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LX Equipment Itinerary

1 x ETC Eos Desk (In House)

2 x Martin Mac 700 profile 364 a week
4 x Martin Mac 700 wash 608 a week
9 x Martin Mac Viper Profile 2016 a week
1 x Avolites art 4000 dimmer rack 464 a week
4 x Robert Juliat 613 SX 936 to purchase
20 x Robert Juliat 710 SX2 (In House)
3 x Robert Juliat 329 Fresnal (In House)
2 x Robert Juliat Aramis Follow Spot (In House)

1 x White LED star cloth 112 a week
4 x Cirro Strata fog machine 672 a week

2 x Metro intercom talkback kit 720 a week

Power adaptors
10 x Chroma Q Mk1 P64 Colour Scroller
H30V Truss for rigging

500 a week

LX Engineer 1000 a week
LX deputy engineer 450 a week

Hire Equipment from Stage Electrics - 5456
Equiment purchased - 936
Technicians Fee - 1450
Total Cost - 7842

All prices from stage electrics a company credited to many

west end, touring and rep shows. Technicians will be
provided by White Light Ltd.

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