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Sinem is one of my classmates whom i like to see as a teacher. Especially

last term i really realized the improvement in her teaching skills. She was
really confident as if she were teaching for years. However, in speaking
demo, she was nervous may be due to being the first presenter. Like we
always say: ‘’ the first the worst (i mean unlucky), the last the best in
presentations!’’ so she was enthusiastic but nervous

…and I think there is not much eye contact. Sometimes, she looked at only
one side or one student for a long time. I believe it stems from

While giving instruction for the game, she also gave a sample in order to
clarify the situation and this helped me understand the game better, I
liked it.

The game was good but a bit difficult. I think the weakest point was that
each group focused on the clues they would give to their detectives, so
they didn’t listen to other groups. For example ’’I’’ couldn’t follow what
was going on because I was trying to find clues while others were

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