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ibroadenomas Description: They are the non-cancerous breast tumors commonly occurring now days in the adolescent girls & women under age of 30. Patient complains of @ firm, smooth, rubbery lump under the skin which is usually painless Typically it is of a size of a marble but may enlarge during pregnancy & breast feeding. The exact cause of Fibroademonas is unknown. It can be due to the abnormal secretion or activity of reproductive hormones Fibroademonas are tending to decrease in size after menopause when Estrogen secretion isreduced. Breasts are made up of Lobules (Milk producing glands), Glandular (Fibrous supporting tissues & Fat mass) & Tubular (ducts) tissues. When the Glandular & Tubular tissues grow over the Lobules they form a solid lump or extra mass in the breast. Diagnosis: Overgrowing tissues = Heat & Hotness excessive (Growth & Optimization) Lumps, Stones or Tumor: oldness Excessive (Storage) Estrogen = Coldness Excessive (Reproductive hormone) Menopause = Coldness Deficiency (Reproductive system) Treatment: Shrinkage of overgrowing tissue = Dryness tonification (Declining Act) Gathering = Humidity Sedation (Accumulation) 3: Knee Arthritis, Description: itis an inflammatory disorder caused by the infection or degeneration in the joint. Often susceptible joints are Knees, Ankles & Feet. Common symptoms of arthritis are Joint Pain, inflamed and / or swollen joint painful movement, Heel Pain, Swollen Fingers/Toes, Pain in Lower Back/Buttocks, Painful/inflamed urination. Sometimes eyes, skin & urinary tract inflammation add up to the symptoms but disappear in 48 1072 hours. There are over 100s of types of arthritis; some common are: Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Lupus, Gout, Pseudo gout etc. Arthritis can be the result of the occupational hazards. Overuse of joints may result in early degeneration of cartilage & bone tissue. Patients feel better with Alternate Hot-Cold application or ane of them Also the pain & swelling subsides with gentle massage stimulations. Diagnosis Inflammatior = Heat Excessive (Join warm to touch +4) Swelling = Humidity Excessive (Swelling, Logging ++) Painful Movement = Wind Excessive (Movement ++) Treatment: Feels good with Ice Pack = Coldness Tonification (Anti-inflammatory) Feels good with Massage = Dryness Tonification (Better with pressure) Immobilization = Wind Sedation (Painful movement) 2: Acromegaly Description: Itis a hormonal disorder that develops when the Pituitary gland produces excessive Growth Hormone during adutthood. It increases the size of the bones of appendages and face. In children, if it happens in growing stages then it is called as Gigantism. When GH is secreted by the Pituitary gland, it triggers the liver to produce Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF-1) ultimately stimulating the growth of Bones. Excessive IGF-1 can cause abnormal production of soft tissues & skeleton, Some of the known symptoms of Acromegaly are Headache, Impaired vision, Tumors near Brain tissues or Lungs or Pancreas or Adrenal Glands. In some cases, tumors produce a hormone called as Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) that stimulates Pituitary gland to produce excess Growth Hormone. iagnosis: Excessive production = Hotness excessiveness (Optimum output ++) Hormone Activity = Heat Excessive (Activity ++) Hormone stimulating tumors = Humidity Excessive (Potential building ++) ‘Treatment: Declining act = Dryness Tonification ‘Shutdown or End Process = Coldness Tonification Initiation of Process = Wind Sedation ‘This zigzag of diagnosis & treatment will run along Wind — Humidity Axis, 1: Adenomyosis Description: It is the thickening & transformation of the endometrial tissues in the uterus into muscular walls after late years of childbirth. The condition disappears automatically after menopause. Exact cause of the disorder is unknown but some experts say it happens due to the invasion of ‘endometrial cells into the muscular layer of the uterus. It can be due to the deposition of endometrial cells where the uterus is first formed in the female fetus. As per stem cells theory, bone marrow stem cells may invade the uterine muscles causing Adenomyosis. Chemical diagnostics reveal that the condition disappears with the decreased secretion of estrogen at menopause. Prolonged menstrual bleeding, cramping pain during menstruation (dysmenortheal), painful intercourse, passing blood clots during menstruation, bleeding between periods, enlargement of uterus, tenderness of lower abdomen are the common symptoms. Diagnosis: ‘Thickening & Transformation = Metal excessiveness (Transformation ++) Excessive Metal cuts down the Wood, thus decreasing the secretion of Estrogen resulting in the disappearance of Adenomyosis. Treatment: Decreased! secretion of Estrogen = Wood Tonification ‘Warm bath relieves the discomfort = Fi Anti-inflammatory Medication relieves discomfort = Water Tonification Cross Linked (Butterfly Wings Shaped) Relationship between Six Ki terete Sioa Wind - Humidity Zigzag Heat - Dryness Zigzag _ Hotness - Coldness Zigzag Axial Relationship (See-Saw / Yin-Yang) between Six Ki Brain Spinal Cord Heart Small Intestine Spleen Stomach Liver Gall Bladder Lungs Large Intestine Kidney Urinary Bladder ‘SKY - HUMAN - EARTH’ Theory of Flow of Energy Expansion Expansion Side Side Front Side Back Side (Contraction Side) (Expansion Side) ds\o? \o/ es Contraction F Contraction Side K Side Integrated Treatment Points of Insect System with Byol Meridians, Zone Sujok Ki and Byol Chakr: v7 v8 V1 V7 ve v1 Lu. Br. Ht. V7 v8 V4 v7 Ve Vt Sp. Liv. K. K. Liv. Sp. Ht. Br. Lu. Index Middle Finger Finger Finger Finger Left Hand YIN/FRONT SIDE. Six Ki Application Points in Byol Meridians (as per the locations of Byol Chakra in Insect System) Hotness Hotness Heat Heat Wind Wind Humidity Humidity q Dryness f Dryness Coldness Coldness Flow] | | Above | Chakra: Adnya Chakra: Vishuddha Chakra: Anahata Digphragm| Energy: Hotness Energy: Heat Energy: Wind Below =| Chakra: Menipure Chakra: Swadhishthana Chakra: Muladhara Diaphragm) Energy Humdty Energy: Dryness Energy: Coldness Hotness Heat Wind Humidity Dryness Coldness FLOW Six Ki Application Points in Byol Meridians (ees etter tet tee tee ek | ten | te eee ee Left Left Left Left Index Finger Middle Finger Middle Finger Index Finger Yin Side Yin Side Yang Side Yang Side Coldness Dryness Humidity Wind Heat Hotness Five Elements Application Points in Byol Meridians Wood Fire Earth Metal Water i Left Index Finger Yang Side Metal Water Wood Fire Earth CREATION & DESTRUCTION CYCLE: The manifestation of Five Elements in Human Body is well explained in 'Huang Di Nei Jing’ — Ancient Chinese Medical Text. The Five Elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal & Water are related in two cyclic sequences which are termed as: 1.Creation Cycle 2.Destruction Cycle In the Creation cycle, Wood feeds Fire becomes ash and forms Earth; Metal forms in the Earth, and Water springs up from Metal. Water nourishes Wood; and the cycle continues. In the Destruction cycle, Wood penetrates Earth while growing, displaced Earth dams the flowing Water, Water extinguishes Fire, Fire melts Metal Axe, Metal cuts Wood and the cycle continues. As both the Creation & Destruction cycles are going on simultaneously; a continuous making - breaking process runs throughout the time. OVERVIEW OF FIVE ELEMENTS THEORY TABLE NO. 01 Element | Season | Colour | Taste Life Yin Yang Organs Stages Oreans Wood |Sorine [Green | saur Childhood | Liver | Gall Bladder Fire Summer |Red | Pungent | Teenage | Heart | Small intestine Brain | Spinal Cord Earth | Rainv Yellow _| sweet Adulthood | Spleen_| stomach Metal [Autumn [White | Astringent | Maturitv | lunes | Large Intestine water | winter__| Black __[ sattv Storaze | Kidnev | Urinary Bladder TABLE NO. 02 Element | Sense | Body | Sounds | Emotions | Body | Biophysical Oreans _| Fluids Tissue_| processes Wood | Eves Tears | Shoutine | Anger Musde | Workabilitv Fire Tongue | Sweat | Laughing | Jov Blood | Combusting Earth | Mouth | Lvmoh | Singing | Anxiety _| Flesh _| Nutrition Metal | Nose Mucus | Weenina | Sadness | skin | Malleabilitv Water__| Ears Saliva_| Moaning_| Fear Bone_| Fluidity TABLE NO. 03 Liv. The SIX KI THEORY Ki/Qi7Chi mean Energy. Energy is the capacity to perform work. Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to the other; as such, the total amount of energy inthe universe always remains constant. Six Ki is the theory of Diagnosis & Treatment with "Six Energies’ namely; Wind Heat, Hotness, Humidity, Dryness and Coldness. Six ki has a foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine based on Five Elements Theory. It is an upgraded version of Five Elements Theory. One who knows Five Elements Diagnosis (Creation & Destruction Cycle) can diagnose the Six Ki in at better precision. YIN - YANG THEORY: It is believed that the universe was originally in the fundamental silence without forces; Yin & Yang are the two forces responsible to resolve the universe in Negative & Positive changes. However, these forces are equal and opposite; they are constantly interacting with each other; thus balancing the universe. This balance is never stable; when one increases the other proportionally decreases. Itis the harmony & antagonism at the same time. Example: Two sides of a coin, Two genders of organisms, Two poles of the Earth, Potential & Kinetic Energies etc. Structural & Functional Branch Six Ki: Continuing with the same example; Branch Six Ki is of TWO types- the Structural type & the Functional Type. The Functional type Six Ki of the Ducts of the Heartis: Example: Coronary Artery, Pulmonary Artery and Aorta; and Superior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Vein, Inferior Vena Cava are the major ducts of the Heart. These Six ducts can be categorized into Six Kias: CirculatorySystem =HeatEnergy Heart Meridian /Organ = Heat Energy Select Heart Meridian, Rent Heat point; open Small Intestine Meridian. In Small Intestine meridian, Wind = Coronary Artery (Blood Supply to Heart) Heat = Pulmonary Vein (Return from Lungs) Hotness = Aorta (Starting point ofArterial System) Humidity = Superior Vena Cava (Return from Upper Body) Dryness = Pulmonary Artery (Oxygen Assimilatory Artery) Coldness= Inferior Vena Cava (Return from Lower Body) Note: Compare with the previous example to understand the two types of Branch Six Ki. Renting (Branch) Six Ki: Renting means to stimulate a point & entre the system of that point. Renting leads to branch Six Ki; giving access to treat at a subtle level without dissection; but just by Acupuncture, Colour & Magnet Therapy, Twist Therapy etc. To rent a point, one has to know the constitutions of the Six Points of both the Systems; a host (main) system & the branch (temporary) system. Example: Coronary Artery, Pulmonary Artery and Aorta; and Superior Vena Cava, Pulmonary Vein, Inferior Vena Cava are the major ducts of the Heart. These Six ducts can be categorized into Six Kias: CirculatorySystem =HeatEnergy Heart Meridian/ Organ =Heat Energy Select Heart Meridian, Rent Heat point; open Small Intestine Meridian. In Small Intestine meridian, Wind = Aorta (Starting point of Arterial System) Heat = Pulmonary Artery (Oxygen Assimilatory Artery) Hotness = Coronary Artery (Blood Supply to Heart) Humidity = Superior Vena Cava (Return from Upper Body) Dryness = Pulmonary Vein (Return from Lungs) Coldness= Inferior Vena Cava (Return from Lower Body)

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