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Jasmine Barbarin

Mrs. Vickrey
British Lit/1st block
21 October 2015

The Seven Commandments at MHS

Rules shape our society in ways to prevent us from doing bad things, hence giving us bad
consequences for certain actions. There are rules in different places/parts of the world. These
specific rules have impacted the school society of McEachern High School:
Students should not war revealing clothing. Some people believe that it is a distraction to
those trying to learn. If students are caught wearing revealing clothing, they are immediately sent
to In-school suspension.
Students need to be on time for school. When students are late and walk into class late, it
is a distraction to the students, and also takes time for the teacher to get stuff ready for the late
student. If a student is late over 8 times, they will be sent to their administrator and receive
Saturday school.
Students shall not distribute drugs/alcohol on camps. That is a disturbance during school
hours and can possibly send the student to prison. Students have been expelled for this.
Students should respect t all teachers/adults. This rule prevents students from getting
written up and it also teaches them how to be respectful. If a student were to break this rule, they
would be written up for insubordination and set to ISS.

Students should not miss more t6han 10 days of school in a row. It prevents the student
from having to catch up on late work. If a student were to break this rule, they would
automatically be withdrawn from the school.
Students should not leave off campus without a pass during school hours. The students
have to be checked out of school by a parent or legal guardian. If a student leaves off campus
without a pass, they will be sent to their administrator and possibly suspended.
Students should not cause a classroom disturbance. It prevents the rest of the class from
learning. If a student breaks his rule, they are sent to their administrator and written up for a
classroom disturbance.
Every students knows the importance of not breaking these rules. The fear of getting
consequences, is what keeps the society in order. These rules help to keep McEachern High
School in order and to not have students going crazy and doing terrible acts.

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