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If they only knew by Altheria Gaston

If they only knew . . .

If they only knew how grave the loss
how deep the void
how connected our hearts
how precious the memories
If they only knew how heavy my heart with sorrow
how overcome my spirit with sadness
how incomplete my life with never-to-be shared moments
how overwhelmed my mind with fear of life without her
If they only knew that our relationship
defied titles
resisted definitions
expanded beyond all I expected it to be
If they only knew the endless regretnow wishing for time to
do more
say more
share more
absorb more of her precious goodness
the wind would stop blowing
the trees would stop waving
the birds would stop chirping
the flowers would stop blooming
the sun would stop shining
and join me
in a violent wail
in a painstaking cry
For my beloved Dr. Reynolds
if they only knew how grave the loss.
March 19, 2014

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