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Literary Analysis

(Place in portfolio on website in Literary Analysis Tab and submit link to Canvas when all genres have been completed.)

Bibliographic Information: A Picture Book of Thurgood Marshall, David Adler, Holiday House

Plot: Starts at the birth of Thurgood Marshall and goes down a timeline with his involvement in the Civil
Rights movement to him being appointed as the first African- American supreme court judge.

Setting: The United States of America, Particularly Washington D.C

Theme: Hard work and determination will get you far.

Characterization: Many different Characters but book mainly focuses on Thurgood Marshall

Style: It is very informative with some sentence variation.

Point of View: All knowing Narrator

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)
Great book for young children ages 6 and up. It provides great pictures and some good facts and statistics
about Thurgood Marshal

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