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I am xitlali. I live in Celaya.

My personality is funny
,interesting and inconditional, I bad of me is I lazy,
serious and aggressive.
I like to eat red fruits.
I run every weekend in the morning around the park.
In my neigboor. There are two grosery store. Thee are
five coffe internets also there are two book store and
name is fraccionamiento los olivos.
. I like to read, listen to music,draw and swim.
I love chocolate. I hate the spiders, rats and snakes.
I have three sister s and my parents died three years
ago so I live alone.
My youngest sister s name is ERIKA. She is Slim ad
average size.
She has a big eye and he reye are light Brown and
My younger sister s name is GABY. She has big eye
and he eye are hazel. She is shot, chubby and strong.
She is freinly.
My oldest sister s name is LIDIA. She is tall, chubby
and White. She has dark hair and long hair. She is
agressive. I do not get alone with her.
My boyfriend s name Rigoberto. He is funny. He is a
very nice person. I love him very much. Thank you for
listen me

The end.

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