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Literary Analysis

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Bibliographic Information: War In The Trenches, By Stewart Ross, Book Wright Press

Plot: The book takes shows and describes the events leading up to World War One and also shows you
how it was resolved. It describes in detail the great world war in Europe and also shows the allies that
were involved. The book begins with the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand and ends with Germany
surrendering. It also goes into detail about the united states involvement in the first world war.

Setting: All of Europe. Particularly, Germany and France.

Theme: No set theme, strictly informational about world war one.

Characterization: Soldiers, Arch Duke Ferdinand,

Style: Objective with sentence variations.

Point of View: All knowing narrator.

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)

War in the trenches explains from top to bottom how world war one began and ended. With great detail
and even better images, I felt like I was able to understand what happened better than I ever have before.
Great informational book for all ages.

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