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Literary Analysis

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Bibliographic Information: Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry, By Mildred D. Taylor, Penguin Group
Plot: This plot has five main areas, exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Exposition: In Cassies home town there has been a lot of racial tension between black people and
white people. So much tension that violence has even begun to happen.
Rising Action: Recently there has been many complaints about the only store that black people
can shop at. They are serving alcohol to minors and are causing trouble in the neighborhood. Violence
begins to happen after a boycott begins and someone was shot and beaten.
Climax: Tj who is Staceys best friend decides to rob a store with two other boys. The two other
boys hurt the store owners. Tj threatens to tell but the boys badly beat Tj. He is now blamed for the crime
and face the wrath of the nightmen. They arrive to Tjs home to hang him.
Falling action: Tj is about to be hung but a fire breaks out causing the nightmen to leave. Tj is
apprehended and taken to jail.
Resolution: Cassie finds out that Tj will be on a chain gang or likely be hung.

Setting: Rural Mississippi during the time of the depression.

Theme: This book has several different themes. It covers the theme of race relations and getting along.
This book also looks at how having ownership of something leads to prosperity.


Cassie Logan- Main Character very multidimensional

The Logan Family
Tj Avery
The Wallaces

Style: Very life like conversational text. Some passages are very detailed in the description of certain

Point of View: First person- Cassie Logan

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)

A very intense read for anyone. The author deals with the issue of race in the 1930s very well.
Its a great look into the very raw and turbulent times that plagued this country and still do. I
believe this is a great read for older students in elementary school, although the subject matter is
very upfront and can be somewhat violent.

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