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Stuffed Brinjal

Baby Eggplants 8
8 tsp Gram Flour / Besan
1 tsp Red Chilli powder
1 1/2 tsp Coriander powder
1 tsp Cumin powder
Salt to taste
1 1/2 tsp Amchur powder
2 tsp Coriander leaves finely
3 tsp Oil
Wash eggplants well and remove stem part of it. Now made two vertical slits
through eggplants. Take besan in a bowl. Add red chilli powder, coriander powder,
cumin powder, amchur powder, salt to taste, coriander leaves and mix well. Fill
this stuffing in to each eggplant. Heat up pan on a low to medium heat, add two tsp
oil and place all eggplants in to pan. Drizzles a tsp oil over eggplants and also
sprinkle some salt over it. Now cover and cook from all the sides till its done.
Turn eggplants after every 5 mts so that it will get cooked evenly.
You may also add little garam masala for spicy taste

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