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Literary Analysis

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Bibliographic Information: Forget-Me-Nots: Poems To Learn By Heart, Mary Ann Oberman, Little
Brown Books For Young Readers.

Plot: The author selects short poems from many different poets with the intention of children learning and
memorizing them.

Setting: No Setting

Theme: To learn and understand that poetry can be learned and loved and all ages.

Characterization: No set Characters.

Style: Pattern and Rhyming style which allows the young readers to be engaged in the poetry.

Point of View: All knowing narrator.

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)
Great poetry anthology for young readers who want to know poetry for themselves. The illustrations go
perfectly with the poems and allow the young reader to associate the poems with the images. I would not
recommend this book for older readers as they may find it uninteresting.

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