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Shake hands firmly,
introduce yourself politely.

Wear nametags on the right (when

you extend to shake with right
hands, its natural to look at the
right side or their body)

Introduce your
acquaintances with
thoughtful detail

Focus on conversation:
avoid wandering eyes or
looking at guests or cell

Table Topics
Refer to the conversation
starters located at your table
to put your conversation
skills to practice

Remember to use eye

contact, smile and be
appropriate (e.g. not too
personal) in your responses

Consider "off-limits"
topics and avoid
them or else you'll
make others

Topics to avoid
Height, weight,
clothing size, age,
mental and physical
health and marital
situations are other
topics to avoid.

Keep your conversation

professional and stay
away from gossip

Whether you are with

clients or coworkers,
don't discuss politics
or religion

Advises staying
away from
personal topics

Don't tell jokes that could

be interpreted as racist,
sexist or otherwise offcolor.

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