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Literary Analysis

(Place in portfolio on website in Literary Analysis Tab and submit link to Canvas when all genres have been completed.)

Bibliographic Information: Matht-terpiece, By Greg Tang, Scholastic Inc

Plot: The book begins by taking art from Monet and takes several pieces from it and creates math puzzles
using subtraction, addition, multiplication, and division. There are several other artists paintings that the
author uses.

Setting: No setting

Theme: Using items that are not considered math related and creating math solutions.

Characterization: No characters.

Style: Objective and problem solving. Very informative.

Point of View: Non Narrative. Author provides paintings and math puzzles to go with them.

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)

Very helpful book for beginning math learners. Provides a great way to look outside the box and
efficiently learn math and art history at the same time. Great for kids and adults.

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