flowers are not appropriate gifts and are only used
for weddings and funerals. If you bring a gift purchase oils, pastries, or

Reggie Buggs- South Korea

When you meet your counter partner you should bow at a forty-five
degree angle. The counter partner will bow at a fifteen degree angle.
The business cards that are presented to you should be looked at very
carefully. The card is an extension of the South Korean.

Daniel Graham- India

India has fourteen major and three hundred minor languages. Your
appearance should be conservative. In some temples you are required
to wear sandals and in some you are required to wear hats. Dont offer
your left hand to shake because it is considered unclean.

Jennifer Smaha- Italy

Dont ask for substitution on dishes because the Italians will take
offense to this. You will eat the dish how it is served. Dont eat with
hands even pizza is eaten with a knife and a fork. Italians conduct
business they know well and trust. Italians like to get to know people
before doing business. The dress attire should be business suits.
Italians are expressive. In Northern Italy they are more business, and


Southern Italy is more leisurely. If you have a verbal agreement with an

Italian it is considered just as important as a written agreement.

Mary Otis- China

The population in China is around 1 billion. The Chinese are famous for
the one child policy and families are rewarded by cash or better
housing for abiding by this policy. Eat with your chopsticks up right.
The Chinese leave rice at tombstones so their ancestors can have one
last meal. Mean wear plain black, brown, or beige suits. Color suits are
frowned upon.

Faith Landrum- Russia

Dont wear coats or big boots and always look professional even if you
are going to the movies. If you smile to much the Russians considered
this rude. Tea is prominent in Russia. If a Russian is telling you a story
then listen even if it is wrong. You must always have good eye contact.
When presenting the presentation of your proposal make it straight
forward. The host will always pay during the meal. Russians consider
business transactions to be very important.

Kayleigh Pascaul- Spain

In Spain a kiss on the cheek is greeting your friend, and in conducting
business you shake hands. The main language is Spanish. You have to
be social before conducting business. The relationship develops when
you meet. Dont have a business meeting over a meal because this is a
time to relax. The dress attire for business meetings is casual. Most
restaurants dont open until after 9pm. Spain has 5000 miles of
beaches. Breakfast is a light course, and lunch is at home followed by a

Sheena Robinson- Venezuela

Venezuelans are proud of their heritage. If you are greeting you need
to use the sir name unless otherwise told. Dont show up on time. If
you dont arrive fifteen to thirty minutes early then you are considered
greedy. Drink coffee when offered because this is hospitable. Schedule
your meetings two weeks in advance. Men should wear dark suits, and
women should wear dresses or dark suits, make-up, manicured nails,
and jewelry. You should send the person you meet a hand written thank
you card. The older generation wants to know who they are doing


business with and the younger generation wants to get straight to the
business. Give a business card with English on one side and Spanish on
the other side.

Christopher Myers- Jordan

In Jordan dont jump straight to the business topic. Address your
counter partner with Mr., Mrs., or Miss and first name. Dont show the
soles on your feet this is considered rude. You need to keep the other
person at arms length. Eye contact is important. Dont stare at a
woman to long because it will make them feel uncomfortable. Woman
cant file for a divorce. The population is 90% Muslim and 6% Christian.
Showing public affection is frowned upon between men and women.
You should not hold hands in public. They look for hard workers with
good attitude and openness to new ideas when engaging in business.

Darian Thomas- Germany

Germans are forward thinkers and normally speak their mind. They are
organized and if you are given a schedule or agenda then you should
follow it. Arrive five minutes early for an appointment. Dont give
carnations as a gift because they symbolize mourning. Red roses
symbolize a relationship. Germans dress well and expect the same.
Men should wear dark colored conservative suits. Women should wear
dark colored suits with a white blouse. The German should remove
their jacket before you do. The main entre for German cuisine is
Chinese or Italian. The Germans do not discuss business with the
family and when you are eating at a meal they only tip 5%.


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