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Calling ALL Prayer Warriors!

As some of you may or may not know, Renton is preparing

to open it’s first ‘Totally Nude Strip Club’,
as reported in the Renton Reporter.

This club will be hiring and open to anyone 18 or older.

Young women will be visually prostituting themselves to young and old, men and women.
These are someone’s daughters, sisters and mothers.

Are you willing to make a stand?

Regardless of denomination, as one CHURCH, and believers in Jesus Christ, let us come
together in agreement through prayer to rebuke this activity in Renton. Please gather your
Pastors, prayer teams, neighbors, family and friends to come down and stand up against
this ‘cancer’ coming to our city. Let us show by numbers that we want Renton to continue to
be a respectable city for families of ALL ages to live in. If you would like to speak at the
meeting, be early and review the guidelines on the next page to help you prepare. If the
Council Chambers are too full for all of us, the rest of us can peacefully gather around the
City Hall Building for a prayer walk around the building while they are meeting.

The Renton City Council will be meeting

7:00pm, Monday, March 22 at Renton City Hall
(1055 S. Grady Way, 7th Floor in Council Chambers)
to hold a public hearing to consider declaring a moratorium on the permitting of adult
entertainment businesses for a period of six months and assess whether change or
measured action is necessary to the existing ordinance. (which has not been revised for
the past 25 years).
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of
the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. ~ Ephesians 6:12 KJV
As copied from the City of Renton Web Site:

Audience Participation
Audience participation is encouraged at all Council meetings. There are two opportunities during the regular Council meetings
(identified as "Audience Comment" on the agenda) for citizens to address the Council on any subject matter. Comments are
limited to five minutes per speaker. The first audience comment is limited in duration to 30 minutes.

During the first audience comment period, citizens may request Council to suspend the regular order of business and advance
to any item, such as a pending committee report or agenda item, which may not otherwise be presented until much later in
the meeting.

Suggestions for Speakers

• When you are recognized by the Presiding Officer, please walk to the podium and state your name and city of residence
for the record, spelling your last name.
• Please limit your remarks to no more than five minutes.
• If someone else has made the same points, simply indicate your support or disagreement.
Indicate if you want to be notified of any future meetings regarding a specific subject, and assure the City
Clerk has your contact information.

Public Hearing/Meeting Procedure

Public hearings and public meetings are scheduled at the beginning of the regular Council meeting. Following a brief presen-
tation by staff, audience comment will be invited. Comments will be limited to five minutes per person. The following sugges-
tions will assist in presenting precise, well-organized comments:

• Purpose: What is the idea you wish to present? Begin with an "I" statement outlining your idea, such as, "I am here to
• Reason: Why are you making this point? This is an important step so the listener does not misunderstand your motives.
• Example: A brief and relevant example will clarify and make your point.
• Summary: What condition will be changed or improved if your point is adopted?
• Action: (If appropriate, depending on the situation.) What needs to be done and who will do it?

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