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Subject: The Lack of advertising on Soccer in El Paso

Dear Media Network,

Over the course of the years El Paso has been host to some of the best
soccer teams in Texas. Theres some teams like El Paso Patriots who at one
point where in a professional league, Del Valle High School which has two
state championships and been in five state semifinals, or in most recent the
San Elizario High School soccer team who won the state championship early
this year. Something this teams have in common is that no one knows about
them, because soccer doesnt receive enough advertisement.
The purpose of this email is to encourage you to advertise the sport of soccer
a lot more. Most news channels like KFOX, Univision, and News Channel 9
have a small gap for sports and dont show all that is happening in the sports
world of El Paso.
El Paso has been host to many professional soccer games, one of the most
recent games was Cruz Azul vs Xolos de Tijuana. In July, 8th of this year, two
professional soccer teams from Mexico met up in UTEP's Sun Bowl. The Sun
Bowl stadium holds about 52,000 people, yet for this event only a few
thousand seats were taken. The city has host many events like this in
previous years and all have taken less than half the size that same stadium.
Part of the reason for this is that no one knows because they dont announce
The El Paso Patriots were once a big team in El Paso, they were a semiprofessional team. On one of the good seasons of El Paso Patriots (2005)
their average attendance was 1,546 people. That year they went all the way
to the national final in the USL PDL. After that year their attendance only
kept lowering in number more and more. Something they lacked and could
be essential to the team that high in ranking was advertisement. However
since the El Paso Chihuahuas have started their first season the average
attendance is of more than 8,500 per game. The El Paso Patriots and EL Paso
Chihuahuas arent so different they are both teams of a subdivision and are
obviously from the same place. So why is there a huge gap on the
attendance of the games? Advertisement, for the Chihuahuas team they
have posters, radio and television announcements throughout their whole
season, the El Paso Patriots would only have promotional material when their
season was about to start.
It is time to change that, there is too much soccer Potential in this city that if
they make another semi-professional team or an MLS team like they have
been discussing, they can make a good impact and profit from it if they only

advertise it more and dont make the same mistake they made with El Paso
Patriots. Many great soccer teams are yet to come to this city and with good
advertisement this teams can have great fan support and can be successful.
Adrian Vicencio

Hill, Ryan. (2015, July 8). Late boom in attendance at Mexican soccer game
raises eyebrows.

El Paso Patriots. (N.d.). In Wikipedia.

Tricia. (2014, May 17). El Paso Chihuahuas Are The Biggest Story Of The 2014 Minor League Season.

Martinez, Leonardo. (2014, December 26). Major League Soccer commissioner says El Paso isn't 'as far along for
the next round' of expansion.


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