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Literary Analysis

(Place in portfolio on website in Literary Analysis Tab and submit link to Canvas when all genres have been completed.)

Bibliographic Information: Cornerstones Of Freedom: The Story Of The Battle Of Bull Run By Zachary
Kent, Childrens Press

Plot: The book begins by discussing how and why the civil war in the United States of America began.
This battle was quintessential to the war and was actually a win for the Confederate armies. Both the
union and the confederate armies were inexperienced and many casualties were to be had.

Setting: United states of America, Virginia.

Theme: Information on Civil War in the United States

Characterization: Confederate Army, Union Army, Abraham Lincoln, Irvin Mcdowell, Robert Patterson,
and Joseph E. Johnson.

Style: Objectionable style and very informational. Great sentence variations.

Point of View: All knowing narrator

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)

Very heavy in text and the pictures arent that great. I really learned a lot about the battle I just
felt it was not good for the age it was meant for. The text in the book was very dense with large
vocabulary. This book was meant for 9 year olds.

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