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The term "weapon of mass destruction" (WMD) is used to describe a

variety of weapons that share two key features: their potential for largescale destruction and the indiscriminate nature of their effects against
civilians. There are three major types of WMD: nuclear weapons,
chemical warfare agents, and biological warfare agents.
WMD's pose an unprecedented number of challenges to peace and
security. Over the past century, various countries have stockpiled lethal
arsenals of WMD's and the materials to produce them.
The response of one country, when another has bombed it with WMD's,
is to fire back. Now because of the destructive powers of these weapons,
both countries will have millions dead, never minding the consequences
of ally countries joining in the battle.
Decimating all in its way with powers beyond control, weapons of mass
destruction cannot be justified. It is a war crime able to wipe out the
entire world and it takes away the civilized, humane aspect.

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