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Question Set #12: Gardner, Ch. 11

1. What two fundamental motifs of warrior-lord art can be seen in
both the Sutton Hoo Purse Lid and the Animal Head Post from the
Viking Ship Burial, Oseburg, Norway?
Both pieces used interwoven writhing animal figures to create a
design pattern.

2. Why were the three Greek letters "chi", "rho", and "iota" so
lavishly decorated in the Book of Kells?
Chi-rho-iota were the three first letters of Christs name in Greek. The
series of letters became known as a symbol for Christ. The Book of
Kells served to spread Christianity to upper Europe, so it would
make sense for the work to lavishly contain the monogram for

3. How is the style of the St. Matthew from the Carolingian

Coronation Gospels different from the style of the St. Matthew
from the Lindesfarne Gospels?
In the Lindesfame Gospels, St. Matthew is illustrated based off a
model from a Christian book imported from Italy. Classical
perspective is used and detail in shading and highlights is not
present. The Coronation Gospels depicts St. Matthew using light
and shade, brushwork, and color to show drapery folds and does
not borrow from the Mediterrean style that the Lindesfame
Gospels St. Matthew was modeled after.

4. What earlier church did Charlemagne use as the model for his
Palatine Chapel at Aachen?
It was modeled after the San Vitale church at Ravenna.

5. What architectural feature appears between the nave arcade and

the clerestory in the Ottonian church of St. Cyriakus in Gernrode?
A gallery is between the nave arcade and the clerestory, either to
house additional altars or the singers from the churchs choir.

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