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Literary Analysis

(Place in portfolio on website in Literary Analysis Tab and submit link to Canvas when all genres have been completed.)

Bibliographic Information: o Little Women- L. M. Alcott

Plot: A book set right before the civil war this book looks at four sisters and the journey they take at that
time. The sisters live with their mother and their father is a soldier that has gone away to fight. They all
have separate personalities and eventually things become hard with some of the sisters contracting scarlet

Setting: New England during the American Civil War.

Theme: This book looks at the roles that women have in society and how they should be portrayed in it.
Also it looks into paying attention to your own moral standards and how you were raised.


Style: Dense content with great sentence structure. The author uses a wide range of vocabulary but due to
the context clues and the ease of the read it is not hard to follow.

Point of View: Omniscient or All knowing Narrator

Reflections: (What are your impressions? Connections to past or future plans? Insights?, etc.)
Although this is a literary classic and everyone should read this book in their lifetime, I believe that little
women is a little dry and boring. I found it hard to stay focus, however I loved the depth each character
had and the author was able to give an amazing story for each individual.

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